March 3, 2025

The idea of starting a business is still one of the significant dreams of many aspiring entrepreneurs. Even young people are eager to make an impression and sell their clever product or service to the masses. However, when it comes to business success, it is wise to start sooner than later so you can learn from the ground up, fix mistakes, and see what works. This way, you can have success in your adult life.
Since most budding entrepreneurs often start from scratch, it is often necessary to start the business out of their home. Your work-from-home habits may have to change to accommodate anyone you’re living with, such as your parents and siblings. Further, if you live with a large or multigenerational family, it may seem nearly impossible to get things done in your home office. If this is your situation, then worry not. We are here to tell you that it is possible, and we have tips you can use to build your enterprise while living with your parents.
To start a business from home, you need to be in the right mindset. Some young people get down on themselves if they continue to live with their parents as they get older, but it is essential to realize that many perks can help you and your business. First, you likely have access to home-cooked meals, cheap or free rent, and maybe even a family car that you can borrow at will. Not only are those nice things to have in general, but you can funnel extra funds into your business instead of those living expenses.
In addition to the business aspect, there are other great benefits of multigenerational households and living with your parents that can make quite a difference in your life. Most important is the family bond you will continue to have, which will be important when times get tough. Your loved ones will always be there for you, and that safety net may enable you to take more significant risks with your business that could pay off big time. On top of that, if you have kids, then your mother, aunt, or grandma is probably thrilled to take care of them while you are performing essential tasks for your business. Plus, you will always have someone to talk to when you need mental support.
It’s important to remember that you do not need to work out of a corporate office to start a company. Many great at-home business ideas are perfect for getting started. For instance, you could work in website development, dropship items for companies like Amazon, or sell crafts you produce online. You only need a home office to complete these tasks, so there is no reason to rush out of your family home.
Of course, there are downsides to living in a crowded home. For example, if you don’t adequately plan your workspace, then you could be distracted by family members or general noise throughout the day. You can remedy this by working out of a separate office and equipping that space properly to be as productive as possible.
You need to start with the right furniture, including a proper chair. The right support will help you avoid back and neck pain and put you in a position that will keep you upright and more productive throughout the day. You should also consider a desk with ample storage via drawers, shelves, and filing cabinets. If you cannot afford or fit a large desk at this time, then at least get a separate filing cabinet to keep your paperwork safe and protected.
Even better, consider a paper-free office where you upload all of your files onto your computer and send emails instead of physical letters. Finally, ensure a backup server is in place so you never lose your documentation.
You should also set up your workspace to take advantage of nature’s natural productivity perks. For instance, you should put your desk as close to a window as possible to use natural light to see your work without wasting electricity. Natural light is also healthy and can help you fight off anxiety. Pair that glorious illumination with a couple of house plants because greenery is also helpful for increasing productivity.
Next, you need to set some ground rules for yourself and your family to accomplish your daily goals. For example, be polite when talking to your loved ones and mention to them when you plan to have your working hours. Kindly ask that you are not disturbed during that particular part of the day.
Also, you must set ground rules to avoid distractions during the day. Watching a sports game out with the family during the workday can be tempting, but if that cuts into your reports and vendor calls, your business will not grow how you would like. Try to work in an area that doesn’t have a television and avoid listening to loud music that will prevent you from thinking clearly.
Of course, you should always take your lunch and breaks during the day. Use that time to hang out with your family in the backyard or take a walk. The fresh air is good for you and will help you return to work feeling refreshed.
If you have a significant project to complete or need equipment that your family may not possess, it might be a good idea to get out of the house and work from a coworking space.
A coworking space is an office-esque environment where you can work with other remote professionals. These locations are great because you will have access to office equipment like printers and fax machines. You can even rent a private office if you absolutely cannot be disturbed. You can work there for a day or the rest of the year, whatever you need. This allows you to live with your parents and also get the quiet time that you require.
Finally, if you hope to get any work done in your crowded family home, then you need to set goals for your daily work that you can accomplish without pushing yourself too far. Create a schedule on Microsoft Outlook or hang a whiteboard on your office wall. List every objective you have for the day and how long each project should take. Then, stick to that schedule. If you can’t complete a task today, set some time to work on it tomorrow. Remember that you cannot build a business in one day.
In addition to holding yourself accountable to complete your tasks, you must also ensure that you are affording yourself a proper work-life balance. Unfortunately, many people who work remotely often find themselves in the trap of working longer hours when they are already at home since they don’t have a long commute at the end of the day. However, you must not let your job rule your life. Instead, create set working hours and make sure to log off and turn off the computer simultaneously every night. Also, keep your work phone and email in the office and avoid working when you should be spending time with family.
As you can see, it is very possible to start a business even if you live in a crowded or multigenerational home. Living with your parents when starting a business can often even be advantageous. Consider these tips, stick to your schedule, and you can accomplish your goals.
Featured Image Credit: Photo by Ave Calvar; Provided by the Author; Unsplash; Thank you!
Amanda Winstead is a writer from the Portland area with a background in communications and a passion for telling stories. Along with writing she enjoys traveling, reading, working out, and going to concerts. If you want to follow her writing journey, or even just say hi you can find her on Twitter.


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