LAWRENCE, Kan. (WIBW) – The latest data including population distribution, voter registration and party affiliation, among other topics like agriculture and education in Kansas are available through the newest edition of the Kansas Statistical Abstract.
The University of Kansas says the newest edition of the Kansas Statistical Abstract is available as of Friday, Sept. 2, on the Institute for Policy & Social Research website.
KU noted that the rich resource is a wealth of information about the Sunflower State on a variety of topics which range from agriculture to transportation.
“Communities can be overwhelmed with data from federal, state and private sources. Often it is difficult to locate reliable data needed for grant applications and local decision-making. The KSA aims to relieve this burden by offering a comprehensive data resource for Kansas communities,” said Xan Wedel, senior research data engineer at IPSR.
Ahead of the November 2022 elections, KU indicated that the newest edition also includes maps of the new U.S. congressional districts, as well as Kansas Senate, House and Board of Education districts. It said the publication also includes information about government and political engagement – including a map of voter participation rates in the U.S. by the state in November 2020.
KU noted that one table even shows voter registration and party affiliation by county in Kansas as of Nov. 1, 2021.
“The Kansas Statistical Abstract is a valuable resource for observing trends in Kansas agriculture, government and economic growth,” said Donna Ginther, director of IPSR. “I share the abstract with thought leaders to inform their understanding of the state.”
KU said the KSA includes several maps and tables which describe the population landscape. A map that shows the population of Kansas by region indicates how East Central Kansas – which includes Johnson Co. – has grown 0.26% over the past year, while all other regions lost population.
The map also shows that nearly 2 in 3 Kansans live in the eastern third of the state.
The University noted that a map that shows the population density in Kansas by county adds more detail – Johnson and Wyandotte counties are home to more than 1,000 people per square mile, while Greeley and Wallace counties in Western Kansas are home to fewer than 2 people per square mile.
“The 2020 Census showed dramatic changes in the Kansas population. The KSA reports Census data at the local level to show how Kansas population has shifted and changed over time,” Ginther said.
She said one map also shows how population within each Kansas county changed from 2020 to 2021.
KU noted that the KSA includes data in 16 categories published in 17 chapters: Sunflower State Summary; Agriculture; Banking and Finance; Business, Industry, and Exports; Climate; Communications and Information; Courts, Crime, and Public Safety; Education; Employment and Earnings; Energy and Natural Resources; Government; Housing and Construction; Income; Parks and Recreation; Population; Transportation; and Vital Statistics and Health.
Completely published online for free, KU said the KSA contains the latest available state, county and local data for Kansas on topics that range from education to business to manufacturing. It said users can access the document as a single PDF or downloadable tables, maps and graphs as separate files.
To access the 2022 KSA, click HERE.
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