March 3, 2025

The following is a list of more real estate parcels valued at $150,000 or more that have been transferred in the past few months in Richmond and surrounding areas.
To our readers: Caroline and Louisa listings will not be included until further notice.
105 N 17th St; Shockoprops Llc to Quest Office Llc, $395,000.
1209 N 22nd St; Polar Strategy Inc to Lambert Robert, $225,000.
1122 N 24th St; Dixon Theresa to Easley John H Jr And, $375,000.
306 N 26th St U127; Jones Austin to Stickley Robert, $200,000.
909 N 29th St; Johnson Hall Cassandra to Ccr3 Holdings Llc, $240,000.
207 N 31st St; Savenko Melissa to Ccr3 Holdings Llc, $301,000.
1214 N 32nd St; Spearight Realty Llc to Lipscomb Carter Denzel, $334,950.
1107 N 33rd St; Frederick Judy Johnson to Knotts Sydney Katherine, $255,000.
1902 3rd Ave; Weiss Peter and Esther to Howard Christian Sean And, $375,000.
1705 4th Ave; Cho Lea to Reynolds Joshua, $311,450.
717 Admiral Gravely Blvd; Orbe Kiara and Zrik Fadi to Mootoo Amirah And, $390,000.
10240 Apache Road; Thomas Regi V & Susan to Delaney Daniel and Kara Racquel, $487,000.
1520 Avondale Ave; Kelly Joseph P to Atkins Collin R, $399,000.
2724 Belt Blvd; Sanabria Mario Godinez to Garcia Paola Maldonado, $207,500.
2132 Boro Ridge St; NVR Inc to Jones Maya Jasmine, $387,925.
1209 Boulder Creek Road; Mcfail Brenda to Heron Cindy May And, $300,000.
1813 E Broad St; Rock Bottom Real Estate Llc to 1813 E Broad Llc, $1,700,000.
5010 Bromley Lane; Golliday Miller Wayne to Rijack Construction Llc, $335,000.
3202 Bute Lane; Roper Jessica V and to Bokinsky James E and Rachel L, $408,000.
3221 Carolina Ave; Patterson Michael and to White Cathy R, $415,000.
1318 E Cary St; De Rien L C to Mayson K Properties Llc, $1,800,000.
4009 Chellowe Road; Harris W Lee Jr Executor to Holt Farm Llc, $167,200.
1701 Claiborne St; Koertge Jamie D to Atkinson Isabel C, $210,000.
1011 Commerce Road; Meyer Co Llc & R J Co Asso Llc & to Ton Ton Llc, $3,700,000.
505 S Davis Ave U1; Davis Lillie M & Kamara Karen M to Logsdon Melissa L And, $300,000.
5416 Dorchester Road; Tiller Philip A and to J & P Development Llc, $450,000.
3909 Ellwood Ave; Hotchkiss Taylor Christian to Hatcher Brooke F, $429,000.
2821 Floyd Ave; Talley Jeaneen to Pridgen William Loyal And, $815,000.
5116 Forest Hill Ave; Carter Debbie M to Smart Move Properties Inc, $192,000.
2512 E Franklin St; Hensley Mary Anne to Frichtel Katie Jo And, $471,500.
612 W Franklin St U6a; Sessoms O Van Pelt Iii to Blakeslee Melise, $599,000.
3802 Glenwood Ave; Smith Alex A to Hart Matthew and Tessa, $350,000.
2236 W Grace St; Domster David J to Molina Katherine A and Guy A, $591,000.
6755 S Grand Brook Cir; Lisciandri James P to Proctor Niya, $242,000.
2916 Griffin Ave; Fogleman William A and Morgan to Wolpert Molly T, $444,500.
4810 Grove Ave; Kromer Camilla L Revocable to Courtney David and Adrienne, $525,000.
225 Gun Club Road; Zip Solutions Llc to Crenshaw Courtland E And, $1,225,000.
507 N Hamilton St Ub; Dudley William L Jr to Duncan Mary Alyce, $230,000.
4011 Hanover Ave; Reyna Celeste to Kaufman Leonard K And, $620,000.
416 S Harrison St; Dubois Ronald L to Perry Nathan, $374,000.
5316 Horne St; Wc Real Estate Llc to Staples Mill Autoport Holding, $203,000.
1225 Huntland Road; Robinson Merritt B to Almore Beth Callen, $278,000.
1508 Kansas Ave; Elderhomes Corporation T/A to Twyford John Tyler, $195,000.
5909 Kensington Ave; 5909 Kensington Avenue Llc to Valentine Robert B, $425,000.
1427 Lakeview Ave; Clark John E Iii to Estep Kyle Allen, $272,500.
3803 Larchmont Lane; Midland Trust Company Fbo to Matlack David L and Ellie A, $225,000.
3015 M St; Baker Lauren E to Thompson Jason And, $280,000.
1902 Maple Shade Lane; Call Julia B and Brian C to Lassen Jessica M, $353,000.
518 W Marshall St; Haley Real Estate Investments to Hershey Ryan, $315,000.
609 Mayfair Ave; Caplice Ellison B to Reifsnider Robin T Trust, $1,650,000.
3526 Missouri Ave; Smith Nicklaus to Washington Kaya Lashanti, $310,000.
2510 Monument Ave U302; Romer Sarah M to Tate William S And, $450,000.
2905 Northumberland Ave; King Iris L to Enviro Utilities Inc, $263,450.
9916 Oldfield Dr; Gore Tracy C to Hariani Gita and Ahmed Babu, $205,000.
3300 P St; Jenkins William Michael Benusa to Stokesbary Shea Lynn And, $349,000.
3311 Parkwood Ave; Young Robin L to Shannon Skylar S And, $400,000.
5005 Patterson Ave; Saunders Timothy L and to Cava Capital Llc, $355,000.
611 S Pine St; Hughes Christopher P and to Hughes Christopher K, $330,000.
2005 Powell Road; Draughn Raymond Jr to Mallory Lucas And, $156,000.
2806 Riverside Dr; Foxglove Developments to Yates John and Cassidy Caroline, $595,000.
1722 Rose Ave; Robinett Matthew H and Anne Z to Smith Nicklaus W And, $315,000.
1223 Rothesay Cir; Hungerford Nancy Trust Trustee to Hotchkiss Taylor Christian And, $825,000.
5504 Snead Road; Calderon Noemi and to Azab Beshoy, $178,500.
2703 St Moritz Ct; Dominion Real Estate Solutions to Taylor Mariona Maxine, $260,000.
4503 Stuart Ave; Mayen Brett Jared and to Johnson Tyler Sharp And, $607,100.
6525 Stuart Ave; Shaheen Chandler B to 6525 Stuart Llc, $310,000.
5025 Sylvan Road; Satterwhite Jeanette B to Koplin Kierston B and Michael P, $350,000.
3229 Terminal Ave; Acc Contracting Llc to Johnson Muriel, $320,000.
912 Tulip St; Monroe Hezekiah & to Tulip Street Llc, $285,000.
6540 Vischer Road; NVR Inc to Binshtok Ron and Coleen, $408,305.
3302 Wellington St; Grekov Ivalin M to Singer Edward A, $180,500.
801 Westover Hills Blvd; Bascomb Brycen to Wyatt Jon Paden And, $285,000.
6608 Wexford Lane; Wilde Melinda D and to Diggs Forest, $305,000.
1610 Wilmington Ave; Campbell Wylie A Jr & Lucia M to Beck Solutions Llc, $327,500.
3025 Woodrow Ave; Green Peggy to Gardner Meri Liisa, $163,000.
11431 Abbots Cross Ln, Glen Allen; Urban Michael John to Stevens Wallace A Iii and Zhuoting Cai, $295,000.
4600 Allenbend Rd, Glen Allen; Hambleton George and Judy to Neely Nicara, $685,000.
3304 Aprilbud Pl, Henrico; Fisher Teresa C to Brennan Timothy J and Lisa H, $530,000.
390 Armitage Walk, Henrico; Eagle Construction Of Va Llc to Fields William G Jr and Lachara Vernell, $624,270.
5100 Arrowbrook Ct, Glen Allen; Duong Tommy Tuan and My-Dung Thi Nguyen to Gollapudi Neehar and Ratna Deshmukh, $639,999.
12306 Ashton Glen Ct, Henrico; Kay Emily K and Stephen W Fratantaro to Pierce John D and Madilyn E, $440,000.
11500 Autumnwood Way, Glen Allen; Upadhya Madhvesh K and Vsk to Emma Derek Anthony and Leslie, $585,000.
2916 Barwood Rd, Glen Allen; Foreman Richard D and Kanae N to Jones Linda S, $280,000.
2761 Beowulf Ct, Henrico; Isbell Robert E and Rose S to Laney Josh C , $259,000.
7304 Birch Point Dr, Henrico; Kemeny Kristin Lea to Gu Hong, $334,000.
2425 Boissevain Rd, Henrico; Morgan Douglas A Trustee to Brill Mary, $300,000.
11201 Braxton Ave, Glen Allen; Hennett David K and Jeannette M to Sawyer Mitchell P and Kelly E Janik, $315,000.
4805 Brittles Ln, Henrico; Balkus Francis A to Ross Christine, $240,000.
1202 Brushwood Ave, Glen Allen; Minor Robert S and Christina G to Bushey Jason Jay, $176,748.
4003 Bush Lake Pl, Glen Allen; Va4003blp Trust to Cezintseva Maria, $230,000.
9707 Candace Ter, Glen Allen; Kirkland Megan Louise to Roelen Wandair S R and Barbara V Tim, $220,000.
2704 Carneal St, Henrico; Morton Sameatria B to Green Wanda Lorraine, $174,950.
9039 Castle Point Rd, Glen Allen; Cooper David S and Judy L to Denat Michael, $200,000.
5611 Chamberlayne Ave, Henrico; Wigner Jesse M to Henderson Vivian P, $250,000.
1409 Chowan Rd, Henrico; Neely Laura K to Dillard Daniel S and Micaela L Gullerian, $355,000.
2100 Clover Rd, Henrico; Broughton Christopher A and Shaylen A to Holland Justin and Laura Baust, $302,000.
4015 College Valley Ct, Henrico; Brown Geoffrey S and Lisa Anne Trustees to Motley Stuart M Ii and April B , $750,000.
3301 Coppermill Trce, Henrico; Copper Springs Property Lp to Gep X Copper Spring Llc, 85750000.
9715 Country Way Rd, Glen Allen; Primack Elizabeth S and Michael to Chen Zhang Lin and Ai Hua , $337,500.
9513 Craigs Mill Dr, Glen Allen; Dyer Robert G and Kathleen to Boushra Michael A , $421,000.
101 Cyril Ln, Henrico; Parker Robert S Jr and Lennie E to Tooker David W and Mary T, $797,000.
4858 Darbytown Rd, Henrico; Wood Ashley N to Gossard Jonathan Russell, $250,000.
8905 Derbyshire Rd, Henrico; Matterson Stephen L to Kerr William James and Cara Mckibbin, $375,000.
1744 Early St, Sandston; Hebbe David R M and Tonya N to Gilbert Jennifer, $335,000.
6216 Ellis Ave, Henrico; Goodman Hannah M to Gerlich Nicole, $215,000.
1132 Elmshadow Dr, Henrico; Stone Dyvawn O to Maxfield Mary, $215,000.
10425 Falconbridge Dr, Henrico; Highlander Karen L to Winsor Seth Larry and Janette Toolson, $426,000.
224 S Fern Ave, Henrico; Lewis Zipporah Vyette to Lewis Zipporah Yvette, $221,500.
10768 Forest Hollow Ct, Glen Allen; Lifestyle Builders And Developers Inc to Deshpande Mangesh Vijay and Preeti, $659,950.
705 Foundry Park Ct, Glen Allen; Legault Homes Llc to Pinkston Kevin D and Crystall W , $615,154.
1500 Francis Rd, Glen Allen; Bari Real Estate Investment Corp to Hp Virginia I Llc, $375,000.
9603 George’s Bluff Rd, Henrico; Scherr Irving Y and E B Trs to Reinhart Robert Jr , $699,950.
4304 Gladewater Rd, Henrico; Lewis Judy T to Commonwealth Redevelopment Llc, $156,520.
504 Glendale Dr, Henrico; Dunn Michael S to Carroll Sarah Anne , $365,000.
12460 Grace Hill Ln, Glen Allen; Matsko Stephanie R to Suarez Carmen Maria, $380,000.
9632 Greenmeadow Cir, Glen Allen; Vandell Richard B and Jennifer L Carroll to Lin Yu, $205,000.
4004 Grove Point Dr, Henrico; NVR Inc to Housewirth Jade Kiara, $264,660.
6007 Hampstead Ave, Henrico; Daniel Mary Mercer to Coor Wilson Alexander , $259,000.
1605 Harvest Grove Ln, Henrico; Hill Jeanne A to Watson Renard J Sr and Casey A Watson, $275,000.
5514 Hawthorne Ave, Henrico; Stratton Michael C and P A Vecchione to Willis Brandon W, $180,000.
304 Hay Mill Aly, Glen Allen; Hhhunt Homes Lc to Shedge Indrajeet Vikramrao and Arati I, $367,645.
3324 Haydenpark Ln, Henrico; Bray Rebecca L to West Ronald H and Blakley M, $575,000.
12373 Hepler Ridge Ct, Glen Allen; Barbour Russell Eugene and Melia Anne to Anbalagan Manoranjan and Ramya Manoranjan, $615,000.
509 Highland Dr, Henrico; Mayer James Edwin Ii to Barbee Reginald L, $210,000.
5565 Holman Dr, Glen Allen; Ingram David and Myong S to Ganesan Sankar and Geetha Sankar, $510,000.
6910 Horsepen Rd, Henrico; Butrico Jonathan P and K M Lassiter Trust to Greenwood Robert J and Jane , $345,000.
9290 Hungary Rd, Glen Allen; Pabon-Fox Janet L to Gurmu Temesgen Abera , $350,000.
4122 Innslake Dr, Glen Allen; Clarendon Associates Llc to Mih Innslake Llc, $1,900,000.
1830 Ivystone Dr, Henrico; Nickerson Johnathan Michael to Dean Kati K , $241,000.
215 S Kalmia Ave, Henrico; Williams General Contractor Llc to Kieper Melissa R and Kolby J Tryon, $195,000.
7708 King Eider Dr, Henrico; Austin Dania to Mcclure Kevnesha Chrishelle, $320,000.
316 Lake Crest Ct, Henrico; Stokes Luther L to Li Ziyang, $240,000.
8309 Lansdowne Rd, Henrico; Filios Eleni to Suhre Natalie and Samuel Robbins, $362,500.
2202 Lauderdale Dr, Henrico; Bruner Elizabeth M to Li Yanxia and Li Mo Cao, $281,200.
4752 Leakes Mill Dr, Glen Allen; NVR Inc to Shinde Ajay A and Pragati R Divekar, $605,215.
3912 Liesfeld Pl, Glen Allen; Fenley Troy G and Adrienne G Trustees to Alexander Kristen Lynn, $440,000.
2810 Lito Rd, Glen Allen; Tdz Properties Llc to Reddinger Lucas and Angel Hoey, $300,000.
539 Lowell St, Henrico; Bailey Terry and Sonia to Diversified Residential Homes 4 Llc, $185,000.
9524 Maelee Mews, Henrico; Bhattarai Chitra and Bishnu Adhikari to Gurung Kumar and Sari Adhikari, $320,000.
12144 Manor Walk Dr, Glen Allen; Torruella Matthew to Dhiraviam Madhavan and Suganthi Palanisamy, $607,000.
8509 Mark Lawn Dr, Henrico; P S Mcmahon Properties Llc to Abell Brandon, $245,000.
1008 Maryland Ave, Glen Allen; Hargis Sandra to Frostick Cameron H, $175,000.
1800 Meadow Rd, Sandston; Clements John H Jr and John H Sr to Pocklington David and Tracey , $189,950.
3505 Middlewich Way, Henrico; Style Craft Homes Inc Of Virgina to Nelson Calvin Iii, $243,570.
2323 Mill Rd, Henrico; Spehar Amber Lynn to Gray Migell and Shakira, $200,000.
6601 Monument Ave, Henrico; Wood Jack C to Reynolds Abby and Mark Novak, $340,000.
3700 Morton Dr, Henrico; Gilani Zeenia to Wilson Teresh, $360,100.
3124 Mountain Rd, Glen Allen; Delph Joni C to Karim Saleema A , $350,000.
1649 New Haven Pl, Glen Allen; Chen Eileen May to Wong Hok Leung and Vivien K Lee, $367,000.
1000 E Nine Mile Rd, Henrico; Lackey E M Trustee to Zorbas Pizzeria Llc, $165,000.
8910 Norwick Rd, Henrico; Makepeace Charles W and L M to Goodrich Jason and Carson, $1,150,000.
104 Oakridge Ave, Henrico; Robbins Christopher Michael and Debra F to Otey Robert and Stephanie, $330,000.
5802 Old Richmond Ave, Henrico; Dickinson Stephen T to Forlines Dane, $410,000.
216 Overlook Rd, Henrico; Baird Robert J and Cathryn to White Matthew W and Elizabeth J , $889,000.
2610 E Parham Rd, Henrico; Emidio and Associates Llc to Jmw Llc, $825,000.
320 Penley Ave, Sandston; Simulcik Emma E to Thomas Ashley, $199,950.
6767 Poplar Spring Rd, Henrico; Gorman Barry D and Teresa S to Jacobs John S and Loride, $220,000.
1011 Pump Rd, Henrico; Arcorp Ii Ltd to Colonial Veterinary Properties Llc, $325,000.
10180 Purcell Rd, Henrico; Tibbs James P to Crawford Melissa Ann, $192,500.
2006 Raintree Dr, Henrico; Coates Michael L and Mark L to Pleasants Page Watson, $405,000.
3943 Redbud Rd, Glen Allen; Brunner Nancy J and L F Hyatt and E G to Siam Investments Llc, $410,000.
4022 Rivermere Ln, Glen Allen; Mckinney Michael and Celinda I to Cui Yu Lu and Jenny Ye and Jackson Chu, $385,000.
5808 E Rois Rd, Henrico; Cook Paul Reid to Isom Nicolia , $235,000.
1600 Saddlehorse Pl, Henrico; Bryn Hunter and Hannah to Evins Zhane D and Mitchell K Johnson, $300,000.
1210 Santa Anna Rd, Henrico; Ferrell Jason and Merry Leigh to Chen Michael and Christine Sienna Lee, $310,000.
8359 Scott Pl, Henrico; Eastwood Homes Of Richmond Llc to Mooney Donna L, $338,675.
301 Shellbark Pl, Glen Allen; Subramanian Karthikeyan and S Karthikeyan to Madiraju Siva P and Lakshmi H S Kasiraju, $475,000.
4617 Snowmass Rd, Glen Allen; Campbell David B and Yvette S to Campbell Blake T, $472,000.
2655 St Elias Dr, Henrico; Stanley Martin Homes Llc to Hagood Kyle , $385,507.
9508 Stockbridge Dr, Henrico; Renew Homes Llc to Cuevas Alejandro Delgado, $270,000.
1513 Stonewall Manor Dr, Henrico; Whitaker Cathleen A to Tu Yukai and Yanbin Wang, $252,000.
1907 Sweetwater Ln, Henrico; Strojni Cathy Jean to Elizabeth G S Leblanc Trust, $364,000.
8221 Tarkington Dr, Henrico; Purnell Kevin D to Caudill Madison Elizabeth , $235,000.
2205 Thomas Kenney Dr, Glen Allen; Hoke Glenn D and Theresa T to Satterfield Koren, $400,000.
1701 Timberly Waye, Henrico; Eck Mary Chase Estate to Chen Xinyuan, $263,000.
2605 Towngate Ct, Henrico; Cluff Kenneth W and Tuana Z Smith to Chisu Alina , $223,000.
4903 Turner Ridge Ct, Glen Allen; Panjwani Noorjahan to Panjwani Imran and Beenish Meghani, $700,000.
8177 Varina Rd, Henrico; Wagner Mark O and Kristine to Wilson Cameron D, $267,000.
210 N Virginia Ave, Henrico; Prince Antoine L and Annie F to Keel Lateisha, $245,000.
315 Washington Ct, Henrico; Beavers Wanda D to Mclennon Vybert B and Jelisa L Bolden, $276,500.
2318 Wedgewood Ave, Henrico; Moniuszko John A Estate to Reeves Savannah L, $301,210.
4204 West End Dr, Henrico; Salzman William Todd to Gurung Binod K and Pabitra M, $305,000.
10909 Westward Pl, Glen Allen; Kolagani Brahma P and Santhisri Darla to Nair Renjith S and Ayswarya Renjith, $636,000.
5500 Whiteside Rd U1-2, Sandston; Gokli and Thomas Llc to Virginia Wetland Consulting Lc, $260,000.
9705 Wildbriar Ln, Henrico; Dyson Jacquelin R C to Wittwer Gregory D and Erin Elizabeth , $366,500.
5519 Willis Ln, Henrico; Montgomery Daniel S Sr to Moon William B, $200,000.
11800 Willpage Pl, Henrico; Nichols Mark D and Joni M to Zubaydi Anmar, $425,000.
1907 Windingridge Way, Henrico; Mowbray G Ernest Iii &p W to Cassada Grayson B and Elizabeth B , $477,500.
7931 Wistar Woods Ct, Henrico; Hamilton Marina to Kontos Angela, $335,000.
5202 Wythe Ave, Henrico; Gallardo Guillermo M and Leslie Lamers to Freeman Beverly Denton, $805,000.
7418 Affirmed Dr, Midlothian; Medlin Frances H to Jacobs Melody Natasha, $275,000.
3525 Alvecote Ter, Midlothian; Gregoire Development Corp to Solorzano Oscar Fabricio Montesdeoca and Guaita Andreina Teresa Garcia, $711,359.
11609 Arbor Highlands Ter, Chester; Amaya Jimmy J and Grace K to Velazquez Edgardo, $315,000.
3421 Argent Ln, North Chesterfield; Hundley Cylenthia A and King S to Morris Amanda Lynn, $251,000.
7622 Ashlake Cmns, Chesterfield; Krajewski Caryl A to Lafaro Rocky, $374,900.
11513 Avening Rd, Chesterfield; Hill Homes Inc to Caparrelli Robert and Marianne, $384,700.
13411 Bailey Bridge Rd, Midlothian; Renfroe Barbara A Estate to Little David Bruce and Sheila M, $168,750.
3102 S Battlebridge Dr, North Chesterfield; Lunt Elena Mashid-Das to Silver Janelle Talaya, $218,000.
5417 Bellmeadows Rd, North Chesterfield; Delbridge Shanice M to Gonzalez Alejandro Del Cid, $220,000.
5631 Benika Dr, North Chesterfield; Hodges Jason E to Ellis Aimee K and Nathan Ryan, $205,000.
710 Blakeston Dr, North Chesterfield; Jones Michael J and Ebony to Markowitz Richard A and Chesky Amy L, $489,000.
11790 Bollingbrook Dr, North Chesterfield; Eiser Anthony E and Debra B to Rust Christopher A and Kristina D, $420,000.
4469 Braden Woods Dr, Chesterfield; NVR Inc to Rodriguez Miguel Angel, $323,600.
14013 Brandygrove Ct, Chesterfield; Waldman-Chaney Nancy to Boyer Brett, $377,000.
1001 Briars Ct, Midlothian; Miller Melissa to Bradshaw Hak N, $279,450.
10191 Brightwood Ave, North Chesterfield; Flip Virginia Llc to Garris Shanell, $239,000.
4006 Bryanwood Rd, North Chesterfield; Nichols Randal W and Vonda K to Diaz Perez, Jhonny N, $260,000.
16048 Cambria Cove Blvd, Midlothian; Koch Arthur A Iii and Butler L K to Yeaman Justin and Malorie, $480,000.
10173 Carol Anne Rd, Chesterfield; Murray Luke to Chambers Karen Annette, $178,000.
1402 Cauthan Ct, North Chesterfield; Transform Va Llc Trustee to Wade Melanie, $267,500.
10662 Centralia Station Rd, Chester; Gurley Royal Jr and Carter D D to Demarino Yvonne L, $425,000.
13418 Chesdin Landing Dr, Chesterfield; Fox Tricia C and Carl J to Olverson Dustin A, $950,000.
11412 Claimont Mill Dr, Chester; Style Craft Homes Inc Of Va to Favors Coley Renay, $251,600.
11436 Claimont Mill Dr, Chester; Style Craft Homes Inc Of Va to Burrell Angela, $263,975.
840 Club Ridge Ter, Chester; Reynolds Roy W Jr and Suzanne L to Garrison David and Megan, $515,000.
5301 Copperpenny Rd, Chesterfield; Leatherwood Dwayne C and Leatherwood Michael F to Beasley Bryon and Rebecca, $340,000.
12707 Cottage Mill Rd, Midlothian; Freel John W and Anne M to Spencer Reginald W and Jamie E, $360,000.
12801 Crathes Ln, Chesterfield; NVR Inc to Saul Daniel and Pamela Rose, $509,510.
3305 Crossings Way, Midlothian; Rice Julia E to Quinonez Elizabeth and Boswell Paul Weston, $483,500.
2042 Deauville Rd, North Chesterfield; Eam Saryna to Hamidi Ariana, $320,000.
10110 Dimock Dr, North Chesterfield; Ribler Daniel J to Carbajal Jesus Gonzalez, $289,000.
6114 Duck Cove Rd, Midlothian; Manage This Llc to Ellis Michael Jason and Jamie Jean, $300,000.
8506 Dwayne Ln, North Chesterfield; Leonard Thomas A and Patricia L to Leonard Kristopher S and Kaitlyn L, $292,500.
11824 Ellerbee Mill Ave, Chester; Style Craft Homes Inc Of Va to Lisciandri Frances Connie and James Paul, $371,289.
15024 Enmore Dr, Midlothian; Gregoire Development Corp to Eckard Erik C and Evangelia P, $634,875.
318 Enon Oaks Ln, Chester; Wohlleb Carl R and Diann T to Dickerson Jared R and Tessa N, $380,500.
3404 Fallbrooke Ct, North Chesterfield; Amadeo Jeffrey Ross to Fountain Linda Diane and Saraceni Christopher David, $228,000.
10218 Farmleigh Dr, North Chesterfield; Long David H to Weinacht Mary Pamela and Click Michael Wayne, $335,575.
8719 Forest Hill Ave, North Chesterfield; Roger Neil Industries Llp to Bw Dynamic Integration Llc, $690,000.
6903 Fox Grn, Chesterfield; Hogan Brendan L to Smith Jacob and Lauren, $185,000.
2306 Garrison Place Ter, Midlothian; Oliva Sara F to Ali Muhammad and Mahmood Mehak, $311,000.
2930 Glendower Cir, Midlothian; Strobl Kenneth C and Diane L to Pascarella Christine and Francis, $455,000.
16516 Gossamer Dr, Moseley; Aubin Edward L Jr and Jones Dawn to Evans Mark Edward and Lisa, $420,000.
2540 Grassy Knoll Ln, North Chesterfield; Williams Michael L and Mary A to Debose Shannon, $260,000.
520 Greenside Ter, Chester; Geraci Jefferey V and Lindsey D to Carter David Andre and Esther Bradby, $358,000.
706 Greyshire Dr, Chester; Sutton Larry and Avangela to Williams Agnita, $400,000.
6413 Hackney Cir, North Chesterfield; Simon William O and Amanda J to Hoge James Benson, $269,900.
12230 Harrowgate Rd, Chester; Holden Mary H to Campbell Janice Irene, $250,000.
11812 Heathmere Cres, Midlothian; Creel Gregory J and Aislinn T to Carver Jacob S and Rhine Samantha, $340,000.
5719 Hereld Green Dr, Chesterfield; Mangan Jonathan P and Lindsey M to Kennedy Jarred D and Candace A, $380,000.
16906 Honeybush Ln, Moseley; Weichert Workforce Mobility Inc to Kasprzak Ashley M Trustee, $560,000.
1710 E Hundred Rd, Chester; Va Psychiatric Associates Inc to Excel Accounting and Bookkeeping Services Inc, $232,500.
8317 Indian Springs Rd, North Chesterfield; Walters Dean M and Vicki B to Hanko Jared S, $275,000.
7716 Jahnke Rd, North Chesterfield; Clark Dennis R to Sperling Gwen and Ruiz Sigfried, $249,000.
16925 Jennway Ter, Moseley; Al-Ahmadi Abdulrahman A Et Al to Thomas Marcus, $625,000.
421 Keithwood Ct, North Chesterfield; El Oukaili Talal M to Robinson James T, $225,000.
9703 Kennesaw Rd, North Chesterfield; Cauley Eve Trustee to Fitzhugh Mark Ritter and Lauren Elisabeth, $269,000.
3333 Kingsdale Rd, North Chesterfield; Friend Robnette Lee to Aim Higher Supportive Services Inc, $179,000.
2706 Knobbly Ct, Chester; Womack Elaine F to Jenkins Atheria Oliveine, $270,000.
3105 Lalonde Dr, Chester; Perkins Christina Kelly to Cantwell Brandon and Amber, $229,000.
3949 Lawnwood Dr, North Chesterfield; Advanced Homes and Renov Llc to Hernandez Nelson G, $292,000.
5209 Lippingham Ln, Chester; Bartley Charles Edward to Tyler Alexander, $390,000.
3232 Loganwood Dr, South Chesterfield; Gibson Erica Catherine and Gibson Matthew Eric to Harris Jeremy Neal, $230,000.
11230 Lost Parrish Dr, Chesterfield; Johnson Jenee J to Munns Nicole L, $470,000.
2116 Magnolia Grove Way, Midlothian; Knight Nancy Y and Ayers Betty H to Williams Andrea K, $260,000.
6607 Manuel St, North Chesterfield; Gerner John L to Webb Bruce, $158,000.
13924 Marsham Rd, Chester; NVR Inc to Dukes Kenny and Donuella, $478,025.
13501 Master Stag Dr, Midlothian; Solomon Peter Neal and Anna Kate to Wharton Elizabeth Huffman, $210,000.
3200 Meadow Glen Ln, North Chesterfield; Barnes Angela to Lipp Aliya, $284,000.
2700 Michaux Valley Way, Midlothian; Richmond Masonry Company to Milstead Tooley, $888,293.
4724 Milfax Rd, North Chesterfield; Mccray Kimberly D to Shelton Lora A, $196,500.
8403 Morelock Ct, North Chesterfield; Blanco Urrutia Angel Fredy to Yepez Eduin Ossa, $280,000.
1612 Mountain Pine Ter, North Chesterfield; Hoffman Danny R and Krista to Carr Andre Tyrone, $240,000.
1930 Normandstone Dr, Midlothian; Jennings Linda M to Phillips Andrew J and Thorson Courtney A, $585,000.
16218 Old Castle Rd, Midlothian; Homesmith Construction Inc to Thamm Erik C and Jennifer Marie, $1,299,029.
17100 Old Westridge Dr, Moseley; Westerleigh Fc Llc to Walker Douglas E and Pamela L, $525,881.
7429 Orchardhill Dr, North Chesterfield; Sok Si Jennifer to Howard Candace Monique, $215,000.
2731 Parkdale Rd, North Chesterfield; Gerrald Melinda Harvey to Gerrald Stuart Wayne, $245,000.
3613 Pencader Rd, Midlothian; Sady Benjamin A and Shannon O to St John Craig and Stephanie, $580,000.
2601 Perdido Dr, Midlothian; Jones Walter L Jr and Jennifer H to Brown Matthew Mckinley, $287,000.
6330 Philbrook Rd, North Chesterfield; Andrea Crump 6330 Philbrk Land to Recinos Ismar Guardado, $215,000.
7906 Pleasant Pond Ln, Chesterfield; Robins Evelyn and Witherspoon D to Simon William Ogbole and Amanda Jane, $390,000.
1613 Porters Mill Ln, Midlothian; Henig Laura K to Bland Alicia, $240,000.
1214 Providence Knoll Dr, North Chesterfield; Estes Kathleen T to Thigpen Joel T, $346,000.
1862 Providence Villas Ct, North Chesterfield; Eagle Construction Of Va Llc to Freeman Margaret, $397,421.
13813 Ramblewood Dr, Chester; Harris William E Sr and Betty R to Hp Virginia I Llc, $345,000.
3981 Reeds Landing Cir, Midlothian; Jackson J M Russell and Anke T to Dean Chrislyn Natasha, $825,000.
4601 Rieves Pond Dr, Chester; Kowalke Robert G and Donna L to Rothermel Eric G and Morgan Michele, $390,000.
11612 Riverboat Dr, Chester; Eastwood Homes Of Richmond Llc to Dagnall Barry and Amy, $618,330.
7523 Robinwood Ct, Chesterfield; Alvis Kenneth W Ii to Coleman Daryl Antonio Jr, $271,500.
3466 Rossington Blvd, Chester; Hightower Robert C Jr and F L to Robinson Larhonda and Lawson Keith, $340,000.
1001 Ruthers Rd, North Chesterfield; Baclagon Marithe to Wood Stephanie and Theron, $320,000.
13840 W Salisbury Rd, Midlothian; Carroll Jennifer Ashley to Kern Scott G and Kristen L, $999,000.
8937 Sawgrass Pl, Chesterfield; Gehrki Donna L and Hines R R to Kanjirathunkal Tracey J, $395,000.
112 Scrimshaw Dr, Chester; Hucks Terry L and Heidie M to Jack Ronald A and Karen R, $429,000.
2331 Seminole Ave, Chester; Lopashanski Nicholas and April to Dettmer Pamela Hylton, $220,000.
2931 Sherbourne Rd, North Chesterfield; Crewe Charles W Iii and Crump A to Burston Terrance J, $203,000.
9639 Shiloh Dr, North Chesterfield; Select Property Solutions Llc to Sebera David Phillip, $216,500.
9606 Simonsville Rd, Midlothian; Collington East Llc to Middleton Joshua and Whitney, $496,088.
16001 Soho Turn , Moseley; Hicks Darshell and Tony to Szawronski Franz and Katherine, $720,000.
1619 Southcreek Dr, South Chesterfield; Matthews Linda H to Palsa William J and Debra R, $245,000.
14309 Spotted Coat Ct, Midlothian; Heslep Donald B Jr to Johnson Chaneasin, $281,000.
9367 Springmount Ter, Chesterfield; Stephens P and Balverde M R L to Hp Virginia I Llc, $375,000.
14128 State Ave, Chester; Elgin Vincent K to Technical Executors Llc, $150,000.
4612 Stoney Creek Pkwy, Chester; Giddings Ronald G Sr and Carol J to Dent Rodney K Jr and Angela, $352,000.
12766 Summerhouse Ln, Midlothian; Leonard Adam C and Didlake H N to Vance Sean, $288,000.
2703 Sutters Mill Ct, Midlothian; Franck Partnership Llc to 8th Hill Homes Llc, $189,000.
2612 Teaberry Dr, North Chesterfield; Eilerson Marybeth to Carpenter Landon G and Deanna D, $480,000.
3022 Three Bridges Rd, Midlothian; Ritter Virginia R to Grant Zachary David and Catherine Morgan, $295,000.
10730 Timonium Dr, Chester; Vick Brandon S to Pinder Pamela, $240,000.
14412 Tranor Ave, Chester; Osborn Brandon J to Sosa Walter M Ipina, $195,000.
14007 Turtle Hill Rd, Midlothian; Fuller Charles W and Linda L R to Skates Bryan and Jamie, $299,500.
7031 Velvet Antler Dr, Midlothian; Secrist Kevin R and Melissa D to Cox Marisa A and Jack R Iii, $260,000.
9718 Virvos Ter, North Chesterfield; Emerald Custom Homes Llc to Lynch Michael R and Amanda D, $381,950.
6400 Walnut Bend Dr, Midlothian; Martino Thomas J and Annette R to Martino Marie-Anne, $424,500.
3012 Warfield Estates Pl, Chester; Lisciandri Frances C to Andrewski Wesley Michael and Justina, $295,000.
8600 Waterfowl Flyway , Chesterfield; Tatu William J Jr and Susan M to Meadowville Landing Llc, $225,000.
6721 Way Point Dr, North Chesterfield; Hhhunt Homes L C to Campbell Desniq and Wood Maryn, $314,225.
1124 S Wedgemont Dr, North Chesterfield; Reid Daniel E to Banks Terana M V, $361,000.
1632 Westhall Gardens Dr, North Chesterfield; Style Craft Homes Inc Of Va to Britt Daniel Lee and Norma C, $354,212.
15748 Whirland Dr, Midlothian; Clayton Properties Group Inc to Rodriguez Doris M and Joseph, $406,480.
4308 Whitestone Ct, North Chesterfield; Benton Luther C Iii and J A to Credo Development Llc, $183,000.
14078 Wiley Cir, Midlothian; Sandborn Bart A and Lisa M to Willig Zachary and Kimberly, $622,250.
6806 Windy Creek Pl, Chesterfield; Wortham Christopher C to Fields Francisco Cooper, $275,000.
11110 Winterpock Rd, Chesterfield; South River Custom Homes Llc to Toth Dustin and Toth Heather O, $689,289.
1102 Woodlet Meadow Ln, Midlothian; The Grove At Lucks Lane Llc to Wosh Peter J, $345,900.
14307 Woods Walk Ln, Midlothian; Baxter Robert A and Carol to Menickelly Elizabeth Ann Trustee and Menickelly Charles Anthony Trustee, $336,000.
17709 Wynstone Park Ln, Moseley; Riddle Michael L and Jill Conti to Botteicher Michelle C, $394,525.
10.3 acres; Roger L. Moore to Raymond E. Crouch III, $189,000.
7405 Addie Drive, Mechanicsville; Ray D. Thornton Jr. to Daniel Jenkins, $342,500.
9045 Atlee Road, Mechanicsville; Melvin L. Garnett to Arthur B. Cordes, $214,000.
4601 Battleline Drive, Mechanicsville; Commonwealth Lands LLC to Kirk Ammons, $550,175.
10108 Beechwood Drive, Mechanicsville; Frank J. Demary IV to Julia Walker, $295,000.
9011 Birdsong Creek Court, Mechanicsville; Brad E. Dugai to Latasha Handy, $519,000.
8040 Blythe Road, Mechanicsville; Clayton Properties Group Inc. to Anthony R. Zatelli, $527,540.
8418 Brittwood Circle, Mechanicsville; Teddy Properties LLC to Shirley K. Davis, $448,000.
8394 Burnside Drive, Mechanicsville; Cody D. Nelson to Walter A. Zambrano Gradiz, $240,000.
11299 Caruthers Way, Glen Allen; Danny R. Bowen Jr. to Hasmir Salihovic, $390,000.
14254 Clazemont Road, Montpelier; Charles D. Dryden Jr. to Mark Elliot Lohman Sr., $353,000.
9363 Crossover Drive, Mechanicsville; Garland R. Baker III to Jacob Tame, $445,000.
11416 Doswell Road, Doswell; Joshua Polezhaev to Derek T. Martin, $399,999.
8043 Ellerson Station Drive, Mechanicsville; Daryl K. Manning to Edward G. Dolan, $275,000.
9229 Fairfield Farm Court, Mechanicsville; NVR Inc. to Dillip Kumar Sahoo, $526,035.
9104 Fenshaw Court, Mechanicsville; HHHunt Homes LC to Jeffrey A. Wasilewski, $640,950.
7391 Ford Ave., Mechanicsville; Frances S. Stanley to Heather H. Wood, $320,000.
10428 Golden Sunset Court, Glen Allen; Farmstead Villas LLC to Michael T. Fippinger, $391,821.
13115 Greenwood Creek Drive, Ashland; Jeffrey L. Talley to Joshua Lloyd Meador, $526,000.
9833 Harvest Honey Road, Mechanicsville; Trenton D. Miller to David Bernard Saunders, $600,000.
9277 Howard Drive, Mechanicsville; Carolyn M. Hall to James Arul Raj Packiam Pillai, $296,000.
8207 J. David Lane, Mechanicsville; Robert W. Gormus to Kimberly L. Hood, $235,000.
8151 Judith Lane, Mechanicsville; HHHunt Homes LC to Vasathraj Venkatesan, $460,078.
3174 Kendrick Drive, Mechanicsville; Gary R. Ritchie to Patricia Anne Lancaster, $685,000.
18415 Landmark Cedar Road, Montpelier; Lisa Clarke Wiesner to Alexander Zurich Halquist, $210,000.
Lot 1, Pinhook Ridge; Sprouses Corner LLC to Justin Loehlein, $180,000.
Lot 17, Block B, Section A, Craney Island Estates; Christian O. Heckman to Midatlantic Builders LLC, $237,500.
Lot 54, Block A, Seciton 1, Crown Colony; Thadeus J. Rector to Jacobus M.M. Van Zeelst, $440,000.
8149 Lyman Court, Mechanicsville; Clayton Properties Group Inc. to Giuseppe A. Giambanco, $579,562.
4072 Market Road, Mechanicsville; Oliver L. Lee to Michael W. Alexander Jr., $340,000.
9386 Marne Court, Mechanicsville; NK Homes LLC to Serge Rock Sajous, $430,596.
6093 Michael Heather Court, Mechanicsville; Tonya McCormick to Taylor G. Jones, $305,000.
6301 Morning Glory Road, Mechanicsville; John J. Martin II to Linda R. Thornton, $266,000.
10307 Oak Shade Court, Mechanicsville; Dwight E. Nicholas II to Gul Rahman Wafa, $405,000.
14328 Orchard Vista Lane, Glen Allen; Peder K. Melberg to Charles Lee Ritter, $435,000.
Parcel; Kevin R. Decamp to 7351 McClellan Road LLC, $305,000.
Part of lot 20, Hanover Heights; Patricia H. Norton to M and M Capitol Investment Corp., $182,000.
10293 Perrins Mill Lane, Mechanicsville; Randy D. Barrack to Matthew Charles Gormley, $455,000.
11513 Primrose Lane, Rockville; Carolyn P. Barnhill, executor to Gary N. Palmer, $320,000.
11009 Richardson Road, Ashland; Verne C. Williamson to Port Royal Real Estate LLC, $685,000.
17257 Rock Ford Road, Beaverdam; Eric Hathaway to Vitaly Gorsky, $605,000.
8063 Rutland Village Drive, Mechanicsville; Tonya Sarita Scott to Richard Chang, $317,000.
9314 Shelton Pointe Drive, Mechanicsville; Bernadette Shields, trustee to Raindrop Farms LLC, $620,000.
13903 Stanley Park Drive, Ashland; Christine E. Wickham to Margaret Ann Snyder, $509,000.
Stony Run Condominiums; Stony Run Partners LLC to SRP Investments LLC, $2,715,600.
8251 Sugar Wood Drive, Mechanicsville; Melissa L. Harrell to Ryan David Yeskoo, $450,000.
9525 Thistleton Court, Mechanicsville; John K. Thiel, trustee to John Steven Lazur, $575,000.
7349 Travellers Way, Mechanicsville; Christopher S. Cockrell to Andrew M. Beckner, $379,950.
Unit 4, Hanover Towne Office Green; Teresa Lee Nix to CRJ Properties LLC, $180,000.
9211 Wicomico Trail, Ashland; Jason Robert Cassara to Kathleen Brooks Dail, $325,000.
10256 Willmark Way, Ashland; NVR Inc. to Regina Randolph, $333,055.
8377 Windsor Drive, Mechanicsville; Timothy J. Barrett to Robert L. Lumpkin, $485,000.
7135 Zinnia Court, Mechanicsville; Joan H. Kidd to Michelle Reynolds, $265,000.
15.01 acres; Pattie A. Hertz to Jaime E. Jimenez, $375,000.
12320 Butlers Road, Amelia Court House; Malinda B. Zachary to Luke T. Long, $315,000.
9511 Forestdale Drive, Amelia Court House; Mark A. Keffer to Connee Keffer Evans, $336,000.
Lot; Cory B. Davis to Lisa Evans, $169,950.
15410 Wright Road, Amelia Court House; R.W. Corbitt LLC to William Montney, $200,000.
2 parcels; Lisbeth Dannenbrink to Kaitlyn Lewis, $238,000.
3915 Warriner Road, Charles City; Campbell Cole Perna to Williard W. Cline II, $460,000.
227 Battery Pl; Brown, Dakota G. to Green, Amy, $300,000.
3509 East Av; Sorensen, Trustee, Michael to Tran, Chan Chinh, $182,000.
128 Hamilton Av; Moore, Sedina D. to Mcneely, Jill Moore, $220,000.
531 Huntington Rd; Pezzulli, Joseph P. to Atkins, Mary Darlene, $230,000.
206 Macarthur Av; Jacobs, Aaron Michael to Jackson, Kasheba Lynette, $205,000.
624 Pinehurst Av; Loveless, Denise Naomi to Shaw, Benjamin Eugene, $269,000.
206 Walnut Av; Seward, Jason P. to Shanks, Charles L., $209,900.
14.28 acres; Tammy Combs Ingle to Dustin J. Clark, $175,000.
21 Fieldcrest Drive, Columbia; Manage This LLC to Kathryn P. Duncan, $200,000.
1 acre; AFJ Properties LLC to Cole R. Shornak, $188,000.
4126 Ashley Lane, North Dinwiddie; Solodar Properties LLC to Debra Denise Kirkland, $310,000.
29304 Butler Branch Road, North Dinwiddie; Christopher D. Le Mire to Devin Shannon, $225,000.
17150 Fox Branch Road, Carson; Bradley L. Taylor to Kelly Scott Retowsky, $288,000.
15857 Hatchers Drive, Church Road; Kimberly B. Salama to Cory A. Bleistein, $220,000.
Lot 1, Block D, Berrifield, and 65.7 acres; Riveroak Timberland Investments LLC to Blackrock Investment Corp., $295,000.
14630 Scotts Road, Dewitt; April L. Powers to Ryan L. Powers Jr., $240,071.
4302 Westwood Drive, North Dinwiddie; Riley E. Ingram Jr. to Antoine S. Felder, $274,000.
1.33 acres; Flow Property Group LLC to 38 Weyburn LLC, $205,000.
2.96 acres; Bruno Kenney to John L. Lentz, $200,000.
7.67 acres; Norma N. Roacap to Blair Road LLC, $400,000.
1584 Cartersville Road, Goochland; Germando R. Harris to Cody Allen Pierpont, $286,500.
2758 Checketts Drive, Sandy Hook; Daniel C. Hicks to Wesley A. Jenkins, $420,000.
3251 Hazel Lane, Goochland; Daniel Dominguez Martinez to Sonya R. Gierke, $269,000.
1349 Hounslow Drive, Manakin Sabot; Mitchell E. Belton to Daniel E. Agopsowicz, $579,900.
Lot 15, Block A, Section 1, Rivergate; Donna S. Suro, trustee to LVest LLC, $2,500,000.
Lots 3 and 4, Section 3, Breeze Hill; Robert E. Carpenter Jr. to Krickovic and Ziegler LLC, $360,000.
5420 Old Columbia Road, Goochland; Amanda C. Hundley to Scott Matthew Lincoln, $276,400.
2722 Ravenwood Road, Columbia; Jonathan D. Campbell to Douglas W. Chalifoux, $310,000.
12340 South Crossing Drive, Manakin Sabot; Eagle Construction of Virginia LLC to Ilene L. Dranoff, $556,513.
4505 Tabscott Road, Columbia; Steven A. Kenney to Michael Overton Moss, $240,000.
12031 Talavera Terrace, Henrico; HHHunt Homes LC to Scott Martin Mills, $480,675.
1761 Wild Turkey Lane, Crozier; Karen L. Halvorsen to Steven Michael Becraft, $891,000.
3 parcels; Chau Cao to Hopelight LLC, $2,500,000.
3415 Boston St.; Patrick S. McQuhae to Megan R. Meyer, $159,750.
308 Carriage House Court; Macon T. East, trustee to Rosa M. Ballard, $266,000.
3410 Jackson Farm Road; W. Marshall Andrews Jr. to Bonnie Frazier Barbini, $200,000.
403 Miles Ave.; David G. Runyon to Thomas L. Mills, $200,000.
106 Prince George Ave.; Terry L. Speelman to Rachel Youmans, $210,000.
1.122 acres; SMO Inc. to RSBK Holdings LLC, $850,000.
125 Alexander Walker, Williamsburg; Jane S. Carty, trustee to David Wasson Jr., $892,233.
4539 Beacon Hill Drive, Williamsburg; Michael Shawn Dixon to Marbury P. Abella, $282,000.
1001 Braemar Creek, Williamsburg; Jeddis Realty Corp. to Jean M. Mahony, $250,000.
Building 3, Quarterland Commons; Roger D. Spearman, trustee to 489 McLaws LLC, $26,000.
4427 Chicksaw Court, Williamsburg; Marry B. Belcher to Catherine E. Gerke, $351,051.
416 Creek Crossing, Williamsburg; Patricia B. Saunders, trustee to Daryn Z. Sherman, $600,000.
104 Fairview Drive, Williamsburg; Amy R. Herndon to Eric Lamastro, $299,900.
1908 N Fowlers Close, Williamsburg; Remco Josef Hoytink to Jon Christopher Roeder, $594,000.
3408 Foxglove Drive, Toano; NVR Inc. to Keshawna D. Davenport, $344,990.
5334 Gardner Court, Williamsburg; Yury Soto Carbrera to Maureen Mulligan, $177,500.
4340 Harrington Commons, Williamsburg; Sherman M. Snyder to Arthur L. Doyle Jr., $480,000.
3503 Iberis Lane, Toano; NVR Inc. to Mohammed Douiche, $403,165.
6025 John Jackson Drive, Williamsburg; Stacy Newman to Michael T. Pulley, $417,500.
2103 London Company Way, Williamsburg; Pablo Astudillo to Christopher M. Craig, $160,000.
Lot 18, Chickahominy Haven; Amy Hibbard to Kelsey M. Gulden, $270,000.
Lot 27, Oakland; Heather Larson Pederson, trustee to HM Real Estate LLC, $217,500.
Lot 38, St. Georges Hundred; Robert B. Fogelin to Ethan Properties LLC, $160,000.
Lot 6, Powhatan Shores; Gary E. Lingle to Pink Elephant Properties LLC, $220,000.
139 Louise Lane, Toano; Brian D. Frost to Daniel W. Nelson, $350,000.
9049 Marmont Lane, Williamsburg; David A. Joyce to Benjamin Allen Yunker, $295,000.
4828 Milden Road, Williamsburg; Willa Mae Norwood to Julie Ann Ligman, $333,000.
5122 O’Holloran Way, Williamsburg; Mary Tosi Davis to Robert J. Belew, $205,000.
112 Old Stage Road, Toano; Kevin L. Smith to Johnathan Hartsell, $265,000.
Parcel 2, Williamsburg Health Investors; WMD Jamestown LLC to Williamsburg Properties Holding Co. LLC, $5,525,000.
4309 Pond St., Williamsburg; Christine Christmas, successor trustee to William Obringer, $455,000.
5319 Queen Bishop Lane, Williamsburg; Carol C. MacKenzie to Scott E. Anderson, $370,000.
4699 Revolutionary Way, Williamsburg; Michael Osterhoudt to Devesh Shah, $285,000.
4038 River Moor, Williamsburg; Forge Road LLC to Gil Short & Sons LLC, $375,000.
5.65 acres; William C. Ball to Ronald D. Jent, $155,000.
5.1623 acres; Matthew C. Barber to Old Town LLC, $290,000.
325 Benjamin Moore Lane, King William; Justin Leon Bogan to Richard Douglas Anderson Jr., $340,000.
2213 Forest Court, Aylett; Ball Lumber Co. Inc. to John Niess, $230,000.
711 Lee St., West Point; Jon E. Sandelin to Brian O. Souder, $540,000.
Lot 4A, The Shops at Central Crossing; Central Garage II LLC to 4195/4197 TH LLC, $3,200,000.
423 Manquin Drive, King William; William W. Lyon Jr. to Ronald E. Faggins, $240,000.
239 Old Way Lane, Aylett; George L. Hinnant to Jon A. Regrut, $450,000.
1681 W Rose Garden Road, West Point; TNT Land Resources LLC to Kerry L. Watkins, $274,900.
351 Terra Alta Drive, Aylett; Deborah L. Mason to Ashley Nicole Lincoln, $265,000.
28.935 acres; William Hodges to Tidewater and Big Bend Foundation, $312,000.
4822 Banistry Court, Providence Forge; W.V. McClure Inc. to Shana L. Abdus, $414,099.
6240 Bushnell Drive, New Kent; NK Homes LLC to Kelly M. Meehan, $448,545.
13715 Cypress Drive, Lanexa; Avalon S. Davis to Casey Jo Hamilton, $185,000.
6700 Fairview Drive, Quinton; A. Solodar Properties LLC to Robin Bray Jones, $215,113.
5893 Flowering Peach Lane, Providence Forge; Arthur H. Baker Jr. to Shad Edward Vick, $270,000.
4801 Kings Pond Place, Providence Forge; W.V. McClure Inc. to William Patrick Brennan, $443,106.
Lot 5, Bent Tree Estates, 15.13 acres; Tabernacles Properties Inc. to Randolph Alvin Coleman Jr., $230,000.
6338 Oak Drive, Quinton; Jessica A. Breder to Catherine Davenport, $225,000.
11090 Pocahontas Trail, Providence Forge; Brock A. Ward to Paul David Whitechurch, $600,000.
2764 Rambling Rose Court, Quinton; Vince Rollerson to Saadia Washington, $355,500.
8950 Rock Cedar Road, New Kent; Laura Watson to Steve A. Burke, $305,000.
4885 Sherwood Squire Circle, Providence Forge; Eastwood Homes of Richmond LLC to Robert David Cadden, $437,750.
9301 Stingray Point Court, New Kent; Jerry G. Hall to Jerome Anthony Murphy, $359,000.
7480 Winding Jasmine Road, Quinton; Lifestyle Builders and Developers Inc. to Samuel Alarcon, $510,000.
3636 S Woodland Circle, Quinton; Wesley Wilson to Gordon Stover, $399,950.
1817 Boydton Plank Road; Marcus C. Hubbard to Steve Walker, $205,500.
121, 130 and 391 Catalpa Court and 391 and 401 Chanticleer Drive; Berkeley Estates Holding Co. to NVR Inc., $230,000.
3600 S Crater Road; Petersburg Shopping Center LLC to Sanad Inc., $973,000.
1842 East Blvd.; Aaron Harkness to Maricia Y. King, $222,950.
524 Kenmore Drive; Clifford J. Longworth to Janae Kenshaw Taylor, $195,950.
119 Richland Road; Walter Scott Eley to Tongwa Jerrika Cheatham, $166,000.
1.07 acres; Elinor P. Dowdy to David S. Dowdy, $150,000.
223.421 acres; Ivy Hill Properties LLC to Jeffrey P. Covington, $600,000.
2396 Bel Crest Circle, Midlothian; William J. Pannell to Howard H. Holt, $665,000.
954 Eastwood Ridge Court, Moseley; Jacob Berman III to Anthony Heath, $381,500.
1371 Gills Road, Powhatan; James F. Wood to Colleen M. Murphy, $270,000.
3421 Lake Randolph Circle, Powhatan; John J. Johnson to Steven Matthew O’Quinn, $397,840.
Lots 33-35, Section 2, Erin Hill; Erin Hill Development Co. LLC to Clayton Properties Group Inc., $354,800.
1565 Meade Pointe Drive, Powhatan; Christopher M. Smigo to Elizabeth Mangan, $465,000.
3940 Olde Links Court, Powhatan; Bradley T. Jones to Christy Mixell Jones, $256,000.
Parcel 7, Worsham Farms, 10 acres; Coonwill LLC to Dana Yvonne Allen, $150,000.
3401 Richards Run, Powhatan; Leroy Herman Gay to Faye C. Hobson, $442,000.
2120 Stavemill Estates Drive, Powhatan; Taylor R. Anderson Qualified Minor’s Trust to Lucia Morey, $285,000.
6185 Walnut Tree Drive, Powhatan; Benjamin D. Gregoire to Jessica M. Compton, $358,000.
219.5 acres; Bear Island Forest LLC to James Herbert Williams, $350,000.
307 Cottonwood Lane, Prince George; Daniel L. Thomas to Jay Lindell Walters Jr., $187,000.
7833 Hines Road, Prince George; Sharon R. Agnor to Kenneth W. Cargill, $275,000.
2985 Lansing Road, South Prince George; Danrich Construction Co. Inc. to Jerome Small, $325,000.
6201 Middle Road, Prince George; Mario E. Romero to Johnathan Blaine, $260,000.
6004 Pheasant Run Court, Prince George; Kayla M. Fabre to Gregory A. Dixon, $450,000.
5200 Silver Maple Court, Prince George; Jeannette A. Hudson to Larry D. Pike, $249,800.
11205 Walton Lake Road, Disputanta; Geraldine Clement, executor to Ruger Satterfield, $169,500.
234 acres; Dallas Granville Magee to Calhoun Timber Inc., $361,337.
38183 Rocky Hock Road, Wakefield; Cory Koliscak to Moshonda Gibbs, $199,000.
504 Capitol Court; Kirt E. Moody to Richard C. Baker, $200,000.
13 Grove Ave.; William J. Hovanic to Gene H. Mercer, $225,000.
Lot 24, Brandywyne at Williamsburg; Richard R. McCarty, trustee to Deborah O. Holzer, $402,000.
233 Thomas Nelson Lane; John Paul Cimino to Olyvia K. Salyer, $260,000.
The following is a list of more real estate parcels valued at $150,000 or more that have been transferred in the past few months in Richmond a…
The following is a list of more real estate parcels valued at $150,000 or more that have been transferred in the past few months in Richmond a…
The following is a list of more real estate parcels valued at $150,000 or more that have been transferred in the past few months in Richmond a…
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