March 5, 2025

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Failure to be appropriately licensed to carry out works may result in a serious breach, entitling termination and damages
In this edition, we look at a recent decision in the Tribunal, where a builder was found to be in serious breach of a contract where it failed to ensure that it and its subcontractors were appropriately licensed to carry out the works.
This decision serves as a reminder to builders to ensure that they are only performing works which they are authorised to carry out under the Home Building Act 1989 (NSW)(Act).
In December 2020, the owner entered into a contract (Contract) with the builder to carry out works at the property. The Contract was partly in writing and partly oral. The written component of the Contract comprised text messages. The Contract price was $108,000.
The owner alleged that in March 2021, the parties entered into an additional written contract for additional works.
The Tribunal found that the total price of the two contracts was $143,200, and that the owner had paid $120,000 to the builder in respect of those contracts.
At all material times, the builder held a licence under the Act which authorised him to carry out painting and decorating works only. The scope of work under the Contracts exceeded that authority.
In May 2021, the owner discovered the builder’s licence position. The owner requested that the builder stop work at the property.
The builder admitted that the owner told him to stop work and claimed that the owner unlawfully terminated the Contract. The builder claimed that the owner’s conduct constituted a repudiation of the Contract. The builder claimed that he accepted the repudiation and terminated the Contract.
The owner claimed that the builder had repudiated the contract by agreeing to carry out work under the Contract for which he held no licence under the Act.
According to section 12 of the Act, in so far as it related to the builder, “an individual must not do any residential building work, or specialist work, except as the holder of a contractor licence authorising its holder to contract to do that work.”
The owner’s claim was primarily for a return of the consideration which she had paid to the builder. The builder claimed for unpaid works.
The written elements of the Contract were in Mandarin, and the requirements of the Act concerning the nature and form of contracts were not followed. The parties’ translations of the Contract differed in some respects.
Tribunal’s findings as to the builder’s repudiation
The Tribunal found that the builder had was in serious breach of the Contract, which was sufficient enough to entitle the owner to terminate.
Although the requirement for the builder to be appropriately licensed was not an express term of the Contract, it was implied by virtue of the statutory warranties contained in section 18B(1) of the Act, specifically the warranty that “work will be done in accordance with, and will comply with, this or any other law”.
In this regard, the Act at section 21(1)(a) authorised the builder only to contract to do any residential building work that was described in his contractor licence when it was issued, namely decorating and painting. Further, section 12 establishes an offence under the Act do work outside of the authority conferred by the licence.
The owner was found to be entitled to damages to rectify any defective work carried out by the builder before 7 May and also damages for the cost to complete work not then completed by the builder.
Straying from your licence category is not only an offence under the Act, but has severe consequences under your contract, even if it is not an express term that an appropriate authority is held.
In this regard, it is not enough to have a licence, the scope of the authority and the scope of the work must align.
Authors: Christine Jones & Nicholas Achurch
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