March 27, 2025

Today, I am excited to share the 10x rules that I use for my business. This rule I have defined this after reading the book The 10X rules by Grant Cardone. 
The book is about success and failure. The book is all about 10x in your vision of what’s possible in your life and very importantly 10xìng the actions, you’re going to take to bring that vision to life.
The 10x Rule is about pure domination mentality, and how to be the alpha of the industry. The overall main points that Grant Cardone makes regarding how to reach extreme amounts of success can be divided into two parts – 
Extreme 10x GOALS, and extreme 10x ACTION. 
There are a bunch of practical takeaways that can help you wake up from your slumber, and make you reach your full potential.
Here are 5 Proven 10x Rules that I learn and I am implementing in my business.5 Proven 10X RulesHow often do you write down your goals? Mostly, once in a year your new year’s resolutions.  
Grant says anything important in your life you need to write down a goal. He says you need to ask daily what’s important to me and write down your goals daily.
You need to stretch yourself to go beyond what you think you can currently do. May be 10x level. Push yourself those are the goals you’re going to want to come back to on a day-in and day-out basis that fire you up. 
He asked a great question he says are your goals equal to your potential that’s a really powerful question.
Your Goal = Your Potential 
If that doesn’t increase your pulse rate a little bit when you think about wow what am I capable of what can I do what can I achieve that’s how we want to operate in our lives. 
Find the baby steps and the massive action that helps us connect from that big vision to where we are today and enjoy the process and all that good stuff but keep that in mind and reflect on your goals and stretch yourself.  
Grant talks about four degrees of action in the book. I also agree with him. 
There are four ways we can approach life
I don’t know how many times grant uses this phrase in the book but suffice to say it was a lot. 
Disciplined consistent persistent massive action followed by
more disciplined consistent persistent massive action followed by more disciplined consistent persistent massive action that’s the essence of this book.
So quick recap where do you show up 
If you want to create extraordinary things in your life you need to take massive actions.The 10X RulesHaving 10x goals, followed by 10x actions, will create 10 times the amount of opportunities any average person is exposed to.
And the best part is – since you will be better prepared to make use of those opportunities – the amount of value following your actions will be unheard of compared to any of those average peers of yours.
From the outside, this will be perceived as “luck”.
“Ah look at that dude! He just happened to be at the right place at the right time. If only I was that lucky!”
What they don’t see is the massive amount of action required to put you in that place to begin with. Take Tiger Woods as an example. No matter what you think of him, you gotta hand it to him, he’s been extremely successful.
But when just watching a specific tournament one can perceive some specific shots as lucky.
Lucky hit, lucky bounce, lucky roll, lucky whatever …
But what isn’t shown is the tremendous amount of practice – thousands and thousands and thousands of hours on the driving ranch and millions of puts.
So is he really “lucky” in that tournament, or is it just hard work paying off?
Or, take to fund managers as an example, running to different funds. Which one will be more “lucky”, picking more successful companies?
The manager who does due diligences and company meetings per year, or the manager meeting and analyzing only companies per year?
Warren Buffett is famous for reading a tremendous amount of annual reports every year. I’ll just leave it at that. Sometimes actual luck and uncertainty might have something to do with it, but it can’t be calculated with.
Besides, you don’t see or hear about the big number of times the successful went for it and failed. After all, the world pays attention only when they’re winning.
Bottom line – the more actions you take, the better your chances of getting “lucky”.
So go! Take action and create your own luck!
Fear favorite food what is it grant tells us it’s time. 
Do what you fear, that is how you will excel. For instance …I was almost freaking out when I put up my first video on YouTube.
Go back to it and watch it and you’ll hear it in my voice. Fear is the great indicator of what you should focus on. An absence of concerns signals that you are only doing what’s comfortable for you, and that will only get you more of what you have right now.
Fear stands for False Events Appearing Real.
Use this frequently avoided feeling as a green light for what you SHOULD do.
For instance, if you’re afraid to call on a client, that’s a sign that you should call that client.
In fact, you will be amazed at how much stronger and more confident you’ll become.
And everyone fears something in life. However, it’s what we each do with that fear that distinguishes us from others. 
It actually works as a competitive tool – one that is for free and unutilized for the most part.
So, bottom-line: eat your fears. Don’t feed them by backing off or giving them time to grow. Learn to look for, and use fear, so that you know exactly what you need to do to overcome it and advance your life.
The competition is bad. 
We’ve all heard the story about the tortoise and the hare. The lesson, of course, is that the tortoise wins because he plods along and takes his time. Whereas the hare, rushes, becomes tired and misses his opportunity to win.
From this story, we’re supposed to derive that it’s good to be a tortoise – someone who approaches his goal slowly and steadily.
If there was a third player in the fable, let’s say, the Duracell rabbit, who had the speed of the hare and the steadfastness of the tortoise, it would outperform them both and have no competition whatsoever.
The suggestion here is to approach your goals like the tortoise AND the hare, by attacking them ruthlessly from the beginning, and also staying with them throughout the course of “the race”.
Take the competition to your playground, where you go all in with energy every time. Even if you fail, you keep going all in!
As most people won’t do what’s necessary to be at your level, you will achieve great results no matter the field.
And then just keep stacking – wood and fuel, wood and fuel. MORE wood, MORE fuel, until the fire is so hot and burns so brightly that not even competitors, or or market changes or anything can put your fire out.
These were some of the major takeaways from The 10x Rule.
So, in order to reach your full potential and to get success in business.
Set 10x, MASSIVE goals. Doesn’t this seem to be a reappearing pattern of successful people?
Projects usually require more than you first anticipate. Plan for, and deliver 10x action. When you are taking 10 times the action, soon other people will perceive you as being “lucky”.
So, Enhance the speed of the hare and the constant motion of the tortoise, and you will be unstoppable.
For me, it is not 10x Book it is 100x Book.
10x Goals x 10x Actions = 100x Results & 100x Success.
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