January 22, 2025

ENTREPRENEUR UNIVERSE BRIGHT GROUP (“EUBG” or the “Company”) (OTCBB: EUBG), a digital marketing consulting company, announced its unaudited financial results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2022.
Mr. Guolin Tao, CEO of Entrepreneur Universe Bright Group commented, “Due to the government measures taken to contain COVID-19, the offline activities of the Company’s PRC subsidiary were restricted from late January to May 2020, resulting in cancellations or postponements of the marketing efforts of our customers. Specifically, as a result of government mandated closures of non-essential business in China, many of the Company’s customers’ business were suspended while others permanently closed their businesses. From December 22, 2021 to January 24, 2022Xi’an city, the PRC, went into lockdown following a coronavirus outbreak that officials attributed to the delta variant. From April 16, 2022 to April 19, 2022, the city was under temporary controls of social activities after reporting more than 40 infections in half month. This affected both the Company’s digital marketing consulting services and our KOL Training Related Services.”
Second Quarter 2022 Unaudited Financial Results

Revenue and cost of revenue: During the three months ended June 30, 2022, we generated revenue of $840,868 compared to $873,084 for the three months ended June 30, 2021, representing a decrease of $32,216 or 3.7% as compared with the prior period. For the three months ended June 30, 2022, our revenue from consultancy services and sourcing and marketing services were $680,606 and $160,262, respectively; while revenue for the three months ended June 30, 2021 was wholly generated from our consultancy services. Cost of revenue was $113,332 for the three months ended June 30, 2022 compared to $199,451 for the three months ended June 30, 2021. The decrease of cost of revenue for the three months ended June 30, 2022 was mainly due to our senior management no longer directly involved in performing the services but focused on management work. Therefore, less direct senior management costs were incurred in the consultancy services and souring and marketing service.
Selling expenses: During the three months ended June 30, 2022, we incurred $8,319 selling expenses compared to $85,760 for the three months ended June 30, 2021, representing a decrease of $77,441 or 90.3% as compared with the prior period. The decrease of selling expenses was mainly due to the tightening of entertainment policies during the period and the staff costs incurred in selling activities were dropped by $42,974 or 90.5% for the three months ended June 30, 2022.
General and administrative expenses: During the three months ended June 30, 2022, we incurred $331,385 general and administrative expenses compared to $351,935 for the three months ended June 30, 2021, representing a decrease of $20,550 or 5.8% as compared with the prior period. The slight decrease for the three months ended June 30, 2022 was mainly due to less audit fees and professional fees charged by the professional parties. Our general and administrative expenses consisted mainly of audit fees, professional fees, payroll expenses and consultancy fees.
Total other income, net: During the three months ended June 30, 2022, we generated net other income of $58,099 compared to $32,392 for the three months ended June 30, 2021, representing an increase of $25,707 or 79.4% as compared with the prior period. Our other income mainly consisted of bank interest income, exchange rate differences and certain sundry incomes.
Income tax expense: During the three months ended June 30, 2022, we incurred income tax expense of $180,081 compared to $146,289 for the three months ended June 30, 2021, representing an increase of $33,792 or 23.1% as compared with the prior period. The income tax expenses were charged in China.
For the three months ended June 30, 2022, our income tax expenses comprised of current tax and deferred tax expenses of $131,409 and $48,672, respectively, compared to $122,745 and $23,544 for the three months ended June 30, 2021.
Net income: As a result of the above, we generated a net income of $265,850 and $122,041 for the three months ended June 30, 2022 and 2021, respectively, representing an increase of $ 143,809 or 117.8% as compared with the prior period.
Cash and cash equivalents. As of June 30, 2022 and December 31, 2021$7.64 million and $7.65 million of the Company’s cash and cash equivalents, respectively were held at financial institutions located in the PRC and Hong Kong that management believes to be of high credit quality.
Six Months Ended June 30, 2022 Unaudited Financial Results

Revenue and cost of revenue: During the six months ended June 30, 2022, we generated revenue of $2,049,872 compared to $2,856,944 for the six months ended June 30, 2021, representing a decrease of $807,072 or 28.2% as compared with the prior period. The decrease was mainly due to our consultancy services income, generated from clients who engaged in online courses business, dropped by $1,950,347 as compared with last period. This was because the end customers became more patient and cautious in choosing online courses. We continued to seek for different business opportunities to stabilize our income streams. During the six months ended June 30, 2022, we generated $272,962 from our new digital training related services and $576,582 from our consultancy services to a customer who engaged in live streaming business. However, these new income streams only compensated a part of the revenue reduction in current period. As of the date of this filing, the digital training related services with Jade Bird remain suspended. Therefore, we expected the new revenue will not be available to compensate the revenue reduction until further notice. Cost of revenue was $425,811 for the six months ended June 30, 2022 compared to $418,772 for the six months ended June 30, 2021. For the six months ended June 30, 2022, the cost of revenue mainly represented the staff costs for our consulting services and the agency fees for our digital training related services.
Selling expenses: During the six months ended June 30, 2022, we incurred $24,914 selling expenses compared to $170,014 for the six months ended June 30, 2021, representing a decrease of $145,100 or 85.3% as compared with the prior period. The decrease of selling expenses was mainly due to the tightening of entertainment policies during the period and the staff costs incurred in selling activities were dropped by $70,200 or 80.0% for the six months ended June 30, 2022.
General and administrative expenses: During the six months ended June 30, 2022, we incurred $642,673 general and administrative expenses compared to $579,301 for the six months ended June 30, 2021, representing an increase of $63,372 or 10.9% as compared with the prior period. The increase for the six months ended June 30, 2022 was mainly due certain senior management no longer directly involved in performing the services but focused on management work. Therefore, more senior management costs were incurred during the period. Our general and administrative expenses consisted mainly of audit fees, professional fees, payroll expenses and consultancy fees.
Total other income, net: During the six months ended June 30, 2022, we generated net other income of $159,921 compared to $70,094 for the six months ended June 30, 2021, representing an increase of $89,827 or 128.2% as compared with the prior period. Our other income mainly consisted of bank interest income, exchange rate differences and certain sundry incomes.
Income tax expense: During the six months ended June 30, 2022, we incurred income tax expense of $459,372 compared to $670,274 for the six months ended June 30, 2021, representing a decrease of $210,902 or 31.5% as compared with the prior period. The income tax expenses were charged in China.
For the six months ended June 30, 2022, our income tax expenses comprised of current tax and deferred tax expenses of $335,479 and $123,893, respectively, compared to $521,510 and $148,764 for the six months ended June 30, 2021. The decrease of the current tax and deferred tax was mainly aligned with the reduction of revenue and gross profit during the period.
Net income: As a result of the above, we generated a net income of $657,023 and $1,088,677 for the six months ended June 30, 2022 and 2021, respectively.
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