March 4, 2025

Shares of Canadian Apartment Properties Real Estate Investment Trust Un CAR.UT, +1.90% slipped 2.10% to C$43.73 Thursday, in what proved to be an all-around down trading session for the Canadian market, with the S&P/TSX Composite Index GSPTSE, +0.67% falling 0.97% to 19,142.72. This was the stock’s third consecutive day of losses. Canadian Apartment Properties Real Estate Investment Trust Un closed C$19.04 short of its 52-week high (C$62.77), which the company reached on September 9th. Trading volume of 317,558 shares remained below its 50-day average volume of 420,905.
Editor’s Note: This story was auto-generated by Automated Insights, an automation technology provider, using data from Dow Jones and FactSet. See our market data terms of use.
With summer winding down, the stock market is set up for a potentially shaky fall.

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