March 4, 2025

Andrew Holmes, national podcaster and Chicago real estate entrepreneur and educator, keynotes the Thursday, September 8 Webinar, “Changing Dynamics in the Real Estate Development/Housing Industry.” Courtesy of Larry Bullock
What do the real estate development and housing markets look like in an inflationary, post-pandemic world? How can your business be successful in such a world? Most importantly, how do you thrive as a professional?
The US Minority Contractors Association’s (USMCA) 5th Annual REIED Conference Webinar will answer these questions and more on Thursday, September 8, at 5:30pm, as they host “Changing Dynamics in the Real Estate Development/Housing Industry.”
The virtual webinar captures the latest information, marketing trends and funding models to jumpstart a post-Covid real estate industry. this year’s 5th Annual Real Estate Investment and Economic Development Webinar puts participants at the forefront of the philanthropic wealth-building asset that is real estate development. According to USMCA, understanding both federal funding priorities and governmental leveraging of the latest $1.3 trillion Infrastructure financing law are crucial to urban and rural economic development.
“There is an urgency and demand for low-to-moderate housing solutions,” says Rev. Larry Bullock, CEO of USMCA. “That’s what drives the USMCA- REIED division and our partners to articulate and develop strategies that address specific disadvantaged communities of color to embrace a network of private and public entities, and contractors who are ready to invest in a city near you.”
He continued. “This webinar is for persons who are ready to invest in the collective advancement of communities of promise.”
The Webinar’s keynote speaker, Mr. Andrew Holmes, is a Chicago-based real estate investor, developer, educator, and national podcaster heard by millions around the world. He will discuss “Entrepreneurship in the Real Estate Industry.”
Besides Mr. Holmes, three panels featuring industry experts represent nearly 100 years of experience, including:
• Panel #1-Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) Reimagining: Single Family and Multi-Family Market Trends for Investors. Moderator: Viviana Writer, Prosperiti Partners, LLC., Panelist Titus Williams, President, and Owner of Prosperiti Partners, LLC, a real estate development and investment company in Springfield, Missouri. His current portfolio comprises several hundred single-family rentals, multifamily units, offices, retail, and multiple commercial developments. Previously Titus was the Vice President and Secretary-Treasurer of Missouri Valley REIT, Inc. and served as Chief Operations Officer of Missouri Valley REIT Management, LLC. He earned a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Evangel University in Springfield, Missouri, and an MBA from the University of Mary in Bismarck, North Dakota.
• Panel #2-New Innovations in Modular Solutions: Moderator: Tim Swanson, Inherent L3C Panelists include Patricia L. Eggleston, Esq. Imani Village, an attorney with 33 years of experience in real estate, Eggleston serves as the Executive Vice-President/General Counsel of the LLC developing Imani Village; Mike Weathersby, RME Construction, a third generation plumbing company specializing in water lines, sewers, sewer structure installations, and plumbing site work. He is licensed in Illinois and Indiana as a plumbing contractor, and Bill Williams, Founder, KMW Communities. Williams has over 20 years of experience in real estate development, commercial banking, and financial analysis. He has led or participated in a wide range of projects that include but not limited to residential, commercial, and mixed-income public/private partnership developments. A Chicago native, he holds a bachelor’s degree from DePaul University in Finance and an MBA from Notre Dame’s Mendoza College of Business.
• Panel #3-Economic Forecasting for Housing Sales Moderator: Dr. Anujah Gupta, Verdandah, LLC. Panelist Lindsay Edwards, Chief Investment Officer at Opportunity Alabama (OPAL) leads the investment process for Opportunity Alabama’s Commercial Real Estate and Opportunity Zone investment vehicles. He is also a Principal at Chesapeake Capital. He has dual B.S. degrees from Morehouse College and Columbia University, and an MBA from the Goizueta Business School at Emory University.
The 2022 Webinar is sponsored by Wintrust Financial Corporation, the P3 Group, FH Paschen, Core Construction Company, Procore Technologies Corporation and Provident Bank. Registration for the Zoom webinar is available through Eventbrite,, by emailing USMCA at ad***@us*******************.org, or by calling USMCA at 847-852-5010. USMCA members are free, and non-members are $25 per person.
The purpose of USMCA is to provide unique professional, educational, technical and consultive services to both the membership and the community at large. USMCA provides the best consultive services possible in the construction, environmental, building maintenance, architectural engineering design, hospitality training and general service industries. They serve as the advocacy agency for minority contractors and subcontractors in the suburban community. For more information, go to the USMCA website at


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