January 22, 2025

Mükellef, a Turkish fintech company, is helping entrepreneurs set up and run businesses online through a range of services that help ease the usually complex process.
The online platform allows entrepreneurs to establish companies and manage all their financial processes in Turkey, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany as well as other European Union countries through Estonia.
The company, which operates abroad through the Workhy brand it launched in June, has helped start more than 3,000 online companies in the first half of the year, spearheaded by the demand for the e-commerce industry.
The data showed most companies launched in Turkey from January through June were formed in the e-commerce, delivery, software, advertisement and consultancy sectors.
E-commerce also topped the list when it comes to the U.S., the U.K., Estonia and Germany, in addition to designers and software developers working as freelancers.

Almost half of the company launchers consisted of those in the age group of 18-25, followed by a 25-35 group with 32% and a 35-45 age group with 11%, the data showed.
Most of the companies in Turkey were setup in Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Bursa, Antalya, Konya, Adana, Kocaeli, Gaziantep and Eskişehir.
Mükellef and Workhy founder Okan Şafak pointed to the ever-growing trend of launching an online company in the rapidly digitalizing environment.
“Applications that enable users to manage everything from a single platform and help save time are attracting a lot of attention today. Starting with the establishment of a company, we are providing one-stop access by digitizing all the financial processes that an individual entrepreneur may need,” Şafak said.
Mükellef has mediated a setup of more than 13,000 online companies operating in 320 areas of activity in the three-year period since its establishment.
“Although we are receiving high demand from the e-commerce, delivery and software sectors, we have also helped established companies for entrepreneurs from many independent sectors, from bird food production, tattoo design and biochemistry to musical instrument production and carpet cleaning. We expect this interest to increase exponentially in the coming period,” Şafak said.
Six new markets in focus
Speaking of the goals for this year, he said they have further accelerated their work in foreign markets with the recent launch of Workhy.
“We aim to meet the needs of entrepreneurs from A to Z in more than 140 countries. We plan to expand to Canada, the Netherlands, Hungary, Montenegro, Malta and Singapore by the end of the year and provide financial solutions to thousands of companies as well as organizations globally.”

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