March 4, 2025

Samuel Pressure Vessel Group and the Tavern League of Marinette County have announced their support for a promising future for the children of Marinette and Menominee Counties. Each has provided a $3,000 contribution to the M&M Area Community Foundation’s Future Fund children’s savings account program! These donations will be used to “adopt” the first and second grade classes which will add a $5 incentive to every student’s account in these grades at schools throughout the Foundation’s two-county service area.
Starting with the 2019 – 2020 school year, kindergarten students across Marinette and Menominee Counties had a $50 deposit-only Future Fund savings account established for them by the Community Foundation. Future Fund accounts grow by additional deposits from the Community Foundation during every year of students’ K-12 careers. The Future Fund provides an opportunity for every child to feel valued, expand their financial literacy skills, and imagine what tomorrow will bring when the time comes to consider their future beyond high school.
“Our members want to show our support for the communities in which we do business. We want the public to know we believe the future depends on the choices and opportunities we create for our kids,” said Brigette Buyarski, President of the Marinette County Tavern League.
The Community Foundation is looking for an organization to adopt this year’s third-grade class through a contribution of $6,000 to the Future Fund. This will allow each third-grade student across Marinette and Menominee Counties to receive a $10 incentive for their savings account.
For more information on how to give back to our communities via the Future Fund, please contact Paula Gruszynski at 906-864-3599. Checks for this Fund may be mailed to the MMACF at 1110 10th Avenue, Suite L-1, Menominee, MI 49858 or made online at
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