March 5, 2025

By Dr. James M. Dahle, WCI Founder
I want to introduce you to No Hype Real Estate Investing, our newest online course that is available starting today. You can get all of the details about (and purchase) the course at the link above. If you’re wondering how to get into real estate investing, this high-yield course will teach you what you most need to know.
Interest in real estate investing among physicians and other high-income professionals seems to be at an all-time high. Many people are learning that investing in real estate can be more than just buying a house, fixing it up, and then trying to rent it out or sell it at a higher price. You don’t actually need to have ownership of a property to make money in this asset class.
There’s no doubt that some of this new interest has come from the exceptional returns that real estate, like stocks, has had over the last decade. It also helps that private real estate, at least, seems to have weathered the 2022 stock bear market and the inflation crisis relatively well so far. Some of this interest may be fed by physicians who are running syndications, real estate investing groups, and real estate courses. We also may be partly responsible, as we have picked up a fair number of real estate investing companies as website and podcast sponsors in the last couple of years.
However, I don’t think any of these really explain the phenomenon.
I think the interest really comes from two things. First, doctors have realized that their income is very vulnerable. The volume and corresponding income cuts in the spring of 2020 during the early months of the pandemic were substantial and sobering for many of us in private practice. Meanwhile, the burnout epidemic has done nothing but worsen. With burnout rates in the 50% range, the biggest financial risk to physicians is losing their ability to earn due to burnout. That risk is at least three times higher than becoming disabled, but you cannot buy burnout insurance like you can disability insurance.
At the same time that physicians are feeling a need for another source of income and financial security beyond their earned paychecks, they are seeing peers—both online and in real life—having massive success with real estate investing. Leverage combined with hard work and the recent excellent returns has enabled a lot of docs to gain enough income from real estate to provide them financial freedom.
Sometimes this is done in just a few years (and even within five years of residency completion). Is it risky? Of course. Does it require hard work and learning a new body of knowledge and set of skills? Absolutely. But how many more EMR changes and administrative BS are you willing to put up with before at least considering doing something a little different?
This is where The White Coat Investor and No Hype Real Estate Investing comes in. As doctors seek financial freedom through real estate investing, they might move forward too quickly and fall into the hype machine that is the real estate investing world. This causes them to take on too much risk with too little knowledge and experience in an effort to grow their portfolio even faster. When the real estate market inevitably stumbles, I fear that too many of them will be the metaphorical naked swimmers caught by the outgoing tide.
Buffett Swimming Naked
We’ve decided to do something about it here at The White Coat Investor. We know that real estate investing works. But we also know that risk control is the most important aspect of investing. We want to provide white coat investors with a no-nonsense, no-hype, practical real estate investing education. We want it to be added on to an already well-thought-out financial plan. We want people to take on an appropriate amount of risk for their investing goals and, most importantly, to match their style of real estate investing to their interest, time, willingness to work, amount of wealth, goals, and experience level.
We’ve developed an introductory course to investing in real estate that we think everybody should take before they start real estate investing in any form. This course will provide the education required to understand real estate all the way from fix-and-flips and short-term rentals to publicly traded REIT mutual funds. This course will give you the confidence to look beyond the hype, evaluate and select the right deals for you, and know you have the foundational education you need to succeed in this endeavor.
The course is called No Hype Real Estate Investing, and it will provide the framework for developing further knowledge and experience as you progress in your real estate investing career. I call it an introductory course because there is always more to learn. But this is no short, superficial course. There are over 200 lectures/videos adding up to more than 27 hours of content by more than 15 different instructors. That’s basically four times the size of our flagship Fire Your Financial Advisor! This may very well be the only course that many people need, while others will continue their education afterward by taking more courses.
The course excels at matching you to your place on the real estate investing spectrum. The real estate investing spectrum can be seen here:

On the left side, you can see the more active side of investing. This usually involves buying and, often, managing a property yourself. This includes fix-and-flip investing; short-term rental investing; and directly investing in single-family homes, condos, duplexes, and apartment buildings. On this end of the spectrum, you maximize your returns, tax benefits, and control, but it comes at the cost of more work, hassle, required expertise, and lack of diversification.
As you move across the spectrum, you encounter more passive investing options, including syndications, private real estate funds, public and privately traded REITs, and even mutual funds that invest in REITs. Diversification improves and the hassle dramatically drops, but there is a cost. You pay more in fees, and you lose control, tax benefits, and possibly even some of your returns. The trick is figuring out the right place for you to invest. It isn’t that there is a right way and a wrong way to invest in real estate, but there is a right way for you and it is important that you recognize it and concentrate your efforts there.
The No Hype Real Estate Investing Course will take you through the entire spectrum, with a module about every style of real estate investing. In addition, the course will teach you the vocabulary of real estate and how to do all the necessary real estate calculations. Don’t worry, none of them require anything beyond fourth-grade math and the use of a simple spreadsheet or calculator.
If you want to build an empire of small apartment buildings in your hometown, this course will get you started. If you want to buy a couple of turnkey single-family home rentals across the country, this course can show you how. Think you have the capacity to take on some fix-and-flips? We’ll show you the ropes. Want to run a short-term rental business? We’ll show you how much to pay the housekeeper, what you need to stock the kitchen with, and how to scale from one unit to 30.
Or perhaps you’re just looking for an asset class to add to your portfolio that will have solid returns and low correlation with your stock index funds. We will show you how to earn an illiquidity bonus using private equity funds and how to get large amounts of passive income using private debt funds. We’ll show you how to evaluate a syndication, so you can increase the likelihood of earning the projected returns and not get suckered by an overly optimistic, inexperienced operator trying to rip you off. We’ll even teach you the best way to invest in public REITs.
We’re going to teach you all of the tax benefits of real estate investing and how to qualify for each of the deductions. You’ll learn how to do your real estate-related taxes yourself or, better yet, how to hire an experienced CPA specializing in real estate to help you.
We will introduce you to the other players and resources in the physician real estate investing space. They are co-instructors in the course, sharing their expertise in their specialized areas. If you want to learn more about their niche subjects, we’ll show you how to get involved and provide you with the best deals to join their communities and take their courses for additional specialized education.
Most importantly, we’ll inspire you to take the next step. Knowledge is power, but without action, it won’t get you any closer to your goals. You’ll hear from other physician real estate investors who have done and are doing exactly what you want to do. There is even a pre-test and a post-test if you want to test how well you’re picking up the knowledge. And we’ll do all this without blowing smoke or promising outcomes that are too good to be true.
This is a multi-instructor course. We’ve found the best of the best in the physician real estate investing space to teach you how to be successful like them. Check out this star-studded faculty:
Take a look at the course layout:
Module 1: Introductory Material
Module 2: Why Real Estate
Module 3: The Vocabulary of Real Estate
no hype real estate investing course
Module 4: Finding the Money to Invest in Real Estate
Module 5: Introduction to the Real Estate Spectrum
Module 6: Retirement Accounts and Ownership Structures
Module 7: Publicly Traded Real Estate (REITs)
Module 8: Private Real Estate Funds
Module 9: Syndications
Module 10: Turnkey Properties
Module 11: Long-Term Rentals
Module 12: Short-Term Rentals
Module 13: Fix and Flip
Module 14: Tax Benefits of Real Estate Investing
Module 15: Titling and Asset Protection of Real Estate
Module 16: Resources
Module 17: Post-Test and Wrap Up
Wow! Did you see all that? You might have to take a half-dozen courses or more to get all of the information in this one course. Finally, there’s a place where you can learn the basics of all of the different methods of real estate investing.
The best part about this course is that it is self-paced, completely open, and evergreen. You can enroll at any time (although we’re going to incentivize you to buy right now). You can take the entire course this week, or you can spread it out over a month or even a year. There are already over 27 hours of material in the course, and we’ll add to it from time to time going forward at no additional charge to previous purchasers. There is no ongoing cost, and as always, there is a money-back guarantee.
Yes, this information can all be learned somewhere else. I don’t pretend to have exclusive access to the one true way to invest in real estate or any particular real estate secrets. The value here is in having it all compiled in one place and explained clearly in a way that will allow you to get started right away.
Ready to buy? I don’t blame you. Obviously, a course like this isn’t going to be cheap. Many people have been working on this course for almost a year. But keep in mind that courses that teach just one of the subjects covered in our comprehensive course can cost you $3,000, $5,000, $10,000, or even more. This is one of our premium products. No, there is no resident, PA, or military version that sells for a lower price. We think it provides a darn good value at its regular price. We think it is both the highest quality course out there as well as the best value on the market. But it’s still a lot of money, and we think you should only buy it if you are serious.
If that’s you,
The regular price is $2,199, but until September 26 at midnight MT, you can buy it for $1,799, a discount of $400.
Want to hear more about the course and even ask me questions about it directly? We’re going to do a totally free webinar on September 20th at 7 pm Mountain Time that explains even more. Sign-up here!
We know that’s a lot of money. We also know that almost everyone who buys a course like this is going to love it so much that they will keep it, take it, implement what they learn, and change their lives. However, if you are one of the few who doesn’t, we don’t want you to be unhappy. So, we have a no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee. As long as you purchased it less than one week ago and have taken less than 20% of it, we’ll give you all of your money back if you just email [email protected] and let us know. That means there is no risk to you. You can try it out before you are committed to buying it.
While anyone can buy and take the course, there are a few people for whom the course is probably not right. For example, if you do not live in the United States, recognize that all of the discussion about real estate and landlord law as well as tax regulations in the course is based on US laws. If you are only looking for introductions to passive real estate operators and fund managers, we already provide those for free. If you are just interested in learning a little bit about real estate, you may not want to take the course. You might want to just read our blog post on Real Estate Investing 101 and sign up for our free monthly real estate newsletter.
If you like courses filled with hype that cheer you on and promise you the world but are really just selling you another service, you’re not going to like this course. This is a no-nonsense course filled with solid education and practical, useful tips that can be implemented right away.  The course is for those who are serious about their real estate education. While you can buy the course now and take it later, the course is really designed for those who are ready to learn and willing to put their learning to work right now to change their portfolios and their financial lives. If that sounds like you, you’re going to love No Hype Real Estate Investing.
Any questions about the course? Please ask them below or email [email protected]
Does this course qualify for CME credits?
Not at this time. We’ll ponder ways to do so in the future though. Perhaps something similar to what we did with Fire Your Financial Advisor and Financial Wellness and Burnout Prevention for Medical Professionals. i.e. pay a little more but get a bunch of CME with it.
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