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Partly cloudy skies. Low 51F. Winds ESE at 10 to 15 mph..
Partly cloudy skies. Low 51F. Winds ESE at 10 to 15 mph.
Updated: September 1, 2022 @ 6:23 pm
The Town of Taos Council and Taos County Board of Commissioners met on Aug. 25 to discuss relevant topics pertaining to recycling, short-term rentals and property transfers. A group of West-Mesa-area residents also showed up to speak against current county building codes.
Mesa residents decry county codes
During the public comments, residents from the west side of the Rio Grande Gorge showed up to express their opposition to the proposed Liveable Environment Ordinance, which was discussed by the county commission on July 5. They said the ordinance would prohibit the building of certain off-grid housing units.
Multiple members of the public suggested a change in the building code, and imposing a moratorium on code enforcement until the problem of affordable housing is solved.
The idea of an “owner-builder op-out ordinance” was also brought up by multiple members of the public, suggesting that landowners who choose to build on their property not be subject to code inspections. Resident Bethany Coambs referenced a similar ordinance that was passed in Cochise County, Ariz.
Short term rentals
While the town has limited the number of short-term rentals to 120, Senior Planner Dinah Gonzales said there were approximately 138 total rentals within town limits, and many of them not in compliance.
“[The program] shows that we have 138 short-term rentals in the town of Taos, according to our records, but we have 76 with permits in compliance… That means that 62 are not in compliance,” Gonzales said.
She said short-term rental owners have also found a loophole in the ordinance: “We have a provision in there that anything less than 30 days [is illegal]. So a lot of people started renting 31 days and more,” she explained.
“We’re taking this very seriously,” said Mayor Pascual Maestas.
The county commission was without a quorum, with only two of the five commissioners present (Darlene Vigil and AnJanette Brush) — and thus could not make any decision on the issue.
Recycling available at transfer station
Taos County Manager Brent Jaramillo said the Los Cordovas transfer station in Ranchos de Taos (184 Los Cordovas Rd) would start taking cardboard, aluminum and mixed paper products beginning Aug. 30.
“The county is looking to open the Los Cordovas transfer station next Tuesday and next Thursday, accepting cardboard, aluminum and mixed paper,” said Jaramillo during the meeting. He said the station will be open Tuesdays and Thursdays.
“We’re still committed to the recycling center opening in January, 2023 — but as a short-term solution for our town residents, having the option to recycle articles at the transfer station,” added Maestas.
The town and county discussed appointments to the Joint Recycling Advisory Board, which will consist of 11 members to help guide policy decisions regarding the future of recycling.
While the county could not appoint members due to the lack of a quorum, each member of the town council and the mayor made appointments. Herbert Foster, Miles Bonny, Terry Timme and Amy Mesa were all appointed by town councilors.
For a full roundup of the meeting, visit taosnews.com.
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