LEXINGTON, Ky. — Stock Yards Bank & Trust has partnered with Resources Education & Assistance for Community Housing (REACH, Inc.) to help central Kentucky homeowners pay for needed repairs and replacements at home. The new Stock Yards Bank Home Repair Grant offers forgivable mortgages to those with low-moderate income to make home repairs including, replacing HVAC systems, doors, windows, roofing, siding, flooring, or gutters in addition to other energy efficiency upgrades, accessibility improvements and safety repairs.
The Stock Yards Bank Home Repair Grant program was announced at the Stock Yards Bank’s Vine Street location.
“Our community benefits when all people have a safe place to live and call home,” said Stock Yards Bank chairman and CEO James A. (Ja) Hillebrand. “Stock Yards Bank wants to help improve the safety and livelihood of our fellow Central Kentuckians by funding repairs that may have otherwise been out of reach.”
Resources Education & Assistance for Community Housing (REACH, Inc.) will screen applicants and Stock Yards Bank and Trust will review the applications. To find out if you are eligible for one of the loans of up to $6000, call (859) 455-8057 x 26. A pool of $90,000 is available. Some limitations apply for eligible uses of the loans. Borrowers’ income must be certified and deemed eligible under HUD income AMI limits 80% or below or, borrowers must reside in an LMI census tract. Beneficiaries must be the owner occupants. Loans will be forgiven over a three-year period.
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