February 23, 2025

RealtyBizNews: Real Estate Marketing & Beyond
If you’re planning to invest in property, or you’ve already gotten started, you may be looking for people who can support your journey. That could be friends and family cheering you on, backers with funding, and personnel to help you operate your business. Additionally, you may want to consider a real estate virtual assistant to handle a lot of the administrative, day-to-day tasks.
When you work with an assistant they can do a lot of the work for you, and you can focus on finding new properties, securing more investment options, or revitalizing the properties you’ve purchased. You may also want to have some downtime, or focus on other pursuits in addition to investments. Here’s what you need to know about choosing the right assistant for your needs.
A virtual assistant can handle the majority of daily tasks for your investment or real estate company. You could hire an in-person assistant, but then you’d need to have office space for them. The overhead costs could grow, and that would cut into your profits and opportunities. There are some cases where you need another person in the office, but that’s definitely not always the case.
Your virtual assistant can do most of the things an in-person assistant can handle, without the need for space in your location. That means you can choose someone who’s a great fit based on their skills, even if they’re halfway across the country. Then your assistant can help you with finding properties, marketing and advertising, processing tenant requests and maintenance issues, collecting rent payments, getting contracts signed, and much more.
Because virtual assistants can do so many things, they can help you increase your peace of mind as you build your investment portfolio. You want someone you can fully trust because they’re going to be the face of your company in some cases. Assistants often answer emails and phone calls, too, so hiring someone who’s personable is important.
A real estate virtual assistant is the right choice because they have specific knowledge that another type of virtual support person may not have. You need a person with the right knowledge, and when you hire an assistant who already knows the real estate industry you shorten the learning curve and onboarding time.
That can be good news for you, because your assistant can start helping you faster. It’s also good news for the assistant, though, because they don’t have to spend a lot of time training on something new and worrying about making mistakes. You and your real estate virtual assistant can get into the rhythm of working together faster, allowing you to focus on other issues while you have a trusted person to take over administrative concerns.
The right assistant can be great at answering questions for investors and potential tenants, too, because they know the field and understand what’s being asked of them. You can trust their answers, and let them work with others in the industry to keep your property investment portfolio on track. That can help you have a stronger financial future.
Finding the right person for the job is important. The best way for you to do that is to work with a company to choose your real estate, virtual assistant. Not only can that provide you with more security and peace of mind, but it can also help you look through the information for several assistants to find a good fit.
You want someone with the skills you need, but also someone who has a personality that meshes well with yours. After all, you’re going to be working closely with your virtual assistant, presumably for a long time. You may want to spend some time looking for just the right assistant, instead of choosing the first one you can find.
That little bit of extra time is well worth it when you locate the real estate assistant who’s right for your needs. Then you can be confident in their abilities and let them help you advance your property investment goals.;
Author: Stephen Atcheler is an entrepreneur in the Real Estate space. He has grown multiple businesses, including a Real Estate Agency, and an online Real Estate Adverting business, and is currently the founder and driver of the fastest-growing Real Estate BPO in the Philippines. If you would like to connect or get in touch with Stephen, he is very active on LinkedIn and always happy for a new connection. 


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