January 30, 2025

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Proline Painting Services Inc. is a residential and commercial painting company committed to delivering excellent painting jobs to improve the inside and outside appearance of a home or business. The painting contractor specializes in Interior Painting, Exterior Painting, Wood Staining, Decks & Porches, House Painting, Retail Store Painting, and more. Because interior painting can make or break the look of the kitchen, basement, or bathroom, Proline Painting Services Inc. is happy to get the job done right from the start. For exterior painting, the company uses high-quality paint and a finish that can withstand different weather.
Established in 2010, the local residential and commercial painter is committed to providing top-quality services. The company is certified and insured to handle all issues, including indoor and outdoor painting and small and tall building paint jobs. Their ultimate focus is on serving the needs of all clients to gain trust and build personal, long-term relationships. Michael Neves is the business owner and spokesperson.
Proline Painting Services Inc. only hires the highest-quality professionals and creates an enjoyable environment to work in. The licensed painters Boston professionals are required to be honest and hardworking and deliver services on time and within budget. Property owners who hire their services enjoy quality, lasting workmanship paired with unparalleled customer service. One happy customer had this to say, “This team did a phenomenal job repainting the interior of our house. It looks great. The team was super courteous and professional. Will definitely use them again.”
As a leading residential and commercial painting company, Proline Painting Services Inc. works with different clientele, including individuals, general contractors, business owners, and property managers. When assigned a commercial paint job, the team will provide a detailed proposal outlining the services and upfront costs. As a routine, the painters will ensure minimal business interference. Their residential services include interior painting, house painting, kitchen cabinet refinishing, and pressure washing. The company is Home Advisor Screened and Approved and a member of the Builder and Remodelers Association of Greater Boston.
The high-rated Boston painting contractors promise not to leave a job until the customer is satisfied with the results. The paint technicians also use paints that strictly adhere to safety standards. Other pros of choosing the painting company are fair prices and a friendly team trusted in the community. Along with being reliable and fast, the company respects all clients and their properties. Proline Painting Services Inc.’s business hours run from Monday to Friday, 7 am to 6 pm, and Saturday, 8 am to 3 pm.
The residential and commercial painting pros at Proline Painting Services Inc. can be reached at (617) 818-5763. Their office is located at One Boston Place, Suite 2600, Boston, MA, 02108, US. Their extended service area covers Allston, Back Bay, Chinatown, Charlestown, Brighton, and Dorchester. A gallery showcasing completed projects is available on their website.
Media Contact
Company Name
Proline Painting Services Inc.
Contact Name
Michael Neves
(617) 818-5763
One Boston Place, Suite 2600
Postal Code
United States
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