February 23, 2025

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The DWS Americas website is published in the United States for investors or institutions who are residents of the United States. Investors or institutions outside of the United States are subject to securities and tax regulations within their applicable jurisdictions that are not addressed on this website.
The information on this website should not be construed as an offer or solicitation of securities or services or an endorsement thereof in any jurisdiction or in any circumstance that is otherwise unlawful or not authorized. The information contained on this website is not intended as investment, accounting, tax or legal advice, but to the extent may be deemed to be a financial promotion under non-U.S. jurisdictions, is provided for use by professional investors only and not for onward distribution to, or to be relied upon by, retail investors. Products and services may be provided in various countries by the subsidiaries and joint ventures of DWS.
Nothing contained herein is fiduciary or impartial investment advice that is individualized or directed to any plan, plan participant, or IRA owner regarding the advisability of any investment transaction, including any IRA distribution or rollover.
The brand DWS represents DWS Group GmbH & Co. KGaA and any of its subsidiaries, such as DWS Distributors, Inc., which offers investment products, or DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. and RREEF America L.L.C., which offer advisory services.
R-070495-2 (2/23)
The DWS Americas website is published in the United States for investors or institutions who are residents of the United States. Investors or institutions outside of the United States are subject to securities and tax regulations within their applicable jurisdictions that are not addressed on this website.
The information on this website should not be construed as an offer or solicitation of securities or services or an endorsement thereof in any jurisdiction or in any circumstance that is otherwise unlawful or not authorized. The information contained on this website is not intended as investment, accounting, tax or legal advice, but to the extent may be deemed to be a financial promotion under non-U.S. jurisdictions, is provided for use by professional investors only and not for onward distribution to, or to be relied upon by, retail investors. Products and services may be provided in various countries by the subsidiaries and joint ventures of DWS.
Nothing contained herein is fiduciary or impartial investment advice that is individualized or directed to any plan, plan participant, or IRA owner regarding the advisability of any investment transaction, including any IRA distribution or rollover.
The brand DWS represents DWS Group GmbH & Co. KGaA and any of its subsidiaries, such as DWS Distributors, Inc., which offers investment products, or DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. and RREEF America L.L.C., which offer advisory services.
R-070495-1 (9/20)
The DWS Americas website is published in the United States for institutional investors who are residents of the United States. Institutional investors outside of the United States are subject to securities and tax regulations within their applicable jurisdictions that are not addressed on this website.
The information on this website should not be construed as an offer or solicitation of securities or services or an endorsement thereof in any jurisdiction or in any circumstance that is otherwise unlawful or not authorized. The information contained on this website is not intended as investment, accounting, tax or legal advice, but to the extent it may be deemed to be a financial promotion under non-U.S. jurisdictions, it is provided for use by professional investors only and not for onward distribution to, or to be relied upon by, retail investors. Products and services may be provided in various countries by the subsidiaries and joint ventures of DWS.
Nothing contained herein is fiduciary or impartial investment advice that is individualized or directed to any plan, plan participant, or IRA owner regarding the advisability of any investment transaction, including any IRA distribution or rollover.
The brand DWS represents DWS Group GmbH & Co. KGaA and any of its subsidiaries, such as DWS Distributors, Inc., which offers investment products, or DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. and RREEF America L.L.C., which offer advisory services.
R-070497-2 (3/21)
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