March 9, 2025

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Thursday, Sept. 8, 2022
ART WITH HEART & HOPE: Saratoga-based nonprofit Beyond My Battle is holding its fourth annual “Art with Heart & Hope” showcasing the ways art can help manage the many stressors of living as a patient or caregiver. “Art with Heart & Hope” is an annual pop-up exhibition celebrating the healing power of art for those living with life-altering medical conditions and their caregivers. Works are displayed alongside written statements from the artists who share the many ways art helps them cope. It is an evening full of inspiration, awareness, and community partnered with refreshments and live music. This year’s show will take place on September 8, 2022 at Universal Preservation Hall from 5:30 – 8:30 PM. Tickets will be available to purchase starting July 15, 2022 at Sponsorship opportunities are available. To become a sponsor of this year’s show, please email ar*@be************.org. To learn more about BMB, visit
BALLSTON AREA SENIORS MEETING: The Ballston Area Seniors will be meeting at the Town of Milton Community Center, 310 Northline Rd. every Thursday at 10 a.m. to play cards, use the craft and pool rooms or just socialize. Lunch is at noon. The Saratoga County Dept. of Aging & Youth is serving at the center Congregate Meals from noon to 1 p.m. Monday through Friday. Reservations are required the day before your meal, call 518-884-0163. At lunch the BASC Members may participate in Congregate Meals or bring your own lunch, your choice. We will have pizza every third Thursday of the month. Coffee and hot water for tea will be available.
THE MIRACLE OF SALT: Saratoga Performing Arts Center announces CulinaryArts@SPAC: The Miracle of Salt featuring cocktails, culinary delights and conversation with WAMC Northeast Public Radio’s Joe Donahue and James Beard award-winning food writer Naomi Duguid, whose forthcoming book, The Miracle of Salt, will serve as the inspiration for the evening. The latest event from its groundbreaking CulinaryArts@SPAC initiative, the evening is slated for Thursday, September 8 from 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the Nancy DiCresce Room at The Pines@SPAC. Preceding the conversation, guests can enjoy bites and beverages from the book including salt infused cocktails such as a Spicy Margarita rimmed with Salted Chili and Black Lime, a Briny Gin Martini and a Salted Cucumber Vodka Martini — in addition to specialty food tastings including Herb & Salt-Cured Faroe Island Salmon, Duck Breast Prosciutto, Provencal Anchovy & Onion Tart, and Salted Chocolate-Almond Brittle. Following the tastings, attendees will gain an exclusive pre-publication look at The Miracle of Salt as the first stop on Naomi Duguid’s international book tour. WAMC Northeast Public Radio’s Joe Donahue will lead a conversation with Duguid to discuss how salt—in all its forms— can open an entire new world of flavors and techniques. From age-old techniques such as making miso, kimchi and butter to creating a ‘salt pantry’ and using salty flavors, Duguid and Donahue’s discussion will explore a variety of topics to create an experience that reinforces SPAC’s ethos of connecting deeply to art, culture, nature and one another. Tickets to attend “CulinaryArts@SPAC: The Miracle of Salt” are $75 and include drinks and hors’ devours along with admission to the conversation. Attendees can also preorder a copy of Duguid’s book with a signed book plate for $35 (retail $45) with the option for shipping (additional $10) or pick up from The Savory Pantry, located at 486 Broadway in Saratoga Springs, when the book is released on October 8, 2022. Seating is on a first come basis. Visit for details.
PEARL SIDE COMMUNITY ARTS FESTIVAL: The 2022 Pearl Side Community Arts Festival, which will take place Sept. 8-12 at theREP, 251 North Pearl St. in Albany, is a multi-disciplinary cultural arts festival created in partnership with Black Theatre Troupe of Upstate NY, African American Cultural Center of the Capital Region, Troy Foundry Theatre, and Albany Center Gallery, specifically to showcase the Capital Region’s community-based arts and artists. The five-day festival is free and open to the public, and will feature theatre productions – specifically commissioned for the festival; visual arts – including the creation of a community mural; African drumming; poetry – including a slam contest (with monetary prizes) hosted by D. Colin, Story Hour sessions with Barbara Howard, Jizabell Lee and the RED Bookshelf, and two Open Mics where the community can let their light – and talents – shine on theREP’s mainstage. More information inclusing a full schedule is available online at
Friday, Sept. 9, 2022
POP UP ART ON BEEKMAN: Friday, September 9, 5-8 pm, Experience the charm of Saratoga. Take an end-of-summer evening stroll in the vibrant Beekman Street Arts District from Grand Ave to West Circular Street. Visit galleries, shops and restaurants and see an array of guest artists set up on porches and lawns. Join us for art, music, refreshments, and inspiring conversation! Participating galleries and shops include: Eden Compton Gallery; Cottage of Art & Design featuring Amejo Amyot’s Spirit and Totem Animal series; and C.R.E.A.T.E. Community featuring Estamos Aquí (We Are Here), a curated black and white documentary photography exhibit, featuring the work of the Latinx immigrant community in the Saratoga region.
OUTDOOR LECTURE: The Waterford Historical Museum and Cultural Centerwill host a series of outdoor lectures presented by historian Michael Barrett. These are bring-your-own chair and bring-your-own refreshments picnic-style events on the museum lawn, offered the second Friday of the month over the summer. The first lecture, “The Anti-Rent War: 1839 to 1869” will be June 10, beginning at 6:30pm. Admission is $10 per person. Additional lectures: July 8 “The Capital Region’s Role in the SS Monitor”; August 12 “Bells, Bells, Bells”; and September 9 “The Transcontinental Railroad.” More information is available online at
MOONLIGHT HKE: Are you interested in traversing the trails of Wilton Wildlife Preserve & Park at night? View nature in a new light, or lack thereof, as we walk the trails under the full moon. An unforgettable experience for all ages! The group will cover approximately 1.5 miles of trail. The August Moonlight Hike is scheduled for Friday August 12th beginning promptly at 8:30pm. In the month of September, the hike is scheduled for Friday September 9th also beginning promptly at 8:30pm. This is a free program guided by an environmental educator. Registration is required. Space is limited. To register please visit our website,, and click on the “Public Programs” tab to access the online registration form. For more information, please contact the Preserve & Park office at 518-450-0321 or via email at in**@wi************.org. For up-to-date trail conditions or program information, please visit the Preserve & Park’s website at
PEARL SIDE COMMUNITY ARTS FESTIVAL: The 2022 Pearl Side Community Arts Festival, which will take place Sept. 8-12 at theREP, 251 North Pearl St. in Albany, is a multi-disciplinary cultural arts festival created in partnership with Black Theatre Troupe of Upstate NY, African American Cultural Center of the Capital Region, Troy Foundry Theatre, and Albany Center Gallery, specifically to showcase the Capital Region’s community-based arts and artists. The five-day festival is free and open to the public, and will feature theatre productions – specifically commissioned for the festival; visual arts – including the creation of a community mural; African drumming; poetry – including a slam contest (with monetary prizes) hosted by D. Colin, Story Hour sessions with Barbara Howard, Jizabell Lee and the RED Bookshelf, and two Open Mics where the community can let their light – and talents – shine on theREP’s mainstage. More information inclusing a full schedule is available online at
Saturday, Sept. 10, 2022
FAMILY DAY & RAPTORS: Saratoga National Historical Park is excited to announce three special events in September! September 10: Family Day and Raptors – From 10:00 am to 12:00 pm and 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm Family-friendly crafts, historic toys and games, and tin smith demonstrations. At 1:00 pm Silent Wings raptor program presented by the Wildlife Institute of Eastern New York. This program is made possible by support from the Friends of Saratoga Battlefield. All events will take place at the Visitor Center. For more information about Saratoga National Historical Park and program updates, please call the Visitor Center at (518) 670-2985, visit, or find the park on Facebook or Twitter @SaratogaNHP.
SOCCER SHOOT: Ballston Spa Elks are sponsoring a Soccer Shoot on Saturday, September 10th from 10:00 am to noon, at BARC Field, 91 Eastern Ave. Ballston Spa. Boys and girls aged 7-13 may try their luck at the goal kicking contest. For more info email di*********@gm***.com or call 518-885-1149 after 3 p.m.
DEFENSIVE DRIVING CLASS: On Saturday September 10th 2022 from 9 AM to 3 PM there will be a New York State approved Defensive Driving Class. Save 10% on your base auto insurance for the next three years & receive up to 4 points off your driving record according to New York State Department of Motor Vehicle guidelines. Saratoga Springs United Methodist Church, 175 Fifth Ave., Saratoga Springs. Fee: $35 per person. Bring a friend fee is $30 each. Portion of fee goes to Saratoga Springs United Methodist Church. Registration is required and can be made by calling Ray Frankoski at 518-286-3788. As we are social distancing, a mask is required if you are not vaccinated. Class size is limited.
HISTORY PROGRAM: “A Visit with General and Mrs. Grant” – Saturday, September 10 at 4:30 PM at Grant Cottage, 1000 Mt. McGregor Rd., Wilton. Ulysses and Julia began their life together after their wedding in 1848. They already had faced trials of uncertainty and separation that came with the Mexican War and Grant’s career as a soldier (until he resigned from the army in 1854). The years of struggle for financial security and his eventual triumph as commander-in-chief of the Union Army in 1865 followed. Beginning in 1869, they spent 8 years in the White House during the tumultuous Reconstruction period, afterward traveling the world greeted by crowds, dignitaries, kings, queens, and emperors. Upon their return, they settled into a comfortable life centered on their children and grandchildren in their Manhattan townhouse. Whatever their circumstances, they were warmed by the joy of their happy family life and faith in each other. Join living historians Steve Trimm and Melissa Trombley-Prosch as they interpret the life of Grant Cottage’s favorite grandparent couple through anecdotes and stories in the setting of one of their last visits to Saratoga in 1882. Their beloved eldest granddaughter, little Julia (portrayed by Delilah Robinson), will accompany the couple.
CEMETERY ASSOCIATION MEETING: The annual meeting of the Maplewood Cemetery Association will take place Sept. 10, 2022 at 9 AM. We will meet at the Cemetery’s Veteran’s Circle on Weibel Avenue. All grave plot owners are encouraged to attend.
PEARL SIDE COMMUNITY ARTS FESTIVAL: The 2022 Pearl Side Community Arts Festival, which will take place Sept. 8-12 at theREP, 251 North Pearl St. in Albany, is a multi-disciplinary cultural arts festival created in partnership with Black Theatre Troupe of Upstate NY, African American Cultural Center of the Capital Region, Troy Foundry Theatre, and Albany Center Gallery, specifically to showcase the Capital Region’s community-based arts and artists. The five-day festival is free and open to the public, and will feature theatre productions – specifically commissioned for the festival; visual arts – including the creation of a community mural; African drumming; poetry – including a slam contest (with monetary prizes) hosted by D. Colin, Story Hour sessions with Barbara Howard, Jizabell Lee and the RED Bookshelf, and two Open Mics where the community can let their light – and talents – shine on theREP’s mainstage. More information inclusing a full schedule is available online at
Sunday, Sept. 11, 2022
FREE BACK-TO-SCHOOL ICE CREAM SOCIAL – Simpson United Methodist Church, located at 1089 Rock City Road, Rock City Falls, NY is having a Back-to-School Ice Cream Social on Sunday, September 11, 2022 from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Come and enjoy a free ice cream sundae on us! We are looking forward to seeing you there!
ELKS BREAKFAST: Elks 911 Remembrance Breakfast – Ballston Spa Elks Lodge #2619, 10 Hamilton Street, Ballston Spa, will host an All You Can Eat Breakfast on Sunday, September 11, from 8 to 11 pm, in Honor and Remembrance of 911. Enjoy Pancakes and Sausage, French Toast, Eggs made to order, world famous Omelets, Home Fries, Toast, Coffee, and Juice. Adults $9 Seniors $8 Kids $5. Proceeds support Elks Charities.
GOLF TOURNAMENT: The Saratoga Ancient Order of Hibernians will host a golf tournment Sunday, September 11, 2022 at Saratoga Lake Golf Course. Registration at 7:45 AM, 9 AM Shotgun start, 4 man scramble, rain or shine. Cost: $100 per golfer. To sign up or be a sponsor Call Greg White 518-530-3037 Email gr************@gm***.com.
THEATER AUDITIONS: Malta Spotlighter’s Theatre Troupe announces auditionson Sunday, September 11 and Monday, September 12 for a December production of ‘The Music Man ’ at the Malta Community Center, produced by Special Arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI) and directed by Elyse Young. Auditions are by appointment only. Auditioning kids (ages 7 and up), teen and adult actors, singers and dancers. Especially needed are singers that can sing harmony. This show will also include some featured dancers. Contact Elyse Young at th*****@ma********.org or (518) 899-4411 x305 to request an audition appointment or for additional information.
PEARL SIDE COMMUNITY ARTS FESTIVAL: The 2022 Pearl Side Community Arts Festival, which will take place Sept. 8-12 at theREP, 251 North Pearl St. in Albany, is a multi-disciplinary cultural arts festival created in partnership with Black Theatre Troupe of Upstate NY, African American Cultural Center of the Capital Region, Troy Foundry Theatre, and Albany Center Gallery, specifically to showcase the Capital Region’s community-based arts and artists. The five-day festival is free and open to the public, and will feature theatre productions – specifically commissioned for the festival; visual arts – including the creation of a community mural; African drumming; poetry – including a slam contest (with monetary prizes) hosted by D. Colin, Story Hour sessions with Barbara Howard, Jizabell Lee and the RED Bookshelf, and two Open Mics where the community can let their light – and talents – shine on theREP’s mainstage. More information inclusing a full schedule is available online at
Monday, Sept. 12, 2022
AIRPORT AUTHORITY MEETING: The Albany County Airport Authority will hold its regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, September 12, 2022 at 11:30 a.m. The meeting will be held in the Conference Room on the 3rd Floor located in the Main Terminal at the Albany International Airport, Albany, New York.
PEARL SIDE COMMUNITY ARTS FESTIVAL: The 2022 Pearl Side Community Arts Festival, which will take place Sept. 8-12 at theREP, 251 North Pearl St. in Albany, is a multi-disciplinary cultural arts festival created in partnership with Black Theatre Troupe of Upstate NY, African American Cultural Center of the Capital Region, Troy Foundry Theatre, and Albany Center Gallery, specifically to showcase the Capital Region’s community-based arts and artists. The five-day festival is free and open to the public, and will feature theatre productions – specifically commissioned for the festival; visual arts – including the creation of a community mural; African drumming; poetry – including a slam contest (with monetary prizes) hosted by D. Colin, Story Hour sessions with Barbara Howard, Jizabell Lee and the RED Bookshelf, and two Open Mics where the community can let their light – and talents – shine on theREP’s mainstage. More information inclusing a full schedule is available online at
Tuesday, Sept. 13, 2022
SURVIVORS OF SUICIDE SUPPORT GROUP: The “Further Along Survivors of Suicide” Monthly Support Group meets the second Tuesday of each month. The next meeting will be Tuesday, September 13th, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Newtonville Methodist Church, corner of Maxwell Road and Route 9 in Loudonville. Before attending, please RSVP David at fu*************@gm***.com for details and to keep attendees under 15. The group is structured to meet the needs of people who have lost a loved one to suicide and who are approximately 18 plus months past the date of their loss. It is not designed for someone who is recently bereaved. Facilitators are peers who have attended AFSP’s (American Foundation for Suicide Prevention – “Facilitating a Suicide Bereavement Support Group” training. There is no charge, but we encourage people to bring a treat to share or a book that would help someone else on their healing journey that we can include in our lending library. For more information, please email David Grapka at Fu*************@gm***.com. For more information on AFSP, please visit or contact Sandra Goldmeer Sandra Goldmeer, Area Director, Capital Region New York at sg*******@af**.org or 518-791-1544.
RETIRED TEACHERS MEETING: Saratoga Area Retired Teachers will meet on Tuesday, September 13, at noon at Longfellows Restaurant, 500 Union Avenue (Rte. 9P), Saratoga Springs. Membership information at 518-587-5356.
LET’S TALK HISTORY: Let’s Talk History is now meeting Tuesday evenings from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. at Ye Deli, 7 East St. in Fort Edward. John Weber, of the Fort Edward Historical Association, invites you to enjoy lively chat about history with friendly folks. The Fort Edward Historical Association is a 501 C3 non-profit organization.
Wednesday, Sept. 14, 2022
HISTORY TALK: The American Revolution in the Adirondacks – 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 14, at Hadley Town Hall with speaker Maria. D.A. Williams, author, blogger and local historian. While the people of the Adirondacks tended to either be loyalists or apathetic to either side, British General Burgoyne’s ventures leading his armies down from Canada quickly changed all that in 1777. In an effort to capture what we now know as New York State, Burgoyne’s defeat at Saratoga followed the series of raids throughout the region to interrupt supply lines and terrorize the people of the local community. These wilderness raids are the focus of Ms. Williams studies. She will reveal the gumption local populations had to defend their rights and freedoms. Sponsored by the Hadley-Lake Luzerne Historical Society.
BINGO: Knights of Columbus #246 host Bingo at the KOC Hall, 50 Pine Road, Saratoga Springs, every Wednesday evening. The doors open at 4:30, the kitchen window (which is staffed by the Catholic Daughters) opens at 5:30, games go on sale at 6:00, and the first game starts at 7:00. Every week, there is $1,500 in guaranteed prize money. Join us for an evening out and help to support our activities within the community.
Thursday, Sept. 15, 2022
BALLSTON AREA SENIORS MEETING: The Ballston Area Seniors will be meeting at the Town of Milton Community Center, 310 Northline Rd. every Thursday at 10 a.m. to play cards, use the craft and pool rooms or just socialize. Lunch is at noon. The Saratoga County Dept. of Aging & Youth is serving at the center Congregate Meals from noon to 1 p.m. Monday through Friday. Reservations are required the day before your meal, call 518-884-0163. At lunch the BASC Members may participate in Congregate Meals or bring your own lunch, your choice. We will have pizza every third Thursday of the month. Coffee and hot water for tea will be available.
Friday, Sept. 16, 2022
MILLER’S BACKYARD BBQ DINNER: The Saratoga County History Center will hold a drive-thru serving Miller’s Backyard BBQ Chicken and Pulled Pork dinners to go on Friday, September 16 from 3 to 6 pm at Brookside Museum, 21 Fairground Avenue, Ballston Spa, NY. Dinners are $15 each. Chicken dinners will include 1/2 chicken, baked potato, coleslaw, and cornbread. Pulled Pork dinners will include 1/2 lb Pulled Pork with baked potato, cornbread, and 4 oz coleslaw. In addition, cheesy and delicious Mac and Cheese sides are available for $5. This is take-out only. Please visit or call (518) 885-4000 to reserve your meal. There will be a limited number of extra dinners available on the day. Questions? Contact do***@br*************.org or phone 518-885-4000.
CHICKEN BBQ: The Women’s Guild of St. Michael’s Church, Williams Road, in North Greenbush, NY is sponsoring a Giuliano’s barbeque Friday, September 16 from 4 – 6 p.m. The cost is $15.00 and it includes ½ chicken, baked potato, corn on the cob, coleslaw, roll and a homemade brownie. Drive through only. Dinners should be pre-ordered by Sunday, September 11. Drive up orders will be available on a first come, first-served basis. For tickets call/text Ann at (518) 573-3951 (an****************@ve*****.net) or call Teresa at (518) 283-3604 (te********@ve*****.net). A portion of these proceeds will support local non-profit organizations.
Saturday, Sept. 17, 2022
FREE MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION CLINIC: Remote Area Medical – RAM® – a major nonprofit provider of pop-up clinics delivering free, quality dental, vision and medical care to those in need – will hold a free, two-day clinic on Sept. 17-18. RAM will be set up at the Washington County Fairgrounds, located at 391 Old Schuylerville Road, Greenwich, NY 12834. All RAM services are free, and no ID is required. Free dental, vision and medical services will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis. The patient parking lot will open no later than midnight on Friday night, Sept. 16, and remain open for the duration of the clinic. Once in the parking lot, additional information regarding clinic-opening processes and next steps will be provided. Clinic doors open at 6 a.m. Due to time constraints, patients should be prepared to choose between dental and vision services. Medical services are offered, in addition to dental or vision services, free to every patient attending the clinic. All patients will be required to wear a face covering and must undergo a COVID-19 screening before entering the clinic. For more information, to donate or to volunteer, please visit or call 865-579-1530.
DRIVE-THRU CHICKEN & BISCUIT DINNER – Simpson United Methodist Church, located at 1089 Rock City Road, Rock City Falls, NY is having a Drive-Thru Chicken & Biscuit Dinner on Saturday, 9/17/22 from 4:30 pm to 7:00 pm. Our dinner is made from scratch with chicken breast, country gravy, buttermilk biscuits, real mashed potatoes, a vegetable and two homemade oatmeal raisin cookies. Ticket prices: Adults – $12; Children under 12 – $9. Don’t miss out . . . our April Chicken & Biscuit Dinner was a huge success. Call 518-885-4794 to place your order. Please leave your name, telephone number and the number of adult and/or children tickets you would like to reserve. A representative from Simpson will call back to confirm your order.
ELKS HAM DINNER: Ham & Scalloped Potatoes Takeout or Eat In Dinner – Ballston Spa Elks Lodge #2619, 10 Hamilton Street, Ballston Spa, will host a Ham Dinner on Saturday, September 17th, from 4 to 6 pm. Menu includes Baked Ham, Scalloped Potatoes, Veggies, Apple Sauce, Roll & Butter, and Dessert. The cost is 2 for $25 or $15 each (cash only). Preorders strongly encouraged. To order, email: di*********@gm***.com or call 518-885-1149, Sept 15th & 16th – 4 pm to 6pm. Limited quantities available at the door. Proceeds support Elks Charities.
FALL CRAFT FAIR: Latham Colonie Columbiettes will be hosting their Annual Fall Craft Fair on Saturday September, 17th, 2022, 9 am to 3:30 pm! Rain or Shine! Vendor Space available both Indoor and Outdoor Undercover and Outdoor Areas for your own popup display. For pricing information kl*****@ou*****.com or
CAMPFIRE CHAT: During the warmer season the Wilton Wildlife Preserve & Park will be hosting Campfire Chats! Scheduled for one Saturday evening a month, this new program will focus on chatting around the campfire! Each chat will involve discussions of local animal species and what is being done to support these populations. In addition to the discussion, participants will enjoy hanging out around the fire for cocoa, s’mores, and cookies! A special Thank You to the Common Roots Foundation for making this program series possible. September 17 – Owls. All events start at 6 p.m. Registration is required. Space is limited. To register please visit, and click on the “Our Programs” tab, then “Calendar of Public Events” to access the online registration form. For more information, please contact the Preserve & Park office at 518-450-0321 or via email at in**@wi************.org.
Sunday, Sept. 18, 2022
FREE MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION CLINIC: Remote Area Medical – RAM® – a major nonprofit provider of pop-up clinics delivering free, quality dental, vision and medical care to those in need – will hold a free, two-day clinic on Sept. 17-18. RAM will be set up at the Washington County Fairgrounds, located at 391 Old Schuylerville Road, Greenwich, NY 12834. All RAM services are free, and no ID is required. Free dental, vision and medical services will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis. The patient parking lot will open no later than midnight on Friday night, Sept. 16, and remain open for the duration of the clinic. Once in the parking lot, additional information regarding clinic-opening processes and next steps will be provided. Clinic doors open at 6 a.m. Due to time constraints, patients should be prepared to choose between dental and vision services. Medical services are offered, in addition to dental or vision services, free to every patient attending the clinic. All patients will be required to wear a face covering and must undergo a COVID-19 screening before entering the clinic. For more information, to donate or to volunteer, please visit or call 865-579-1530.
FALL ANTIQUES FAIR: Sunday, September 18th, 9am – 4pm, 695 MacElroy Road, Ballston Lake, NY 12019. Admission: $5 per car. 60+ Antique & Vintage Vendors featuring a full array of antiques, collectibles, vintage, Mid-Century. Delicious Food Available including Adirondack Kettle Korn and seasonal favorites by Losert’s Farm Stand.
HISTORY PROGRAM: “Global Peacemaking: Ulysses S. Grant as Global Peacemaker, and 61 Years of an American treasure, the Peace Corps” – Sunday, September 18 at 2 PM at Grant Cottage, 1000 Mt. McGregor Rd., Wilton. Ulysses S. Grant had a presidential campaign slogan in 1868, “Let Us Have Peace.” His slogan was certainly rooted in his Civil War experiences, but after eight years as President he traveled the world as an ambassador, and at times, a mediator for the cause of peace among people and nations. In his way, Grant was an effective advocate of global peacemaking to citizens of tthe United States. In 1961, a different kind of army was organized in an innovative and bold move by President John F. Kennedy’s administration to promote global peace, namely the Peace Corps. Peace Corps volunteers, as diverse as the countries they are of service to, are hard at work in countries across the globe. In the spirit of U.S. Grant’s commitment to peace-making, Grant Cottage wishes to honor and express our gratitude for the often unheralded service of Peace Corps volunteers. Join us on the Grant Cottage porch as tour guide Diana O’Brien and Peace Corps veterans Renee St. Jacques and David Gittelman present a program celebrating the United Nations’ International Day of Peace, Grant as a peacemaker, and mission of the Peace Corps as it enters its seventh decade of service!
Monday, Sept. 19, 2022
HISTORY PROGRAM: Saratoga National Historical Park is excited to announce three special events in September! September 19: We mark the 245th anniversary of the First Battle of Saratoga at 1:00pm with “One Continual Blaze”: The Battle of Freeman’s Farm, an illustrated program telling the story of the battle and its participants. All events will take place at the Visitor Center. For more information about Saratoga National Historical Park and program updates, please call the Visitor Center at (518) 670-2985, visit, or find the park on Facebook or Twitter @SaratogaNHP.
Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2022
SARATOGA SPRINGS CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS: Regular Saratoga Springs City Council meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. City Council meetings are held in the Music Hall at City Hall at this time. Meetings are open to the public, and admission into the room will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Check the meeting agenda for times of Public Hearings. The Ramp Door on the Broadway entrance to the building will be open for public access at 6:30 p.m. The Council routinely reviews and approves Rules of Conduct for public meetings, which will be followed at all meetings of the City Council, including the Public Comment period, for the benefit of all citizens. Agendas are available prior to the meetings. Minutes are available following approval. The meetings are also livestreamed on the city’s website at, where more information is available.
LET’S TALK HISTORY: Let’s Talk History is now meeting Tuesday evenings from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. at Ye Deli, 7 East St. in Fort Edward. John Weber, of the Fort Edward Historical Association, invites you to enjoy lively chat about history with friendly folks. The Fort Edward Historical Association is a 501 C3 non-profit organization.
Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2022
CHILDREN’S COMMITTEE FUNDRAISER: The Saratoga County Children’s Committee (SCCC) is excited to be celebrating 75 years of caring for the community’s children! To celebrate, there will be a fundraising event at The Saratoga Winery on Wednesday, September 21 at 6 pm. All proceeds from the event will go back to funding programs including the Back to School program, the Empty Stocking Project, camperships, collaborations with local agencies and social workers, and emergency and special needs. Tickets to the event can be found online at The night will be filled with live music, food and wine, raffles, SCCC history, and much more – all in the name of charity!
BINGO: Knights of Columbus #246 host Bingo at the KOC Hall, 50 Pine Road, Saratoga Springs, every Wednesday evening. The doors open at 4:30, the kitchen window (which is staffed by the Catholic Daughters) opens at 5:30, games go on sale at 6:00, and the first game starts at 7:00. Every week, there is $1,500 in guaranteed prize money. Join us for an evening out and help to support our activities within the community.
Thursday, Sept. 22, 2022
BALLSTON AREA SENIORS MEETING: The Ballston Area Seniors will be meeting at the Town of Milton Community Center, 310 Northline Rd. every Thursday at 10 a.m. to play cards, use the craft and pool rooms or just socialize. Lunch is at noon. The Saratoga County Dept. of Aging & Youth is serving at the center Congregate Meals from noon to 1 p.m. Monday through Friday. Reservations are required the day before your meal, call 518-884-0163. At lunch the BASC Members may participate in Congregate Meals or bring your own lunch, your choice. We will have pizza every third Thursday of the month. Coffee and hot water for tea will be available.
Saturday, Sept. 24, 2022
HISTORY PROGRAM: Saratoga National Historical Park is excited to announce three special events in September! September 24: The Fife & Drums of Fort Ticonderoga will perform at noon. This program is made possible by support from the Friends of Saratoga Battlefield. For more information about Saratoga National Historical Park and program updates, please call the Visitor Center at (518) 670-2985, visit, or find the park on Facebook or Twitter @SaratogaNHP.
SENIORS DANCE: Ballston Area Seniors Monthly Dance on Saturday, September 24,2022 at 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm. The dance will be at the Milton Community Center, 310 Northline Rd. Ballston Spa. The dance is open to the public and ample free parking. There will be an entrance fee of $ 5. Snack and refreshment will be provided. The band will be the River Road Boys, Country and Square Dancing. For more information call Peter Petrillose at 518-399-4868
THE MYTH OF GRANT’S SILENCE: Saturday, Sept. 24 at 4:30 PM at Grant Cottage, 1000 Mt. McGregor Rd., Wilton. Things are not always as they are portrayed when studying historic figures. Was Ulysses S. Grant truly the silent man as often described? Join author and historian Dr. Chris Mackowski on Grant Cottage’s porch as he explores the real story behind the misunderstood and fully capable communicator who was U.S. Grant. A book signing will follow the program. Dr. Mackowski is a Professor of Communication and Jandoli School Assistant Dean at St. Bonaventure University. He is the Managing Editor of the Emerging Civil War book series and blog and has been featured on several television programs. His books have been widely published, and he is the author of nine books, including Grant’s Last Battle. Dr. Mackowski’s program will be the first in the annual Grant Cottage Literary Landmark Authors series.
STRESS REDUCTION PROGRAM: Join us for the Saratoga Stress Reduction Program, an eight-week course in mindfulness based meditation and stress reduction beginning September 24th “in person” at Caffe Lena. The Saturday morning sessions are held 8 – 9:30 a.m. and run Sept. 24 through Nov. 12 and provide instruction in formal mindfulness meditation methods including a body scan, gentle yoga, sitting and walking meditation. The practices offer students a means of self-regulation and encourage greater awareness. Students learn to reduce symptoms of psychological and somatic distress and gain the ability to respond to challenges with less reactivity and greater clarity. The course also provides instruction in informal practices such as being in nature and eating with awareness. Midway through the course, students learn about the physiology of stress and how it relates to their reactivity patterns. Using the latest scientific research, they explore how the act of mindful noticing activates innate internal resources that can change our perception of daily events, including stressful ones. This altered appraisal allows students to use a broader range of both internal and external responses so that they need not remain locked in stressful patterns. Our credentialed instructors have taught locally, nationally, and internationally for over 10 years. We have taught over 100 classes in Saratoga with 3000+ graduates and are delighted and grateful for the opportunity to have Caffe Lena as our host venue. The Saratoga Stress Reduction Program classes take place at Caffe Lena, 47 Phila Street. Pre-registration is required. Class size is limited and we accept many insurances. For more information or to register, please call our offices at 581-3180 ext. 300 or 307. You can also visit our website:
GENEALOGY EVENT: September 2022 Meeting for the Capital District Genealogical Society, Saturday, Sept. 24 at 1 p.m. CDGS meetings are presently held on Zoom. Topic: Approaches to Writing Your Family History. Members of the CDGS Write Your Family History group have been working with writing coach Paul Lamar to craft compelling stories from their family history research. As genealogists, we know that the real interest in doing our digging is to make our ancestors come alive – to put meat on the bones of a skeletal chart. Paul will moderate a program featuring some of the writers in the group sharing a selection of their best stories. Come hear tales of fascinating people and be inspired to join us and write some of your own. Registration is free and will open to the public on 16 September 2022. See under meetings and events. There is a 100-person limit.
Tuesday, Sept. 27, 2022
LET’S TALK HISTORY: Let’s Talk History is now meeting Tuesday evenings from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. at Ye Deli, 7 East St. in Fort Edward. John Weber, of the Fort Edward Historical Association, invites you to enjoy lively chat about history with friendly folks. The Fort Edward Historical Association is a 501 C3 non-profit organization.
Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2022
LECTURE: “The Social Origins of Authoritarian Regimes: A History of State-Middle Class Relations in Egypt” – a lecture by Relli Shechter, Greenberg Middle East Scholar-in-Residence is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 28 in the Davis Auditorium of Palamountain Hall at Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs. How do we explain the longevity of authoritarianism in the Middle East? Pundits, journalists, and academics have offered a series of different answers to this question, ranging from cultural, religious, and structural explanations. Based on my forthcoming book, entitled The Egyptian Social Contract: A History of State–Middle Class Relations, this talk explores the intricacies of both formal and informal agreements between the Egyptian state and its citizens. These agreements constitute what I call the Egyptian social contract. I investigate this social contract by concentrating on the political economy in Egypt in the aftermath of Second World War during the reign of president Gamal Abdel Nasser. Egypt’s political economy reveals the connections between the burgeoning middle class and the entrenchment of authoritarianism. Although the talk focuses on Egypt, it also reflects on authoritarianism across the broader region, suggesting that regional authoritarian regimes will only be replaced by strong social coalitions whose joint hope for change will allow genuine transformation in politics. Shechter is the 2022 Greenberg Middle East Scholar-in-Residence at Skidmore College and Chair of the Department of Middle East Studies at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. Co-sponsored by the Office of Special Programs and the History Department. Admission is free and open to the public. Attendees must adhere to Skidmore’s current COVID-19 safety guidelines.
BINGO: Knights of Columbus #246 host Bingo at the KOC Hall, 50 Pine Road, Saratoga Springs, every Wednesday evening. The doors open at 4:30, the kitchen window (which is staffed by the Catholic Daughters) opens at 5:30, games go on sale at 6:00, and the first game starts at 7:00. Every week, there is $1,500 in guaranteed prize money. Join us for an evening out and help to support our activities within the community.
Thursday, Sept. 29, 2022
BALLSTON AREA SENIORS MEETING: The Ballston Area Seniors will be meeting at the Town of Milton Community Center, 310 Northline Rd. every Thursday at 10 a.m. to play cards, use the craft and pool rooms or just socialize. Lunch is at noon. The Saratoga County Dept. of Aging & Youth is serving at the center Congregate Meals from noon to 1 p.m. Monday through Friday. Reservations are required the day before your meal, call 518-884-0163. At lunch the BASC Members may participate in Congregate Meals or bring your own lunch, your choice. We will have pizza every third Thursday of the month. Coffee and hot water for tea will be available.
Friday, Sept. 30, 2022
TROY NIGHT OUT: Troy Night Out takes place from 5 to 9 p.m. on the last Friday of every month. Every Troy Night Out, the streets of downtown come alive with music and culture beckoning you to discover local businesses, art galleries, fine restaurants, and unique boutiques of all varieties. Held the last Friday of every month, Troy Night Out is the perfect time to Enjoy Troy, with specials, sales, and promotions around every corner. More information is available online at
Saturday, Oct. 1, 2022
SARATOGA RECYCLES DAY: Sustainable Saratoga is holding our sixth annual Saratoga Recycles Day and Paint Collection Day on Saturday, October 1, from 9 am to noon in the SPAC overflow parking lot on the west side of Route 50. Please visit for full details. There are no residency requirements for these events. There is a $5 entrance fee per personal vehicle. TVs and monitors have an additional $30 fee, per item. Cash or check only.
MEMORIAL WALK: The 5th Annual Dan Provost Memorial Walk for Awareness and Recovery will be held on Saturday, October 1, 2022 at Gavin Park, Wilton, starting at 9:30. There will be a 1.25 mile family friendly walk, information on area addiction recovery resources, Narcan training, refreshments and great raffle items. Proceeds to benefit area addiction recovery programs. Suggested donation $10 individual/$20 family. Registration at or at the door. For further information call 518-587-8422 or see facebook.
WALK TO END ALZHEIMER’S: Saturday, October 1st 2022 from 10: 00 AM to 1:00 PM. The Alzheimer’s Association, Northeastern New York chapter is hosting its 2022 Walk to End Alzheimer’s – Albany, on Saturday, Oct. 1 at The Crossings of Colonie, located at 580 Albany Shaker Rd. Participants may check in beginning at 10 a.m. with an opening ceremony at 11:30 a.m.The walk starts immediately following the opening ceremony. For more information contact: Stefanie Bastien at (518) 675-7215 or visit Walk to End Alzheimer’s is the world’s largest event to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer’s care, support and research.
STRESS REDUCTION PROGRAM: Join us for the Saratoga Stress Reduction Program, an eight-week course in mindfulness based meditation and stress reduction beginning September 24th “in person” at Caffe Lena. The Saturday morning sessions are held 8 – 9:30 a.m. and run Sept. 24 through Nov. 12 and provide instruction in formal mindfulness meditation methods including a body scan, gentle yoga, sitting and walking meditation. The practices offer students a means of self-regulation and encourage greater awareness. Students learn to reduce symptoms of psychological and somatic distress and gain the ability to respond to challenges with less reactivity and greater clarity. The course also provides instruction in informal practices such as being in nature and eating with awareness. Midway through the course, students learn about the physiology of stress and how it relates to their reactivity patterns. Using the latest scientific research, they explore how the act of mindful noticing activates innate internal resources that can change our perception of daily events, including stressful ones. This altered appraisal allows students to use a broader range of both internal and external responses so that they need not remain locked in stressful patterns. Our credentialed instructors have taught locally, nationally, and internationally for over 10 years. We have taught over 100 classes in Saratoga with 3000+ graduates and are delighted and grateful for the opportunity to have Caffe Lena as our host venue. The Saratoga Stress Reduction Program classes take place at Caffe Lena, 47 Phila Street. Pre-registration is required. Class size is limited and we accept many insurances. For more information or to register, please call our offices at 581-3180 ext. 300 or 307. You can also visit our website:
Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2022
SARATOGA SPRINGS CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS: Regular Saratoga Springs City Council meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. City Council meetings are held in the Music Hall at City Hall at this time. Meetings are open to the public, and admission into the room will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Check the meeting agenda for times of Public Hearings. The Ramp Door on the Broadway entrance to the building will be open for public access at 6:30 p.m. The Council routinely reviews and approves Rules of Conduct for public meetings, which will be followed at all meetings of the City Council, including the Public Comment period, for the benefit of all citizens. Agendas are available prior to the meetings. Minutes are available following approval. The meetings are also livestreamed on the city’s website at, where more information is available.
Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2022
BINGO: Knights of Columbus #246 host Bingo at the KOC Hall, 50 Pine Road, Saratoga Springs, every Wednesday evening. The doors open at 4:30, the kitchen window (which is staffed by the Catholic Daughters) opens at 5:30, games go on sale at 6:00, and the first game starts at 7:00. Every week, there is $1,500 in guaranteed prize money. Join us for an evening out and help to support our activities within the community.
PICKIN’ SESSIONS: Pickin’ Sessions will resume on the first Wednesday of each month at the Milton Community Center, 310 Northline Rd. Ballston Spa, NY 12020. Open to the Public, Free Admission and ample free parking. Doors open 6:30 pm, the Jam starts at 7 to 9:30 pm. Open to all musicians who enjoy playing country/western, folk, gospel and bluegrass. Come and enjoy the music and be part of the audience. For more information contact Jack Broderson at 518-885-4229.
Thursday, Oct. 6, 2022
BLOOD DRIVE: An American Red Cross Blood Drive will be held from 1 to 6 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 6 at St. Mary’s Church, located at the corner of Sixth and Division streets in Waterford. For more information or to make an appointment visit
BALLSTON AREA SENIORS MEETING: The Ballston Area Seniors will be meeting at the Town of Milton Community Center, 310 Northline Rd. every Thursday at 10 a.m. to play cards, use the craft and pool rooms or just socialize. Lunch is at noon. The Saratoga County Dept. of Aging & Youth is serving at the center Congregate Meals from noon to 1 p.m. Monday through Friday. Reservations are required the day before your meal, call 518-884-0163. At lunch the BASC Members may participate in Congregate Meals or bring your own lunch, your choice. We will have pizza every third Thursday of the month. Coffee and hot water for tea will be available.
Saturday, Oct. 8, 2022
SARATOGA SHOWCASE OF HOMES: The 2022 Saratoga Showcase of Homes Committee is proud to announce this year’s dates and builders. Celebrating 26 years of exceptional homes, this annual tradition will be presented over four beautiful fall days on October 8-9 and October 15-16. We have a spectacular line-up of EIGHT ocations from our region’s finest builders for the areas premiere new home tour event. Thank you to all our generous sponsors and the award-winning builders committed to this year’s event; Bella Home Builders, Belmonte Builders, DSG Construction & Remodeling, Kodiak Construction, Peerless Builders, Trojanski Builders and Witt Construction. Over the past 25 years, this community event has contributed over $1.4 million dollars to our two local charities. Proceeds from the Showcase of Homes benefit Rebuilding Together Saratoga County and Habitat for Humanity of Northern Saratoga, Warren and Washington Counties. For more details on the 2022 Saratoga Showcase of Homes event, please visit Follow us on Facebook for all the updates!
STRESS REDUCTION PROGRAM: Join us for the Saratoga Stress Reduction Program, an eight-week course in mindfulness based meditation and stress reduction beginning September 24th “in person” at Caffe Lena. The Saturday morning sessions are held 8 – 9:30 a.m. and run Sept. 24 through Nov. 12 and provide instruction in formal mindfulness meditation methods including a body scan, gentle yoga, sitting and walking meditation. The practices offer students a means of self-regulation and encourage greater awareness. Students learn to reduce symptoms of psychological and somatic distress and gain the ability to respond to challenges with less reactivity and greater clarity. The course also provides instruction in informal practices such as being in nature and eating with awareness. Midway through the course, students learn about the physiology of stress and how it relates to their reactivity patterns. Using the latest scientific research, they explore how the act of mindful noticing activates innate internal resources that can change our perception of daily events, including stressful ones. This altered appraisal allows students to use a broader range of both internal and external responses so that they need not remain locked in stressful patterns. Our credentialed instructors have taught locally, nationally, and internationally for over 10 years. We have taught over 100 classes in Saratoga with 3000+ graduates and are delighted and grateful for the opportunity to have Caffe Lena as our host venue. The Saratoga Stress Reduction Program classes take place at Caffe Lena, 47 Phila Street. Pre-registration is required. Class size is limited and we accept many insurances. For more information or to register, please call our offices at 581-3180 ext. 300 or 307. You can also visit our website:
Sunday, Oct. 9, 2022
THE WAY WE WERE CAR CHOW: Downtown Ballston Spa will soon become a classic car enthusiast’s dream. The Ballston Spa Business & Professional Association has begun preparations for its 20th Annual “The Way We Were” Car Show taking place Sunday, October 9th on Front Street. The fall favorite event typically draws over 400 show cars and organizers are anticipating a large turnout for the milestone 20-year anniversary of the show. In addition to all of the cars and trucks, there will be food and merchandise vendors, a kid’s zone with a bounce house and activities, live music and a trophy presentation at the end of the day. Pre-registration for show cars is now open. Sponsorship and vendor opportunities are also currently available for businesses and organizations that would like to be a part of the show. The event is free to spectators. To learn more about “The Way We Were” Car Show, visit
SARATOGA SHOWCASE OF HOMES: The 2022 Saratoga Showcase of Homes Committee is proud to announce this year’s dates and builders. Celebrating 26 years of exceptional homes, this annual tradition will be presented over four beautiful fall days on October 8-9 and October 15-16. We have a spectacular line-up of EIGHT ocations from our region’s finest builders for the areas premiere new home tour event. Thank you to all our generous sponsors and the award-winning builders committed to this year’s event; Bella Home Builders, Belmonte Builders, DSG Construction & Remodeling, Kodiak Construction, Peerless Builders, Trojanski Builders and Witt Construction. Over the past 25 years, this community event has contributed over $1.4 million dollars to our two local charities. Proceeds from the Showcase of Homes benefit Rebuilding Together Saratoga County and Habitat for Humanity of Northern Saratoga, Warren and Washington Counties. For more details on the 2022 Saratoga Showcase of Homes event, please visit Follow us on Facebook for all the updates!
Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2022
BINGO: Knights of Columbus #246 host Bingo at the KOC Hall, 50 Pine Road, Saratoga Springs, every Wednesday evening. The doors open at 4:30, the kitchen window (which is staffed by the Catholic Daughters) opens at 5:30, games go on sale at 6:00, and the first game starts at 7:00. Every week, there is $1,500 in guaranteed prize money. Join us for an evening out and help to support our activities within the community.
Thursday, Oct. 13, 2022
BALLSTON AREA SENIORS MEETING: The Ballston Area Seniors will be meeting at the Town of Milton Community Center, 310 Northline Rd. every Thursday at 10 a.m. to play cards, use the craft and pool rooms or just socialize. Lunch is at noon. The Saratoga County Dept. of Aging & Youth is serving at the center Congregate Meals from noon to 1 p.m. Monday through Friday. Reservations are required the day before your meal, call 518-884-0163. At lunch the BASC Members may participate in Congregate Meals or bring your own lunch, your choice. We will have pizza every third Thursday of the month. Coffee and hot water for tea will be available.
Saturday, Oct. 15, 2022
SARATOGA SHOWCASE OF HOMES: The 2022 Saratoga Showcase of Homes Committee is proud to announce this year’s dates and builders. Celebrating 26 years of exceptional homes, this annual tradition will be presented over four beautiful fall days on October 8-9 and October 15-16. We have a spectacular line-up of EIGHT ocations from our region’s finest builders for the areas premiere new home tour event. Thank you to all our generous sponsors and the award-winning builders committed to this year’s event; Bella Home Builders, Belmonte Builders, DSG Construction & Remodeling, Kodiak Construction, Peerless Builders, Trojanski Builders and Witt Construction. Over the past 25 years, this community event has contributed over $1.4 million dollars to our two local charities. Proceeds from the Showcase of Homes benefit Rebuilding Together Saratoga County and Habitat for Humanity of Northern Saratoga, Warren and Washington Counties. For more details on the 2022 Saratoga Showcase of Homes event, please visit Follow us on Facebook for all the updates!
STRESS REDUCTION PROGRAM: Join us for the Saratoga Stress Reduction Program, an eight-week course in mindfulness based meditation and stress reduction beginning September 24th “in person” at Caffe Lena. The Saturday morning sessions are held 8 – 9:30 a.m. and run Sept. 24 through Nov. 12 and provide instruction in formal mindfulness meditation methods including a body scan, gentle yoga, sitting and walking meditation. The practices offer students a means of self-regulation and encourage greater awareness. Students learn to reduce symptoms of psychological and somatic distress and gain the ability to respond to challenges with less reactivity and greater clarity. The course also provides instruction in informal practices such as being in nature and eating with awareness. Midway through the course, students learn about the physiology of stress and how it relates to their reactivity patterns. Using the latest scientific research, they explore how the act of mindful noticing activates innate internal resources that can change our perception of daily events, including stressful ones. This altered appraisal allows students to use a broader range of both internal and external responses so that they need not remain locked in stressful patterns. Our credentialed instructors have taught locally, nationally, and internationally for over 10 years. We have taught over 100 classes in Saratoga with 3000+ graduates and are delighted and grateful for the opportunity to have Caffe Lena as our host venue. The Saratoga Stress Reduction Program classes take place at Caffe Lena, 47 Phila Street. Pre-registration is required. Class size is limited and we accept many insurances. For more information or to register, please call our offices at 581-3180 ext. 300 or 307. You can also visit our website:
Sunday, Oct. 16, 2022
ULYSSES S. GRANT’S BICENTENNIAL BIRTHDAY GALA: An evening of history and celebration honoring Grant’s 200th birthday will take place at 5:30 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 16 at the Gideon Putnam Resort & Spa in Saratoga Springs. The event will feature speaks, dinner, a silent auction and Grant’s great-grandson Ulysses Grant Dietz as master of ceremonies. More information is available online at
SARATOGA SHOWCASE OF HOMES: The 2022 Saratoga Showcase of Homes Committee is proud to announce this year’s dates and builders. Celebrating 26 years of exceptional homes, this annual tradition will be presented over four beautiful fall days on October 8-9 and October 15-16. We have a spectacular line-up of EIGHT ocations from our region’s finest builders for the areas premiere new home tour event. Thank you to all our generous sponsors and the award-winning builders committed to this year’s event; Bella Home Builders, Belmonte Builders, DSG Construction & Remodeling, Kodiak Construction, Peerless Builders, Trojanski Builders and Witt Construction. Over the past 25 years, this community event has contributed over $1.4 million dollars to our two local charities. Proceeds from the Showcase of Homes benefit Rebuilding Together Saratoga County and Habitat for Humanity of Northern Saratoga, Warren and Washington Counties. For more details on the 2022 Saratoga Showcase of Homes event, please visit Follow us on Facebook for all the updates!
Tuesday, Oct. 18, 2022
SARATOGA SPRINGS CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS: Regular Saratoga Springs City Council meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. City Council meetings are held in the Music Hall at City Hall at this time. Meetings are open to the public, and admission into the room will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Check the meeting agenda for times of Public Hearings. The Ramp Door on the Broadway entrance to the building will be open for public access at 6:30 p.m. The Council routinely reviews and approves Rules of Conduct for public meetings, which will be followed at all meetings of the City Council, including the Public Comment period, for the benefit of all citizens. Agendas are available prior to the meetings. Minutes are available following approval. The meetings are also livestreamed on the city’s website at, where more information is available.
Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2022
BINGO: Knights of Columbus #246 host Bingo at the KOC Hall, 50 Pine Road, Saratoga Springs, every Wednesday evening. The doors open at 4:30, the kitchen window (which is staffed by the Catholic Daughters) opens at 5:30, games go on sale at 6:00, and the first game starts at 7:00. Every week, there is $1,500 in guaranteed prize money. Join us for an evening out and help to support our activities within the community.
Thursday, Oct. 20, 2022
BALLSTON AREA SENIORS MEETING: The Ballston Area Seniors will be meeting at the Town of Milton Community Center, 310 Northline Rd. every Thursday at 10 a.m. to play cards, use the craft and pool rooms or just socialize. Lunch is at noon. The Saratoga County Dept. of Aging & Youth is serving at the center Congregate Meals from noon to 1 p.m. Monday through Friday. Reservations are required the day before your meal, call 518-884-0163. At lunch the BASC Members may participate in Congregate Meals or bring your own lunch, your choice. We will have pizza every third Thursday of the month. Coffee and hot water for tea will be available.
Saturday, Oct. 22, 2022
FLEA MARKET: The Ballston Area Senior Citizens will hold a Flea Market on Saturday, October 22, 2022 and are looking for vendors for the event. It will be held at 310 Northline Road from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm. Indoor tables will be $30, and outdoor space will be $25. For more information or a contract, please contact ba********************@gm***.com.
VENDOR & CRAFT SHOW: A Fall Stop & Shop Vendor and Craft Show will be held on October 22, 2022 from 10am-2 pm at the Wilton/General Schuyler Rescue Squad Emergency Building on Rte 29, outside of Schuylerville. Raffles and concession with many vendors will be there. For further information and an application to rent a table, contact Jennie McReynolds at 518-338-2709 or by e-mail jl*******@ya***.com.
STRESS REDUCTION PROGRAM: Join us for the Saratoga Stress Reduction Program, an eight-week course in mindfulness based meditation and stress reduction beginning September 24th “in person” at Caffe Lena. The Saturday morning sessions are held 8 – 9:30 a.m. and run Sept. 24 through Nov. 12 and provide instruction in formal mindfulness meditation methods including a body scan, gentle yoga, sitting and walking meditation. The practices offer students a means of self-regulation and encourage greater awareness. Students learn to reduce symptoms of psychological and somatic distress and gain the ability to respond to challenges with less reactivity and greater clarity. The course also provides instruction in informal practices such as being in nature and eating with awareness. Midway through the course, students learn about the physiology of stress and how it relates to their reactivity patterns. Using the latest scientific research, they explore how the act of mindful noticing activates innate internal resources that can change our perception of daily events, including stressful ones. This altered appraisal allows students to use a broader range of both internal and external responses so that they need not remain locked in stressful patterns. Our credentialed instructors have taught locally, nationally, and internationally for over 10 years. We have taught over 100 classes in Saratoga with 3000+ graduates and are delighted and grateful for the opportunity to have Caffe Lena as our host venue. The Saratoga Stress Reduction Program classes take place at Caffe Lena, 47 Phila Street. Pre-registration is required. Class size is limited and we accept many insurances. For more information or to register, please call our offices at 581-3180 ext. 300 or 307. You can also visit our website:
Monday, Oct. 24, 2022
AUTUMN JEWELS ART SHOW: The 25th Annual “Autumn Jewels” juried Art Show will be held at the Clifton Park Senior Community Center from Oct. 3 – Nov.1, 2022. This show is sponsored by Southern Saratoga Art Society and is open to all area artists. Entries will be judged and prizes awarded in both the fine arts and photography. Entries must be received by Wednesday, September 19, 2022. An award reception for all artists, families and friends will be held on Monday, October 24, 6:30 p.m., at the Senior Center. For rules, entry fees, entry forms and where to mail your entry, please visit: or visit us on Facebook.
Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2022
BINGO: Knights of Columbus #246 host Bingo at the KOC Hall, 50 Pine Road, Saratoga Springs, every Wednesday evening. The doors open at 4:30, the kitchen window (which is staffed by the Catholic Daughters) opens at 5:30, games go on sale at 6:00, and the first game starts at 7:00. Every week, there is $1,500 in guaranteed prize money. Join us for an evening out and help to support our activities within the community.
Thursday, Oct. 27, 2022
BALLSTON AREA SENIORS MEETING: The Ballston Area Seniors will be meeting at the Town of Milton Community Center, 310 Northline Rd. every Thursday at 10 a.m. to play cards, use the craft and pool rooms or just socialize. Lunch is at noon. The Saratoga County Dept. of Aging & Youth is serving at the center Congregate Meals from noon to 1 p.m. Monday through Friday. Reservations are required the day before your meal, call 518-884-0163. At lunch the BASC Members may participate in Congregate Meals or bring your own lunch, your choice. We will have pizza every third Thursday of the month. Coffee and hot water for tea will be available.
Friday, Oct. 28, 2022
TROY NIGHT OUT: Troy Night Out takes place from 5 to 9 p.m. on the last Friday of every month. Every Troy Night Out, the streets of downtown come alive with music and culture beckoning you to discover local businesses, art galleries, fine restaurants, and unique boutiques of all varieties. Held the last Friday of every month, Troy Night Out is the perfect time to Enjoy Troy, with specials, sales, and promotions around every corner. More information is available online at
Saturday, Oct. 29, 2022
STRESS REDUCTION PROGRAM: Join us for the Saratoga Stress Reduction Program, an eight-week course in mindfulness based meditation and stress reduction beginning September 24th “in person” at Caffe Lena. The Saturday morning sessions are held 8 – 9:30 a.m. and run Sept. 24 through Nov. 12 and provide instruction in formal mindfulness meditation methods including a body scan, gentle yoga, sitting and walking meditation. The practices offer students a means of self-regulation and encourage greater awareness. Students learn to reduce symptoms of psychological and somatic distress and gain the ability to respond to challenges with less reactivity and greater clarity. The course also provides instruction in informal practices such as being in nature and eating with awareness. Midway through the course, students learn about the physiology of stress and how it relates to their reactivity patterns. Using the latest scientific research, they explore how the act of mindful noticing activates innate internal resources that can change our perception of daily events, including stressful ones. This altered appraisal allows students to use a broader range of both internal and external responses so that they need not remain locked in stressful patterns. Our credentialed instructors have taught locally, nationally, and internationally for over 10 years. We have taught over 100 classes in Saratoga with 3000+ graduates and are delighted and grateful for the opportunity to have Caffe Lena as our host venue. The Saratoga Stress Reduction Program classes take place at Caffe Lena, 47 Phila Street. Pre-registration is required. Class size is limited and we accept many insurances. For more information or to register, please call our offices at 581-3180 ext. 300 or 307. You can also visit our website:
Tuesday, Nov. 1, 2022
SARATOGA SPRINGS CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS: Regular Saratoga Springs City Council meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. City Council meetings are held in the Music Hall at City Hall at this time. Meetings are open to the public, and admission into the room will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Check the meeting agenda for times of Public Hearings. The Ramp Door on the Broadway entrance to the building will be open for public access at 6:30 p.m. The Council routinely reviews and approves Rules of Conduct for public meetings, which will be followed at all meetings of the City Council, including the Public Comment period, for the benefit of all citizens. Agendas are available prior to the meetings. Minutes are available following approval. The meetings are also livestreamed on the city’s website at, where more information is available.
Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2022
PICKIN’ SESSIONS: Pickin’ Sessions will resume on the first Wednesday of each month at the Milton Community Center, 310 Northline Rd. Ballston Spa, NY 12020. Open to the Public, Free Admission and ample free parking. Doors open 6:30 pm, the Jam starts at 7 to 9:30 pm. Open to all musicians who enjoy playing country/western, folk, gospel and bluegrass. Come and enjoy the music and be part of the audience. For more information contact Jack Broderson at 518-885-4229.
Saturday, Nov. 5, 2022
STRESS REDUCTION PROGRAM: Join us for the Saratoga Stress Reduction Program, an eight-week course in mindfulness based meditation and stress reduction beginning September 24th “in person” at Caffe Lena. The Saturday morning sessions are held 8 – 9:30 a.m. and run Sept. 24 through Nov. 12 and provide instruction in formal mindfulness meditation methods including a body scan, gentle yoga, sitting and walking meditation. The practices offer students a means of self-regulation and encourage greater awareness. Students learn to reduce symptoms of psychological and somatic distress and gain the ability to respond to challenges with less reactivity and greater clarity. The course also provides instruction in informal practices such as being in nature and eating with awareness. Midway through the course, students learn about the physiology of stress and how it relates to their reactivity patterns. Using the latest scientific research, they explore how the act of mindful noticing activates innate internal resources that can change our perception of daily events, including stressful ones. This altered appraisal allows students to use a broader range of both internal and external responses so that they need not remain locked in stressful patterns. Our credentialed instructors have taught locally, nationally, and internationally for over 10 years. We have taught over 100 classes in Saratoga with 3000+ graduates and are delighted and grateful for the opportunity to have Caffe Lena as our host venue. The Saratoga Stress Reduction Program classes take place at Caffe Lena, 47 Phila Street. Pre-registration is required. Class size is limited and we accept many insurances. For more information or to register, please call our offices at 581-3180 ext. 300 or 307. You can also visit our website:
Saturday, Nov. 12, 2022
BLOOD DRIVE: An American Red Cross Blood Drive will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 12 at the The Church at Newtown Rd., located at 142 Lower Newtown Rd., Waterford. For more information or to make an appointment visit
STRESS REDUCTION PROGRAM: Join us for the Saratoga Stress Reduction Program, an eight-week course in mindfulness based meditation and stress reduction beginning September 24th “in person” at Caffe Lena. The Saturday morning sessions are held 8 – 9:30 a.m. and run Sept. 24 through Nov. 12 and provide instruction in formal mindfulness meditation methods including a body scan, gentle yoga, sitting and walking meditation. The practices offer students a means of self-regulation and encourage greater awareness. Students learn to reduce symptoms of psychological and somatic distress and gain the ability to respond to challenges with less reactivity and greater clarity. The course also provides instruction in informal practices such as being in nature and eating with awareness. Midway through the course, students learn about the physiology of stress and how it relates to their reactivity patterns. Using the latest scientific research, they explore how the act of mindful noticing activates innate internal resources that can change our perception of daily events, including stressful ones. This altered appraisal allows students to use a broader range of both internal and external responses so that they need not remain locked in stressful patterns. Our credentialed instructors have taught locally, nationally, and internationally for over 10 years. We have taught over 100 classes in Saratoga with 3000+ graduates and are delighted and grateful for the opportunity to have Caffe Lena as our host venue. The Saratoga Stress Reduction Program classes take place at Caffe Lena, 47 Phila Street. Pre-registration is required. Class size is limited and we accept many insurances. For more information or to register, please call our offices at 581-3180 ext. 300 or 307. You can also visit our website:
Sunday, Nov. 13, 2022
CRAFT FAIR: All Saints on the Hudson, 52 William St. Mchanicville will hold its annual Craft Fair on Sunday, Nov. 13, 2022, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Crafts, raffle, home made baked goods. Kitchen open and serving from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. For more information or for vendor applications contact Carm Hein at ch***@ny***.com or 518-664-5950.
Tuesday, Nov. 15, 2022
SARATOGA SPRINGS CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS: Regular Saratoga Springs City Council meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. City Council meetings are held in the Music Hall at City Hall at this time. Meetings are open to the public, and admission into the room will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Check the meeting agenda for times of Public Hearings. The Ramp Door on the Broadway entrance to the building will be open for public access at 6:30 p.m. The Council routinely reviews and approves Rules of Conduct for public meetings, which will be followed at all meetings of the City Council, including the Public Comment period, for the benefit of all citizens. Agendas are available prior to the meetings. Minutes are available following approval. The meetings are also livestreamed on the city’s website at, where more information is available.
Friday, Nov. 25, 2022
TROY NIGHT OUT: Troy Night Out takes place from 5 to 9 p.m. on the last Friday of every month. Every Troy Night Out, the streets of downtown come alive with music and culture beckoning you to discover local businesses, art galleries, fine restaurants, and unique boutiques of all varieties. Held the last Friday of every month, Troy Night Out is the perfect time to Enjoy Troy, with specials, sales, and promotions around every corner. More information is available online at
Tuesday, Dec. 6, 2022
SARATOGA SPRINGS CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS: Regular Saratoga Springs City Council meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. City Council meetings are held in the Music Hall at City Hall at this time. Meetings are open to the public, and admission into the room will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Check the meeting agenda for times of Public Hearings. The Ramp Door on the Broadway entrance to the building will be open for public access at 6:30 p.m. The Council routinely reviews and approves Rules of Conduct for public meetings, which will be followed at all meetings of the City Council, including the Public Comment period, for the benefit of all citizens. Agendas are available prior to the meetings. Minutes are available following approval. The meetings are also livestreamed on the city’s website at, where more information is available.
Wednesday, Dec. 7, 2022
PICKIN’ SESSIONS: Pickin’ Sessions will resume on the first Wednesday of each month at the Milton Community Center, 310 Northline Rd. Ballston Spa, NY 12020. Open to the Public, Free Admission and ample free parking. Doors open 6:30 pm, the Jam starts at 7 to 9:30 pm. Open to all musicians who enjoy playing country/western, folk, gospel and bluegrass. Come and enjoy the music and be part of the audience. For more information contact Jack Broderson at 518-885-4229.
Thursday, Dec. 8, 2022
BLOOD DRIVE: An American Red Cross Blood Drive will be held from 1 to 6 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 8 at the Waterford Emergency Team, located at 122 First Ave., Waterford. For more information or to make an appointment visit
Tuesday, Dec. 20, 2022
SARATOGA SPRINGS CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS: Regular Saratoga Springs City Council meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. City Council meetings are held in the Music Hall at City Hall at this time. Meetings are open to the public, and admission into the room will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Check the meeting agenda for times of Public Hearings. The Ramp Door on the Broadway entrance to the building will be open for public access at 6:30 p.m. The Council routinely reviews and approves Rules of Conduct for public meetings, which will be followed at all meetings of the City Council, including the Public Comment period, for the benefit of all citizens. Agendas are available prior to the meetings. Minutes are available following approval. The meetings are also livestreamed on the city’s website at, where more information is available.
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