March 5, 2025

This is a watercolor painting of the Pedrick-Lawson House at 515 Ransom St. The Ripon Historical Society is fundraising to restore the home.
Marcellus Pedrick
Mary Ann Smith Pedrick
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This is a watercolor painting of the Pedrick-Lawson House at 515 Ransom St. The Ripon Historical Society is fundraising to restore the home.
The Pedrick-Lawson House, 515 Ransom St., is in need of construction restoration after 165 years of watching Ripon’s history unfold around it.
The house has been owned by the Ripon Historical Society since 1973 and has been on the National Register of Historic Places since 1976.
Over its long life, it has only had three owners before the Ripon Historical Society took over the house and its barn.
This is the second in a series of articles about this unique early Ripon home, which is currently receiving $34,000 worth of work to restore and stabilize the exterior.
The builder of the home and its first owner was Marcellus Pedrick (1828-1899). He was born in New York and came to Ripon in 1849.
Marcellus Pedrick
Important to this house was the fact that at the time it was built Pedrick owned the local grout franchise.
Grout is an early form of concrete, which was mixed with pebbles and rocks and then formed into blocks for construction. The front portion of the Pedrick-Lawson House was built of two layers of grout blocks that are stacked and held together by tuckpointing reaching two stories high.
The house is one of several pioneering concrete houses in the city of Ripon. The home is in almost original condition both inside and outside.
In addition, the house has its barn standing in the back that includes three horse stalls, a tool and blacksmithing area, wagon and sleigh storage, plus an upstairs loft area for hay.
Pedrick grew up to be an industrious and hardworking owner of many businesses.
He worked as a laborer, mechanic, mason, carpenter and at various times also owned individual millwork, grain, coal and produce businesses.
At one time, he also owned a sawmill in Ripon. He owned one of the most successful coal yards in Ripon, where he bought and sold soft and hard coal for heating houses and businesses.
At the same time, Pedrick established a lumber business, which included materials for construction and all types of decorative case work for trim moldings, and a selection of roofing and shingles.
This business aided in Pedrick becoming a builder of large commercial buildings in downtown Ripon, as well as residential homes that have stood the tests of time and are admired throughout Ripon today.
Simultaneously, Pedrick built and owned a large opera house in Ripon (known as the Pedrick Opera Hall) for entertainment that seated 600 people comfortably, where he booked and managed the entertainment talent, himself. The opera house burned down in the early 1900s.
Upon his retirement, Pedrick owned a large dairy and produce farm in the township of Metomen named the “Clover Lawn Dairy Farm,” while he was still a resident of Ripon.
Over the years, the U.S. Federal Census lists Pedrick’s occupation as a lumberman and stone mason.
Pedrick was not a member of any church, neither of any lodge or secret society order unlike many citizens and residents in Ripon.
He served as Ripon’s mayor in 1887 and was prominent and a promoter of public affairs. Known as a trusted advisor, liberal and non-partisan politician, he worked well with all political affiliations in affairs concerning the city government.
In February 1858, Pedrick married Mary Ann Smith (1833-1903) at her family’s home in Fall River, Wis. She was born in New York. Her family originally moved to Wisconsin when she was 10 years old and she later received a Methodist church and seminary higher education at Mt. Morris, Ill.
Mary Ann Smith Pedrick
She arrived in Ripon to visit her uncle, Robert Selfridge (a successful merchant), where she met Pedrick. Smith became the mother to three children: Edward (1858-1931), Charles (died in infancy) and Samuel (1868-1963).
Samuel, known as “Sam” went on to become Ripon’s noted lawyer and historian.
Smith was very active in the Methodist church and a contributor to Ripon’s evolving community organizations.
The house at 515 Ransom St. was the Pedricks’ home after marriage. At that time, it had four upstairs bedrooms with a double parlor, dining room, kitchen and summer kitchen (which was used during hot weather months to keep heat from cooking away from the main house) on the first floor.
The home was sold after Smith had lived there 46 years. She died at the age of 70 while staying with a friend in Milwaukee.
Repairing the grout blocks is only one item to be restored on this jewel from early Ripon.
Porches will be stabilized and updated; window glazing repaired; roofing cornice and steel flashing replaced; repairing plus sealing and painting windowsills; tuckpointing and in some areas rebuilding two chimneys.
“The cost for the Pedrick-Lawson House restoration project will be $34,000,” Ripon Historical Society Administrator Steve Arbaugh said. “We’ve challenged everyone to donate $100 each toward the restoration cost and if the society can raise $20,000, it will provide the remaining amount of $14,000 needed to stabilize this unique grout building.
He added “this is not just a house, it’s Ripon’s home and we want to preserve it for the future.”
The public may walk around the Pedrick-Lawson house to take a look at the home’s exterior.
There also is a garden behind the house with native plantings that people can view and enjoy.
The home’s interior exhibits were updated by Ripon College interns this last summer.
Open to the public for touring quite a few times afterward, there will be additional open houses scheduled this fall for people to see the interior and get to know the home in-person.
To make donations to restore and save this early Ripon home, visit and click on “donate now” or send a check to 508 Watson St., Ripon, WI 54971.
In addition to the Pedrick home, the Ripon Historical Society museum and headquarters are located at 508 Watson St. and are open Fridays and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and by appointment.
For more information follow us at Facebook/riponhistory or
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