January 23, 2025


CHARLOTTE – Veronica Southerland and 18 nurses announce their newest project, “A Nurse’s Journey To Entrepreneurship.” 
The book is a culmination of decades of work within the nursing industry – from growing up with dreams of nursing to overcoming adversities such as racial disparities, teen pregnancies and language barriers to see their childhood dreams become a reality. 
In January, these 18 nurses joined Southerland for a six-month intensive business builder program. Throughout this program, these nurses learned high-level business practices plus day-to-day growth tactics. They each are now healthcare business owners in states across the country.
“Creating a business-focused mentorship program for nurses is easy for me, almost a no-brainer,” Southerland said. “I’m a serial entrepreneur with quite a few successful businesses in my portfolio. But to me, that doesn’t mean much if I’m not teaching my fellow nurses who want options in addition to their bedside role. I’ve learned a lot of lessons in my decades of being in business. My calling is to pour out all I’ve learned.”
Each nurse wrote their own story and allowed it to be woven into the fabric of the story of entrepreneurship.
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