ELIGIBLE Americans in West Virginia will get relief checks worth up to $465 starting next week.
The West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources said a supplemental payment will be available for residents who were part of the Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) in 2022.
Eligibility will be based on income, type of heating payment, and total heating costs.
Depending on the amount of assistance that was required using the LIEAP program in West Virginia in 2022 eligible recipients are set to receive between $25 to $465.
However, the method of obtaining that payment will depend on how you specifically used LIEAP.
The state's department of health and human resources explained the payment will be paid to the utility provider or a check will be sent to people who received LIEAP for bulk fuel.
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Millions of Americans to get $750 checks
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has announced it will automatically waive late-filing penalties for 1.6million taxpayers.
Additionally, the agency will issue over $1.2billion in refunds or credits to taxpayers who paid the fees.
This means that the average refund will amount to $750 per taxpayer.
The announcement came on the heels of struggling taxpayers still impacted by the pandemic.
Tax rebate for New Jersey residents
The New Jersey Division of Taxation revealed that residents in the Garden State would be sent Middle-Class Tax Rebates from July 2.
Checks are being mailed to those who filed a 2020 Income Tax return and are claiming at least one dependent with a balance of $1 or more.
The maximum rebate residents can receive is $500.
Officials estimated that it will take six weeks for all checks to be mailed and processed.
Gas companies may face taxes on higher profits
“At $120 per barrel of oil, the levy would raise approximately $45billion per year,” Khanna told USA Today.
“At that price, single filers would receive approximately $240 each year and joint filers would receive roughly $360 each year.”
“If they avoid the tax, that’s less relief for the American public, but that means that their price will come down.”
However, Khanna said that the Democratic pair hasn’t gotten Republican representatives on board yet.
While this proposal may not succeed in Congress, the White House is considering imposing a windfall tax on oil and gas companies, per Reuters.
Many major oil producers have enjoyed record-high profits this year as gasoline prices soared.
Gas relief proposed for Americans
Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse and Representative Ro Khanna have proposed a bill known as the Big Oil Windfall Profits Tax.
In the proposal, gas relief payments would be sent to lower-income Americans.
The funding would come from levying a per-barrel tax on major oil companies “equal to 50 percent of the difference between the current price of a barrel of oil and the pre-pandemic average price per barrel between 2015 and 2019,” a brief of the bill says according to Yahoo Finance.
The Community Affordable Loan Solution, continued
The program requires no mortgage insurance or minimum credit score and individual eligibility is based on income and home location.
This new relief adds to the $15billion Community Homeownership Commitment™ from Bank of America.
That program offers affordable mortgages, grants, and education to 60,000 individuals and families in an effort to assist the potential purchases of homes by 2025.
According to the statement, Bank of America has already provided over $9.5billion in down payment loans and over $350million in non-repayable down payments and closing cost grants.
The Community Affordable Loan Solution
Millions of first-time buyers can purchase a home with zero money down thanks to a program from Bank of America.
The Community Affordable Loan Solution aims to help eligible individuals and families obtain an affordable loan to purchase their first home.
The program uses credit guidelines based on specific factors like timely rent, utility bills, and phone and auto insurance payments.
Certain states have started mailing out tax rebates or stimulus payments to residents.
In an attempt to combat inflation many states are receiving supplemental tax rebates and stimulus payments.
Residents in 18 of 50 states are receiving payments and rebates for inflation, frontline work, property tax, and more in the coming months.
Everything you need to know about tax rebates
Simply, rebates are payments sent to Americans who have overpaid in taxes.
For example, there are several states this year that are returning money to taxpayers thanks to big-budget surpluses.
Most of these rebates are intended to help offset high inflation for consumers.
Why are stimulus checks delayed?
An estimated 10million Americans had not received a stimulus check that they were entitled to, a March report found.
The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration conducted the report, revealing several factors as to why payments may be delayed.
The report by TIGTA said that manually verifying the stimulus claims and debit card policies has delayed the payments for as many as 10million people.
How are stimulus checks received?
Most people received their stimulus checks by check or direct deposit.
Others received them in the form of prepaid debit cards, and some mistook these cards as junk mail and regrettably threw them out.
If you missed out on your payments, you can go to GetYourRefund.org to claim the funds.
Amount of stimulus checks issued
The IRS said it issued $931billion worth of federal stimulus checks in 2020 and 2021.
For comparison, the IRS sent less than $200billion in stimulus money to Americans between 2001 and 2019.
Alaskans to get $3,200 checks, continued
The $3,200 payment includes two separate checks rolled into one.
The first is a $2,550 payment from Alaska’s Permanent Fund, which pays a dividend of Alaska’s oil wealth to residents every year.
This year’s payout is the highest dividend the Permanent Fund has disbursed since its creation in 1982, according to state data.
Dividend amounts have only exceeded $2,000 twice before, in 2015 and 2008.
Residents will also get a one-time $650 energy relief payment for a total of $3,200 per person.
Alaskans to get $3,200 checks
The first batch of this year’s annual dividend checks in Alaska went out on September 20.
Governor Mike Dunleavy approved the historic $3,200 payment amount in June, and cash is coming earlier than usual this year.
Paper checks will be sent out from October 3
How much are federal child tax credits in 2022?
Families may be eligible for up to $2,000 in support, depending on income level.
The 2022 child tax credits are a return to pre-Covid levels.
Although Congress did not extend the boosted payments provided by the American Rescue Act, families may still claim the credit on their tax returns.
Who qualifies for federal child tax credits in 2022?
For 2022, families may claim up to $2,000 per child under age 17 as a child tax credit.
Married couples who earn up to $400,000 will qualify.
For singles and those who file as head of household, the income threshold is $200,000.
The Sun has a detailed list of the child tax credit programs in each state.
Hot checks for heat waves, continued
The program comes with a slew of eligibility requirements.
The household income requirements for the program are as followed:
For each additional family member, the limit to qualify is an additional $9,440 in income.
Some Cool LA offerings also require customers to be current participants in the EZ-SAVE, Senior Citizen/Disability Lifeline, Physician Certified Allowance Discount or the Life-Support Equipment Discount.
Eligible participants can apply on the LADWP site.
Hot checks for heat waves
After a series of brutal heat waves, LA residents are getting checks to help them combat high temperatures in the future.
The initiative, Cool LA, aims to help low-income residents secure more affordable AC units.
Every qualifying LA resident will receive a rebate of up to $225 for the purchase of select air conditioning units through the LADWP Marketplace.
There is a limit of two units per resident.
Which state spent the most on stimulus checks?
Citizens across the country received financial aid over the last two years through direct payments.
These "state stimulus checks" helped residents make ends meet at the height of the pandemic, and during the historic inflation that followed.
Of all the states, Maine shelled out the most money to residents with checks going out for amounts between $850 and $1,700.
The payments depended on income and filing status, according to Yahoo Finance.
Emergency SNAP allotments to continue
Recipients of Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits will continue to receive the maximum amount in Hawaii.
Governor David Ige extended the federal program for two more months to help struggling residents, KHON2 reported.
Emergency allotments will continue through November 18.
St. Paul Minnesota to expand guaranteed income
The city of St. Paul, Minnesota is expanding its experimental guaranteed income program, reports the Pioneer Press.
The People’s Prosperity Guaranteed Income Pilot was launched in November of 2020, with the help of $300,000 in federal coronavirus relief grants and $1.2 million from donors.
$150 families got $150 per month for a year and a half.
Now, 333 families with young kids will get $500 per month for two years.
Newark expands UBI pilot program
Thanks to Newark, New Jersey expanding its guaranteed income pilot program, 400 residents will now get payments for two years.
The payments totaling $12,000 over two years will be given out in two ways.
Half of those participating in the program will get $250 on a biweekly basis, while the remaining 50 percent will get two payments of $3,000 each year, according to a statement by the city.
The residents in the program were selected after applying via an online portal, which was done in partnership with the University of Pennsylvania’s Center for Guaranteed Income Research.
The residents were selected based on the following requirements:
Organizations advocate for UBI
The Gerald Huff Fund For Humanity, an organization that funds Universal Basic Income projects in San Francisco took to Twitter to advocate for their cause.
The organization clarified that stimulus checks are not equivalent to UBI and that they don’t hold the power of being “consistent, month after month” payments.
The account also claimed that UBI “empowers people to plan, to invest, to grow, to pursue happiness.”
46 cities and states offer universal basic income payments
UBI is a set of recurring payments that individuals get from the government.
They can be paid monthly, several times a year, or just once annually.
Funding for guaranteed income can come from government or private sources.
While it’s unlikely another stimulus package will get passed on the federal level, some states and cities are sending UBI payments or guaranteed income to their citizens.
The Sun rounded up more than 40 different examples of UBI, including in states like Alaska, Arizona, and Georgia.
How homeowners can get relief
The National Council of State Housing Agencies has set up an interactive map to help you find your state or US territory and what kind of housing relief is being offered.
As one example, under California’s plan, eligible homeowners can receive up to $80,000.
According to the White House, at least 60 percent of the federal funds must be used on “low-income” homeowners.
Homeowner $10billion stimulus program
A $10billion homeowner assistance fund has been set up under the American Rescue Act to help struggling families across the country who are behind on their mortgages.
A recent report from the White House revealed that 44 states and territories have made their programs available to applicants.
The Treasury Department has approved all but two plans submitted by states.
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