February 23, 2025

She Built This founder Emily Aborn, center left, mingles with local business owners ahead of the event’s Thursday evening panel at the Lakeport Opera House. (Catherine McLaughlin/The Laconia Daily Sun photo)
From left, panelists Jodie Gallant, Emily Aborn, Kelly Chapman, Karen Bassett and Karen Kenney fielded questions about their business strategies, work-life balance and definitions of success. (Catherine McLaughlin/The Laconia Daily Sun photo)
The She Built This — Lakes Region event drew female entrepreneurs from across the Lakes Region and New England. (Catherine McLaughlin/The Laconia Daily Sun photo)
First time attendees and new entrepreneurs Lena Moser, left, and Kara Sarantis came to the event anxious to make new connections and build a network of peers. (Catherine McLaughlin/The Laconia Daily Sun photo)
Longtime She Built This members Sandy Demarast and Emily Otterman, left, advised newcomers to get involved. “You get out what you put in,” Otterman said. (Catherine McLaughlin/The Laconia Daily Sun photo)

She Built This founder Emily Aborn, center left, mingles with local business owners ahead of the event’s Thursday evening panel at the Lakeport Opera House. (Catherine McLaughlin/The Laconia Daily Sun photo)
From left, panelists Jodie Gallant, Emily Aborn, Kelly Chapman, Karen Bassett and Karen Kenney fielded questions about their business strategies, work-life balance and definitions of success. (Catherine McLaughlin/The Laconia Daily Sun photo)
The She Built This — Lakes Region event drew female entrepreneurs from across the Lakes Region and New England. (Catherine McLaughlin/The Laconia Daily Sun photo)
First time attendees and new entrepreneurs Lena Moser, left, and Kara Sarantis came to the event anxious to make new connections and build a network of peers. (Catherine McLaughlin/The Laconia Daily Sun photo)
Longtime She Built This members Sandy Demarast and Emily Otterman, left, advised newcomers to get involved. “You get out what you put in,” Otterman said. (Catherine McLaughlin/The Laconia Daily Sun photo)
LACONIA — Female entrepreneurs from across the Lakes Region and New England convened at the Lakeport Opera House to build connections and community on Thursday.
The event was hosted by She Built This, a female professional networking and support group founded by New Hampshire content writer and consultant Emily Aborn in 2019. More than 100 women were welcomed to mingle, enjoy local catering and question a panel of regionally-based female entrepreneurs. 
Panelists included Aborn, fellow event organizer Jodie Gallant, Burrito Me and Wayfarer Coffee Roasters co-owner Karen Bassett, Meredith Whole Living Center founder Kelly Chapman, and spiritual mentor, podcaster, author and yoga teacher Karen Kenney. 
Panelists were asked to share about how and when they knew they wanted to be an entrepreneur, how they navigate challenges with staff, what success means to them, how they process criticism, what “life preservers” they reach for when “drowning” with stress, how they know which risks to take and how they balance personal and professional needs.
Aborn discussed her lifelong dream of becoming an entrepreneur, and how obstacles in a previous business led her to the lightbulb idea to found She Built This.
For Aborn, feelings of success come through developing gratitude habits. 
“Success is being happy now, where you are,” Aborn said. 
Chapman described how leaving her previous work without knowing what she would do next as a leap of faith in herself.
“I just knew that what I was doing was not what I was supposed to do. And if I trusted my path, I would find the next step,” Chapman said. 
Like Chapman, Kenney said it was a lifelong knack for following her curiosity that led her to spiritual mentoring.
“I think some people are natural-born entrepreneurs,” Kenney said. “That was not me. If you would’ve told me — Lawrence, Massachusetts kid — if you would have told me that I was going to become a spiritual mentor? I would’ve laughed in your face… 
“But I just followed the zigzag path,” Kenney said. 
Bassett, a Seattle native, discussed the vision the city of Laconia sparked in her and her husband, and how their network of restaurants built over time. Bassett also shared that her ability to balance parenting and work responsibilities came from an openness to ask for help. 
Gallant shared how being an entrepreneur had given her the power to create space for family, but it took time for her to learn to prioritize that. 
“You don’t have to accomplish all the big goals right now, when your kids need you, and you can be present,” Gallant said. “What’s the rush? I just wish I had learned it’s not a rush. Put the work aside and just be with them … the work will still be there.” 
The event drew both long-time affiliates of She Built This and newcomers. Many in attendance had recently started their own business or stepped into a new entrepreneurial professional role.
Many attendees were connected with the organization through word of mouth, whether by friends, family or colleagues. Others, especially those new to entrepreneurship, discovered the event online. 
“I just want to be around people like this,” said Kelly Dyer-Rawlings, who has been involved with She Built This for more than two years. 
Lorraine Connell, who found the organization through Dyer-Rawlings, said her goal in joining had been “to make as many connections as possible,” but that she also benefited from the structure and inspiration that its community and resources provided. 
“I had just been saying that I feel like I don’t know many women entrepreneurs,” said life coach Lena Moser. “And [a female colleague said], ‘I can’t believe you don’t know about this organization.’”
Business coach Sandy Demarast and artist Emily Otterman have been connected to She Built This for years.
“[The organizers are] so good at involving people with humor, inclusion and entrepreneurial smarts,” Otterman said. 
Demarast said She Built This membership through the years had given her both tools and connections toward furthering her career.
Otterman emphasized wordsmith and branding support she received, helping her to “perfect the pitch.” 
The group’s veterans advised young entrepreneurs to invest in female networks such as those accessible through She Built This.
“Don’t be afraid to make yourself known,” Otterman said. “You can feel so alone as an entrepreneur,” and She Built This brought her feelings of solidarity and support. 
Demarast emphasized that at all stages of a woman’s career and life, a network of female peers “can build you up.”
Blogger and influencer Ashely Annese said she stumbled across the event on Google just the day before, and hadn’t been sure what to expect.
“I was just looking for groups with similar interests as me,” Annese said. “I really came with an open mind.” 
Photographer Caitlin Wall went to her first She Built This event over the summer, but said she had already gained confidence and inspiration. 
“When you have your own business, it can be discouraging,” Wall said. “But here you can see what’s possible for other women with similar businesses. When you see what they’re doing, it can be really encouraging.”
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