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The Crestone Eagle • August, 2022
by Energy Fair Coordinators
The annual Crestone Energy Fair will be held in the Crestone Town Hall Park on Saturday and Sunday August 27 and 28. There will be workshops, booths, music and demonstrations plus the ever popular Home Tour.
Our theme, “Reclaim: Self, Village, Nature,” will focus on building and healing you can do for yourself and for the land with materials that are most accessible. Bring a picnic blanket and plan to stay for the whole event; there isn’t anything you’ll want to miss.
We are refreshing our classic panel talks with updated content, and new life through sponsorships. The Natural Building Panel is sponsored by popular YouTube educator The Off Grid Guru. He is bringing builders to feature Hempcrete, Aircrete, and Earthship building. He will discuss the pros and cons of each kind, specific to our advantages and challenges here in the valley.
We are adding the Local Food Panel, sponsored by The SLV Seed Exchange and director Jae Sanders. Jae will engage the audience and a curated panel of local food producers and aggregators in discussing the assets and needs of our regional foodshed. How does one create food sovereignty for the people of the San Luis Valley?
The Local Water and Sanitation panel has never happened before. This year we have Shaun King leading us through a discussion about our ability to preserve water and compost waste.
We will also be featuring a Wellness Panel, hosted by Dr. Kim Engard, of Wildwoods Herbs. She will guide a discussion on the many ways we “Reclaim” ourselves through our healing.
The panels and most of our permaculture educators will be on the big stage in the main park in town, and our biggest musical acts will be there in the evening.
“Reclaim” will also feature an art installation by many of our local artists, building a beautiful community sculpture from our Saguache County dump to demonstrate how useful what we consider waste can be.
Our sponsor, Elephant Cloud Market, is letting us use their outdoor stage to host music all day, both days. Our musical artists include The River Arkansas, Max Ribner Band, Mike Wird and the 33rd, Zea Stallings, 432One, locals Groove Wranglers, Old Man Tim and more to be announced!
Facilitating ceremony, we will have Regenerate Change from Denver and Tomas EagleBear with the Southwest Dancers. Regenerate Change is a social permaculture organization educating on dynamic relationships, navigating change and challenge together, and building lasting relations. One of their teachers, the gem Asia Dorsey, will be our guide for the weekend.
The SLV Seed Exchange will also be hosting a mini seed and plant exchange during the festival. Bring and share seeds, bulbs, plants and produce at the Seed Exchange booth, building both our resilient person-to-person connections and a thriving local food economy. Their goal is to enhance our food security by sharing resources for gardening and farming.
We are also developing a new Wellness Village that will host our yoga instructors, tai chi, sound healings and the softer side of the event. You’ll find this in the western park with the playground and the creek. We are looking for more healers, massage therapists, yoga teachers and more to join us and be part of the wellness addition of the fair.
Natural Home Tours, one of the most popular features of the fair, will be expanding this year to include two rounds of each tour! You’ll have a morning and an afternoon chance to see the “in progress” homes, and the “finished” homes. Exploring the diverse and gorgeous homes of Crestone is an artistic dream; don’t miss your chance to get inspired on this guided tour and poke around some of our favorite homes. Each home offers unique permaculture features to marvel at, like off-grid living, earthbag building, earthship design, natural plasters, no-till gardening, and expert space creation.
Bring and share your seeds, bulbs, plants and produce at the San Luis Valley Seed Exchange booth. Contribute your ideas about building food security in our region through a quick survey. Connect with resources you need through Land Link. Attend the Local Foods panel discussion to hear regional food aggregators discuss the assets and needs of our regional foodshed. Person-to-person connections are what build a resilient foodshed!
The Energy Fair is so important to our Crestone culture of individuality and interdependence. If you have ever benefitted, or plan to enjoy our event, please consider a donation to our gofundme to support this amazing content the Fair brings to the valley. The Energy Fair is giving us many empowering tools to take action and create the change we wish in the world. Our community relies on our opportunities to connect, to share information, and build together, and the Energy Fair is offering exactly that. We need community financial support to keep growing into the best organization we can be, and The Energy Fair wants to support and uplift the beauty and connection in Crestone.
Most importantly, come out to the fair and see for yourself what we have been up to. If you are inspired to help and be a part of the team, reach out on our website to get plugged in. We are still looking to fill a host of roles including street team, day-of-event roles, and hosts for different stage areas. It’s going to be a lot of fun, and a great event. I can’t wait to see you there!
Check out our new branch, The Ongoing Education Series. On August 6 & 7 we will be hosting a Natural Plasters workshop with Master Builder Curtis Scheib. The workshops will continue into September and October, so stay tuned to find out what’s in store. Call Goldie for more information at 303-903-0968.
December 1, 2019
March 30, 2021
June 1, 2019
June 29, 2020

The Crestone Eagle is a monthly newspaper/magazine serving Crestone, Saguache County, and the Northern San Luis Valley.

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