Four savvy, ambitious, and eager students explored the world of entrepreneurship and started their own businesses through Enterprise Renfrew County’s (ERC) Summer Company program in 2022.
ERC congratulates Calla Chantrell of KayakHER Private Kayak Lessons in Palmer Rapids, Evelyn Nickerson of Ehvealen Mixed Media Art and Apparel in Barry’s Bay, Jayden Collier of Collier Lawn Care in Calabogie, and Noah Pritchard of Quality Lawn Care by Noah in Arnprior. ERC said in a press release that all four students successfully completed training, launched their businesses, and earned grant awards.
The Summer Company Program is a unique opportunity for students aged 15 to 29 to create their own business and become their own boss. Summer Company helps students learn what it takes to be an entrepreneur and provides funding to get started. Students receive an initial financial award of up to $1,500 to start up their business after completion of the training program, and up to an additional $1,500 in financial support upon successfully operating their business for the summer.
Chantrell encourages other students to take part in the program next summer.
“If you’re doubting it, go for it,” Chantrell said.
It’s a challenge and it’s worth it, Nickerson added.
To future program participants Collier recommends keeping everything organized from the start while Pritchard said to be sure to offer quality workmanship and service in order to earn customer loyalty.
Summer Company is delivered by Enterprise Renfrew County on behalf of the Province of Ontario. Interested students are encouraged to reach out for information and apply at the earliest opportunity. The application deadline is May 2023.
For more information call Enterprise Renfrew County or visit www.enterpriserenfrewcounty.com.
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