October 17, 2024

[Author:  Noreen Fishman]
If obtaining new business and contributing to your firm’s bottom line is part of your job, then you already know that digital marketing is crucial to growth. Online marketing in all its forms is essential to appealing to the 4 billion global internet users. Effective digital marketing will help you to reach a larger audience, engage prospects, and turn prospects into leads. Here’s our latest list of online law firm marketing tactics to try.online law firm marketing
It’s critical to understand the people searching for your firm online. Many people know this but don’t really hold themselves accountable. Schedule time every month to perform research and discuss with the business development team. Your best content ideas will probably come directly from real clients and prospects. 
Your online law firm marketing efforts will be more impactful if you match the content offered to particular moments in the clients’ journey. For example, it doesn’t really make sense to target someone in the very early awareness stage with an offer for a consultation. Similarly, if someone is ready to meet with your attorneys, then just sending educational blog posts might not be a fit. 
People don’t want to read promotional content selling your firm. This can be alienating to those who aren’t ready to engage your firm just yet. Take the time to learn about what people are truly interested in and what challenges they are trying to overcome. Develop content that aligns those interests with what your firm offers. 
Just obtaining new clients isn’t enough. A bulk of a law firm’s revenue is composed of repeat business. Rather than being focused on short-term client acquisition, look for new ways to delight clients throughout their relationship with your firm. Marketing should focus on generating demand as well as other client-centric campaigns, like client alerts.
If you’d like some help on creating client alerts that are a valuable resource for your clients, check out this free webinar: Best Practices for Client Alerts Webinar.
A law firm should have thought leadership in order to build up credibility and share expertise. Along with blogging for those purposes, you should incorporate SEO elements whenever possible. Make SEO part of your topic selection and content writing process. 
online law firm marketing
Review performance but keep context in mind. What is the overall journey someone is taking to get to the point where they see your ad? For example, in order to see Google Adwords, someone had to search for the keyword you chose. Then it would have to resonate and have them click, and then they would need to feel compelled by the landing page. If your ad isn’t performing well, then you need to see if there’s a disconnect between what someone is searching for, the messaging you are showing them, and the landing page
People’s preferences are constantly shifting. It’s important that you are agile and can make changes to your online law firm marketing strategy as needed in order to connect with possible clients. For example, if your clients are very active on LinkedIn right now, make sure to invest properly in the platform. However, if a new platform emerges, you may need to make new campaigns in a new format. 
As you launch multi-channel campaigns, make sure that design is consistent across each medium. Tie together creative elements and messaging so that there is a thread connecting everything throughout your campaign. 
Traditionally, marketing has been responsible for attracting leads and then passing them off. But what happens once leads make it to the business development team? And then what happens as they move from a lead into an engagement? If you review the entire client lifecycle, chances are you’ll find places where digital marketing can add value. 
Backlinks are a major ranking factor for Google. They are important to building your online authority and reputation. As you create new content on relevant topics, share the content in as many ways as you can. Network with people in your industry and consistently track who is linking back to your content. This is something SEO experts often know, but neglect to spend time on. Recommit to a backlink strategy to improve your current content efforts. 
Personalization will help to differentiate your content and create a more unique experience for clients. From email to an online portal experience, seek out ways to customize experiences for clients and prospects. There are a variety of tools available to help you personalize everything from dynamic web pages to social media advertising. 
As you execute various campaigns, chances are you will see things that could be working better. Don’t be afraid to test, to try other ways, and to try new things. This is true for everything from internal processes to specific digital campaigns. For example, if your email programs aren’t getting the engagement that you hoped for, test out creative subject lines that could boost your open rates. 
There is no shortage of online law firm marketing strategies and tactics at your disposal. These tips are a great place to start if you need to refresh your online marketing program.
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