March 31, 2025

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Status updates for orders
Meeting will take place at Holyoke City Hall, 536 Dwight St
and can also be accessed remotely via
Meeting ID: 869 0102 0711 Meeting Passcode: 086807 or by call in at 1 (646) 558-8656 with same Meeting ID and Passcode.
Live Spanish interpretation will be available on local access channel 15 using the television’s SAP option, through the live stream on the city website, as well as on the Zoom feed by clicking the interpretation option and choosing Spanish.
October 4, 2022
The GAS AND ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT requests permission to locate a line of wires, cables, poles and fixtures, including the necessary sustaining and protecting fixtures, along and across the following public way or ways:
38. Ordinance Committee Reports (if any)
38A. The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred an order That an ordinance be created to allow for a Fire Chief contract and that this ordinance also establish a salary range for the position (Min/Mid/Max) Recommended that the order be adopted, as amended to include the language that “any contract awarded under this ordinance is subject to appropriation by the City Council.”
38B. The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred an order Zone change application from DR to BH for Daniel Laflamme at 41 Temple St (085-00-012) to operate a truck repair shop in a district zoned DR so that the business can be conforming. Recommended that the order be adopted.
38C. The Committee on Joint Committee of City Council and School to whom was referred an order That the school Receiver Mr. Anthony Soto and his team be requested to explore the steps, costs and federal reimbursements associated with re-establishing the Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps or similar sister service program in the public schools. It is additionally requested that interest be measured to determine student body support for such a program. Recommended that the order has been complied with.
38D. The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred an order Amend the zoning ordinance to read any home construction in a residential zone shall be greater than 50% living space.  A special permit from CC is required if the home construction will have 50% or less living space.
Recently home plans have been approved and it has been communicated from the Building Commissioner that our current residential zoning allows for construction of a home that is 80% garage and 20% living space. Recommended that the order be denied.
38E. The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred an order That Mayor Garcia be given the authority to hire a DPW director above mid range up to no more than max without needing further approval from CC due to special circumstances Recommended that the order be adopted, as amended to stipulate that these special circumstances would expire when the next DPW Director is hired.
39. Finance Committee Reports (if any)
39A. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order Order that $12,500 be transferred from the Cannabis Impact & Innovation Fund to OPED to be the match to the MassTrails Grant for continued planning on South Main Street Corridor Improvement Plans. See executive summary and presentation at this link| Recommended that the order be adopted.
39B. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44 Sec. 53A, the City Council hereby accepts the provisions of the “2022 MASSTRAILS GRANT, $50,000, $12,500 MATCH THROUGH CANNABIS IMPACT STABILIZATION FUND, ” grant and authorizes the establishment of a Fund or other method appropriate for the accounting of the receipts and expenditures of all resources associated with the administration of said grant. Recommended that the order be adopted
39C. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44 Sec. 53A, the City Council hereby accepts the provisions of the “FY23 BEST PRACTICES COMPACT PROGRAM:  EMPLOYEE BENEFIT COSTS EVALUATION & RECOMMENDATION, $25,000, NO MATCH” grant and authorizes the establishment of a Fund or other method appropriate for the accounting of the receipts and expenditures of all resources associated with the administration of said grant. Recommended that the order be adopted.
39D. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44 Sec. 53A, the City Council hereby accepts the provisions of the “FY23 BEST PRACTICES COMPACT PROGRAM:  MUNIS EMPLOYEE SELF SERVICE IMPLEMENTATION, $29,475, NO MATCH” grant and authorizes the establishment of a Fund or other method appropriate for the accounting of the receipts and expenditures of all resources associated with the administration of said grant. Recommended that the order be adopted.
39E. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44 Sec. 53A, the City Council hereby accepts the provisions of the “FY23 LIBRARY SERVICES & TECHNOLOGY ACT (LSTA) – STRENGTH IN FAMILIES, $10,000, NO MATCH” grant and authorizes the establishment of a Fund or other method appropriate for the accounting of the receipts and expenditures of all resources associated with the administration of said grant. Recommended that the order be adopted.
39F. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2023, ONE THOUSAND AND 00/100 Dollars ($1,000) as follows:
15101-51203 SUBSTITUTE NURSES $1,000
TOTAL: $1,000
15101-51300 OVERTIME $1,000
TOTAL: $1,000 Recommended that the order be adopted.
39G. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2023, SIXTY TWO THOUSAND AND 00/100 Dollars ($62,000) as follows:
TOTAL: $62,000
TOTAL: $62,000 Recommended that the order be adopted.
39H. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that pursuant to the January 4, 2022 order, which was unanimously approved by the City Council, the HG&E appear before the Finance Committee to give an update on their progress.
The January 4, 2022 Order adopted by the City Council read as follows: “The Holyoke Gas and Electric be requested to take all necessary steps to end the gas moratorium.  That they report back to the City Council by April 1, 2022 on their recommended plan of action including potential time table to bring the moratorium to an end. ” Recommended that the order has been complied with
40. Public Safety Committee Reports (if any)
40A. The Committee on Public Safety to whom was referred an order Communication from Councilor Maldonado-Velez regarding 988 number: Recommended that the order has been complied with
40B. The Committee on Public Safety to whom was referred an order That the Police Chief and Fire Chief have Baby Safe Haven signage at all manned police and fire stations and ensure effective procedures are in place to comply with Chapter 227 of the Acts of 2004. Recommended that the order has been complied with.
40C. The Committee on Public Safety to whom was referred an order That the Police Chief, Fire Chief, and a representative of the Holyoke Medical Center be invited to appear at the Public Safety Committee to discuss and review the Baby Safe Haven law as it relates to the City of Holyoke.  Please provide any statistics on how many infants have been received since the law took effect if available. Recommended that the order has been complied with.
40D. The Committee on Public Safety to whom was referred an order that the public safety committee meet with representatives from ROCA to discuss the benefits of the program both to the participants and the city, and to see if there are other things that ROCA and the city might partner to do. Recommended that the order has been complied with.
40E. The Committee on Public Safety to whom was referred an order that traffic flow on Kane and Vermont Street be evaluated to reduce congestion during pick up and drop off times at McMahon School and b) that buses be routed from Homestead Ave rather than Vermont Street and c) consider the number of buses needed as it appears fewer students are using the bus service.
Recommended that the order has been complied with.
41. Public Service Committee Reports (if any)
42. Develpment anf Governmental Relations Committee Reports (if any)
43. Charter and Rules Committee Reports (if any)
44. Joint City Council and School Committee Reports (if any)
A. MCGIVERIN — Ordered, that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44 Sec. 53A, the City Council hereby accepts the provisions of the “PVPC FY23 CT RIVER CLEANUP FUNDING, $512,000, NO MATCH, ” grant and authorizes the establishment of a Fund or other method appropriate for the accounting of the receipts and expenditures of all resources associated with the administration of said grant.
B. MCGIVERIN — Ordered, that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2023, ONE HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND AND 00/100 Dollars ($150,000) as follows
12101-51107      PATROLMEN                $150,000
TOTAL: $150,000
12101-51300      OVERTIME                   $150,000
TOTAL: $150,000
C. From Holyoke Waste Management Study Group, July 25th, 2022 Meeting Minutes
D. GIVNER — Order to amend the Holyoke Zoning Ordinance to reflect the following: |
(1) Sec 4.3, amend table to allow Motor Vehicle Sales (use) in BG by Special Permit (CC).
E. GIVNER — Order to amend the Holyoke Zoning Ordinance to reflect the following:
(2) Section 7.2.13, amend text by adding the BG zone to the others currently listed (BH, IG, BE).
F. GIVNER — Order to amend the Holyoke Zoning Ordinance to reflect the following:
(3) Create a new Special Permit for allowing the non-conforming use in a historic structure in BG zone.
G. GIVNER — Order to amend the Holyoke Zoning Ordinance to reflect the following:
(54) a zone change to BG for the parcels 091-00-062 & 091-00-063 (a future SP condition item could be, to join both parcels by ANR).
H. From Holyoke Police Department Mill Town Agriculture Security Plan for 1 Cabot St.
I. From Jackie Glasheen, Holyoke Public Schools, Communication regarding first day of school coinciding with Primary election
J. From Tanya Wdowiak, City Auditor, Updated Tax Recap form and Final Cherry Sheet
The listing of matters are those reasonably anticipated by the chair which may be discussed at the meeting.
Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law
City Clerk
Item 7 Mayor Garcia Veto Of Ordinance Requiring Public Meetings Prior To Construction Of Public Buildings
Item 8 Mayor Garcia Veto Of Ordinance Requiring Electronic Tracking Of Employee Time Off
Item 9 Appointment Letter For Gabriela Alcantara Pohls To Serve As A Member Of The Historical Commission
Item 10 Appointment Letter For Lizabeth Rodriguez To Serve As A Member Of The Historical Commission
Item 11 Reappointment Letter For Joshua Knox To Serve As A Member Of The Board Of Appeals
Item 12 Appointment Letter For Jesus Espinosa To Serve As A Commissioner Of The Soldier’s Memorial
Item 13 Appointment Letter For Julia Santiago To Serve As A Member On The Library Board Of Directors
Item 14 Mayor Garcia Letter Of Support For Holyoke Gas & Electric Proposed LNG Infrastructure & Resiliency Project
Item 15 Mayor Garcia Letter To Contract Cataldo Ambulance Service For Emergency Ambulance Services In City
Item 16 Mayor Garcia Executive Order For Regulation Of Blighted And Vacant Buildings
Item 17 City Council Meeting Minutes 8 2 22
Item 17 City Council Meeting Minutes 9 1 22
Item 18 Lease Schedule No 1 To Master Lease Purchase Agreement 2018
Item 18 Master Lease Purchase Agreement 2018
Item 18 Master Lease Purchase Agreement 2022
Item 19 MOA Between Holyoke And Professional Supervisors Union (PSA), And Building Commissioner
Item 20 MOA Between Holyoke And Professional Supervisors Union (PSA) To Add Zoning Official
Item 21 Agreement Between Board Of Public Works And United Food And Commercial Workers Local 1459
Item 22 Police Chief David Pratt Letter Regarding Remarks Made At Sept 1 City Council Meeting
Item 23 Planning Board Update To 50 % Living Space Zoning Text Change Recommendation
Item 24 Planning Board Letter Of Thanks From Historical Commission For August 2nd Majority Vote Of Preservation Of Historic Building Ordinance
Item 25 Planning Board Letter Regarding Incident During August 23rd Ordinance And Planning Joint Hearing
Item 26 HPS Update On Middle School
Item 27 Hillside Avenue Speed Hump Petition
Item 28 Community Outreach Meeting Notice Blossom Flower LLC At 1 Cabot St
Item 29 Community Outreach Meeting Notice Evergreen Industries LLC At 1 Cabot St
Item 30 Holyoke Parks & Rec Commission 4 5 22 Meeting Minutes
Item 30 Holyoke Parks & Rec Commission 5 9 22 Meeting Minutes
Item 31 Fire Commission 7 21 22 Meeting Minutes
Item 31 Fire Commission 8 30 22 Meeting Minutes
Item 32 MassDOT Lamar Central Outdoor LLC Removal Of Application For Electronic Billboard Permit
Item 38A Legal Form For Establishing A Fire Chief Contract
Item 38E Legal Form Allowing Mayor To Hire DPW Director Above Mid Range Without CC Approval
Item 54 Back From The Brink Resolution
Late File A Decision And Order On Mr. Puello Mota’s Motion For Preliminary Injunction
536 Dwight Street
Holyoke, MA 01040
Phone: (413) 322-5510
Hours: 8:30am – 4:30pm
Monday – Friday
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