By Kirstin Weaver – For PCDL
EATON — Fall storytime registration in Eaton opens Sept. 1 and runs Oct. 5-Nov. 10. Registration is required. Call the Eaton Branch at 937-456-4331 or email youthservicesat preblelibrary.org to register.
Mother Goose Storytime (birth-age 3): Wednesdays or Thursdays at 10:30 a.m.
Eaton Library Mice Preschool Storytime (age 3-Pre-K): Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. or Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. or 4:45 p.m.
After School Crew Storytime (age 6-12): Thursdays at 4:45 p.m.
Family Storytimes (all ages) — Eaton Branch on Sept. 8 and 15 at 6 p.m.
Join us for an evening family storytime! We’ll enjoy stories, activities, dancing, and more. We’ll close out the program with a fun craft.
New: Grab & Go Crafts Are Back – All branches
Grab & Go Kits have returned and are available at all branches unless noted otherwise. Contact your local branch to reserve a kit while supplies last.
Kids: Pointillism
Teens: Needle Felting
Each kit includes instructions and materials to complete each craft.
New: Weekly Teen Programs at the Eaton Branch
On Tuesdays at 3:30 p.m., teens in grades 6-12 can come to the Eaton Branch to enjoy activities such as coloring and simple crafting, board games, video games, and more! These programs are designed to be self-led. Registration is encouraged. To register, visit the Eaton Branch or call 937-456-4331.
Sept. 6: Tie Dye
Sept. 13: Anime Club
Sept. 20: Weird Foods
Sept. 27: Teen Book Club – Minor Prophets by Jimmy Cajoleas
New: Fall into a new craft!
The Preble County District Library offers various adult craft and social programs in September at several of our locations throughout Preble County.
Tuesday, Sept. 6 at West Alexandria at 5:30 p.m.: Farmhouse Signs
Tuesday, Sept. 6 at Eaton at 6:30 p.m.: Terra Cotta Pot Candles
Wednesday, Sept. 7 at West Manchester at 4:30 p.m.: Apple Jars
Thursday, Sept. 8 at Eldorado at 4:30 p.m.: Apple Jars
Tuesday, Sept. 20 at New Paris at 6 p.m.: Seed Mosaic
New: National Library Card Sign Up Month – West Alexandria Branch
Visit the West Alexandria Branch during September and sign up for a library card or update/verify your card information. Everyone who signs up for a new library card or updates their information will receive a FREE tote while supplies last. Make sure to fill your tote bag by checking out books, audiobooks, movies, music, magazines, comics and more!
New: Tween Filmmakers Club! – Eaton Branch on Wednesdays at 4:15 p.m.
One of our favorite programs is back in session! Tween Filmmakers Club is an excellent opportunity for aspiring creatives. This intensive production project guides a group of tweens (age 8-12) through creating a short film — from storyboard to cinematography and costume design to editing.
All TFC members should be prepared for a lot of hard work! While making a movie is fun, our focus is on education and experience. Weekly attendance is crucial to the film’s success, and work outside of meetings is encouraged.
In this program, students may gain experience in storyboarding, writing, sewing, acting, directing, prop-making, camera operation, editing with Sony Movie Studio software, and more!
Space is limited to only a few dedicated members.
New: Puzzle Room! – Eaton Branch on Monday, Sept. 12, at 6 p.m.
Relive your Summer Camp years with this immersive puzzle room experience for adults! Something strange is happening at Camp. It’s up to the campers to discover the truth behind Cabin 13 before the counselors return. Put your detective skills to use to solve the mystery before the time is up!
New: Coffee, Books and More! – Eaton Branch on Tuesday, Sept. 13, at 6 p.m.
Join us for our monthly book discussion group! Rather than reading one book and sharing our thoughts about it, this is a chance for you to tell everyone about what you’re reading and what you think of it. Meetings will include short book descriptions, discussion questions, book recommendations, and – most importantly – coffee! We will meet on the second Tuesday of every month.
New: Touchdown! Football Family Night – West Alexandria Branch on Tuesday, Sept. 13, at 5:30 p.m.
Calling all football fans!! Show your team spirit by making football crafts, show off your touchdown celebration dance and even take a packet of fun football activities home with you to do while you cheer on your favorite team during the next big game. Reservations are recommended but not required. RSVP at the West Alexandria Branch or call 937-533-4095.
New: Community Chalk Day – District-wide on Friday, Sept. 16
Sept. 16 is Preble County Community Chalk Day! Decorate your sidewalks, driveways, and parking lots with positive messages and pictures using sidewalk chalk! This is a community-wide event for Preble County. Businesses, organizations, families, and individuals are encouraged to participate.
How to celebrate:
· Pick up a free chalk pack! These will be available to families at all PCDL branches while supplies last, from September 12-16 in advance of the program.
· Create a work of art! Draw pictures and write kind words outside of your home, business, or school.
· Send photos to youthservicesat preblelibrary.org, or share your pictures with us online using #PrebleChalk2022.
· Take a family walk around your neighborhood to see if you can find other artwork!
New: Eaton Book Sale – Eaton Branch on Sept. 17- 24
The Eaton Branch Book Sale is back! It will run for one week, September 17-September 24. Get to the library early for the best selection of fiction, nonfiction, young adult, children’s books, CDs, and DVDs! There are no set prices, and all sales are through donation only. Grab what you want and give as much as you can. All funds raised support the Eaton Branch.
New: Social Stitch – Eaton Branch on Monday, Sept. 19 at 6 p.m.
Do you enjoy activities such as knitting, crocheting, or embroidery? Please bring your own fiber arts project and join us for drop-in style meetings on the third Monday of each month. We provide a casual atmosphere (and refreshments!) for collective crafting. All skill levels are welcome! While this program is open to adults, it is geared towards our Emerging Adults, 18- to 30-year-olds.
New: All About Google – Eaton Branch on Tuesday, Sept. 20, at 6 p.m.
You’ve used Google for searching, but it has many other features you may not be familiar with! We will discuss Google Docs, adding events to the Google Calendar, finding directions on Google Maps, and so forth. You will need a Gmail account for this class; if you don’t have one, please let the reference librarian know. Class size is limited to 5. Some computer experience is required.
New: Homeschool Hour: Mycology – Eaton Branch on Wednesday, Sept. 21, at 3 p.m.
Our home-educated students are invited to learn about mushrooms! This science lesson will cover several fun facts about studying some fantastic fungus. Register at the Eaton Branch or call 937-456-4331.
New: After School Fun – Camden Branch on Wednesday, Sept. 21 at 6 p.m.
Visit the Camden Branch for fun activities, crafts and games. Snacks will be provided.
New: Hobbit Door Wreath – Eaton Branch on Thursday, Sept. 22, at 6 p.m.
Want to spruce up your decor for Hobbit Day? Adventure to the Eaton Branch and create your own whimsical hobbit door wreath! All materials will be provided. Registration is required.
New: Build Something New with LEGO Club
Let your imagination run wild as Preble County District Library hosts LEGO Club. LEGO Club is kids and teens to show off their Master Builder skills. If you bring LEGOs from home, please label them in a container with your child’s name.
West Elkton LEGO Contest: Thursday, Sept. 22, at 4 p.m.
West Alexandria LEGO Club: Saturday, Sept. 24, at noon.
New: Antiques Evaluation Session – Eaton Branch on Saturday, Sept. 24, at 1 p.m.
Join local antique dealers Chris Reke and Keith Kelley for a free antique evaluation event at the Eaton Library! You may bring a maximum of two items* to be evaluated.
Note: legally, this will be considered an evaluation of the items. The dealers can give you information on current market value, whether in a shop or internet/auction format, but no formal written appraisal will take place per appraisal laws. Please do not come expecting a formal appraisal of your items.
*For this purpose, a matched set of items (for instance, a set of dishes) counts as one item.
New: September Teen Book Club – Minor Prophets by Jimmy Cajoleas – Tuesday, Sept. 27, at 3:30 p.m.
Welcome Teen Book Club! Grades 6-plus can request a free copy from their branch here: http://bit.ly/pcdltbc. Read the book and join us on August 30 at 3:30 p.m. outside of the Eaton Branch for a discussion!
· Some snacks are provided, but you are also welcomed to bring your own.
· Our discussions are casual. You’re not being graded. There is no right or wrong answer. There is no pressure to have everything understood & figured out before you arrive at Book Club. It’s okay if you didn’t like the book or didn’t ‘get’ the book. Different perspectives make discussion more fun!
If you are unable to make it to the meeting, please let us know in advance. You can still post a review on GoodReads ( http://bit.ly/tbcresponses ) to discuss it with other teens!
New: September Adult YA Book Club – Warrior of the Wild by Tricia Levenseller – Wednesday, Sept. 28 at 6 p.m.
YA books aren’t just for teens! Join us for a new book club celebrating Young Adult reads… for adults! Before each meeting, a few free copies of our selected title will be available to registered members. Please pick up a copy, read the book, then join us for a relaxed discussion on the program date. That’s it! We’ll provide the snacks and the meeting space; you bring your conversation.
Other Library Program Offerings
Magnet of the Month Club (West Alexandria Branch only)
Visit the West Alexandria Library each month to pick up a magnet kit. Each kit will include the materials you need to complete that month’s magnet. Please let us know if you need a paintbrush. Colors may vary. If you are missing a previous month, contact the front desk for extras.
To participate:
1. Pick up your Magnet of the Month punch card at the West Alexandria Branch or download it here: https://bit.ly/pcdlmagnets
2. After you complete your magnet, bring it or a picture of it to show us to get your card stamped.
3. Collect all 12 punches to be entered into our grand prize drawing.
Magnet schedule:
· September – Owls
· October – Ghost
· November – Dinosaur
· December – Stocking
Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library – Available in Preble County
United Way of the Greater Dayton Area, Preble County District Library, and the Dayton Foundation have partnered with the Ohio Governor’s Imagination Library to bring the Dolly Parton Imagination Library to Preble County. Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is a book gifting program that mails free, high-quality books to children from birth until age 5, no matter their family’s income. It is available in Preble County, and you can sign your child up for FREE here: https://ohioimaginationlibrary.org/enroll
Explore & More Adventure Pass Program
Explore & More NOW with your PCDL Library Card! We are excited to introduce our newest service, the Explore & More Adventure Pass Program, enabling PCDL patrons to borrow passes using their library card. This one-time pass, which must be checked out in person at the Eaton Branch, grants patrons limited free access to attractions that would otherwise charge admission fees.
Participating organizations include The Dayton Art Institute, Boonshoft Museum of Discovery, SunWatch Indian Village/Archaeological Park, Carillon Historical Park, and Quiet Harmony Ranch Elk Ranch.
Visit preblelibrary.org/exploreandmore to learn more about the program!
*Each organization sets its own rules for how many individuals are covered under its passes and which days the passes will be honored. Patrons are advised to call the organization ahead of their visit for hours and rules.
Genealogy Room Highlights
New: Night Owl Prowl – Preble County Room on Saturday, Oct. 1, at 4 p.m.
Join the researchers at the Preble County Room at 450 South Barron Street in Eaton to take the next step in your genealogy search. Whether you’re just starting your family tree or looking for a few more branches, research assistance will be available at the Night Owl Prowl, the Preble County Room’s genealogy lock-in, from 4-9 PM on Saturday, October 1, 2022.
Take advantage of the many historical research documents in the Preble County Room. Enjoy access to the Ancestry.com library edition, available at any computer inside the eight PCDL locations. Bring a snack to share with your fellow genealogists and get complimentary research help at the Night Owl Prowl!
This event will be by registration only. Please call 937- 456-4970 to register!
*Please note – The Preble County Room will be open for regular business beginning at 2 p.m. this day.
Don’t Throw Away Local History – Contact the Preble Co. Genealogy Room, Instead!
The Preble Co. Genealogy Room is interested in archiving any local and family historical items you might come across as you clean. This includes (but is not limited to): old paperwork/documents/records, family bibles with family information, pictures of Preble Co. residents, landmarks, and properties, old maps and land records and any items having to do with the history of Preble County, its families and the surrounding areas.
If you come across an item as you clean and wish to donate it to the PC Room, please contact us at 937-456-4970 Monday – Thursday 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Friday 9 a.m.-3 p.m. or by email at pcroomat preblelibrary.org.
Preble County Records Online – Families, Obituaries, Marriages, Historic Landmarks, and more
Search the library’s in-house Genealogical & Historical Records collections. Visit https://preblelibrary.org/genealogy to get started on your search! Family files can also be researched in person at the PC Room. To view a list of all PC Room resources, visit https://preblelibrary.org/genealogy/holdings.
Preble County District Library Board meeting dates
The Preble County District Library Board of Directors will meet on the following dates at the PCDL Administration Office at 7 p.m. unless otherwise indicated.
Sept. 26
Oct. 24 – Director and Financial Officer Evaluation
Nov. 28 – Budget, Meeting Schedule, and New Board Officers
By Kirstin Weaver
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Eaton OH, 45320
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