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Source: Kelly White O’Neill for Boys & Girls Clubs of Mid Central Coast
Boys & Girls Clubs of Mid Central Coast (BGCMCC) has started the Stollmeyer Challenge during back-to-school season.
Rick Stollmeyer sees the growth of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Mid Central Coast as so vital to helping local kids succeed that he has agreed to match all donations, dollar for dollar, up to $300,000 in 2022.
Stollmeyer is passionate about the importance of exposure to STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) for youth to be successful in post-secondary education, and the workforce.
The challenge is designed to motivate current and potential donors to Boys & Girls Clubs of Mid Central Coast to continue or increase their giving to be part of the donation opportunity.
As founder of Mindbody, a leader in cloud-based service platforms for the wellness industry; a Naval Academy graduate; and a former submarine officer, Stollmeyer appreciates the value of technological learning.
He understands that the nationally recognized, high-quality programming happening daily at the local Boys & Girls Clubs is the activity kids need to supplement their in-school opportunities.
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Investing an additional $300,000 to what current donors contribute will further improve the clubs’ abilities to serve more kids at a higher level.
The funding will also help establish the Stollmeyer Boys & Girls Club scholarship with specific criteria for club members who want to attend Cuesta or Hancock community colleges.
The clubs will continue to develop well-rounded programs to expose youth to STEAM activities in combination with exposure to career pathways, college visits, and mentors, all ensuring local kids can meet their full potential.
BGCMCC is committed to closing the opportunity gap in science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics with innovative and creative programs, activity ideas and resources for clubs and the youth they serve.
Out-of-school learning environments provide opportunities to advance STEAM knowledge and increase interest in STEAM-related careers.
Those interested in committing a donation to be matched through the Stollmeyer Challenge are encouraged to donate online at www.centralcoastkids.org/stollmeyer-challenge or call 805-922-7163 for information on other donation options.
Founded in 1966, Boys & Girls Clubs of Mid Central Coast provides after-school tutoring, mentoring, and access to healthy activities for kids ages 6-18. BGCMCC has 22 club sites in Atascadero, Creston, Guadalupe, Paso Robles, San Luis Obispo, Santa Maria and Shandon.
For more about BGCMCC, call Kelly White O’Neill, 805-354-7433 or via email at [email protected] or visit centralcoastkids.org.
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