February 23, 2025

AstroPay, a leading provider of online payment solutions in the fast money transfer field, has confirmed the launch of a new global affiliate programme.
Affiliate marketing allows marketers to recruit new customers for a business and then share in the proceeds of that new customer’s conversion, whether through a fixed referral fee or by splitting the revenue that that customer pays to the end business.
The new service is expected to be offered in several locations around the world, including Europe, Asia, Latin America and Africa.
It is thought that the service will give affiliate marketers the chance to get access to special deals that will let them build their income streams.
The revenue share commission levels are around 20%, the firm said.
In a statement, Leonardo Alonso, the head of affiliates at AstroPay, said that he was excited about the new programme.
Alonso said that he was “excited to see our new programme go live”.
“The Affiliate Programme is a new way of doing business with AstroPay. All those who are professionally dedicated to affiliate marketing will be very welcome, and we look forward to working together and rewarding partners with a robust partnership that provides added value through an alternative way to continue growing their business,” he explained.
AstroPay is a rapidly growing organisation in the online money transfer sector and is building its profile and prestige.
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